
Marco on the side gestured a little anxiously and said: "Tashigi, this is not within the plan of our Luo Chen Pirates. If Captain Luo Chen knows about it, he will..."

"Marco, I will personally explain to Captain Luo Chen. I don't want to leave Dressrosa alone. Please help me." Tashigi responded very sincerely.

When Marco saw this, he sighed helplessly. What else could he do now that the matter had come to this? I have no choice but to follow Tashigi. As for the original plan, as long as the result does not change, Captain Luo Chen will not be angry! !

Because Marco knew that Tashigi would do it whether he stopped him or not, so Marco still chose to protect Tashigi first.

Marine Vice Admiral Smoker met a man blocking their way. Smoker looked at the man in front of him and warned: "Sabo, the second in command of the Revolutionary Army, do you really want to interfere with Marine's work??"

"Or are you saying that your revolutionary army has officially begun to declare war on us Marine??"

"Don't misunderstand Mr. Smoker Vice Admiral." Sabo held a steel pipe in his hand and said, "I blocked your way. I have nothing to do with the revolutionary army. This is purely my personal behavior."

"Then what is your purpose?" Smoker could not believe the words of the second-in-command of the revolutionary army, and asked: "Or, Monkey D. Luffy is the son of your leader, and your leader Long sent you here to do this. To protect his son?”

Sabo had no intention of hiding it, so he explained: "My troublesome brother is going to have a decisive battle with Doflamingo, and I don't want you Marines to clean him up."



"So that's it!" Smoker finally understood and said in shock: "I didn't expect that you two still have this kind of relationship. Straw Hat Luffy is your brother. If that's the case! Then you can't keep Straw Hat Luffy."

"Looks like we have to fight." Sabo was not afraid when he saw this. Since Marine was going to attack his brother, he, as the older brother, had to help him no matter what.

"White fist." Smoker directly launched the attack.

Sabo calmly responded to Smoker's surprise move, "Dragon Claw Hand."

After the confrontation, Smoker immediately fell into a disadvantage and was suppressed by Sabo. Smoker said with an unhappy expression: "As expected, he is worthy of being the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army."

"You're not bad either! Mr. Marine Vice Admiral." Sabo didn't try his best. He only had to hold Marine back from disturbing Luffy's battle.

If the Marine Vice Admiral is abolished here, then the two Admirals of Headquarters here in Dressrosa will definitely not sit idly by.

When the time comes to face two Admirals, that will be the real big trouble. Anyway, just hold off Marine no matter what.

And Smoker was no fool. As the battle continued, he also discovered that the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army was not using his full strength at all.

Smoker roared loudly: "Use all your strength, Laozi is the Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral Smoker."



"You guy." Sabo's expression also changed slightly and he said, "In that case! Then don't blame me."

After Sabo finished speaking, his face became serious, and his overall momentum became even higher.

Smoker immediately became alert and alert. The second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army looked young, but Smoker did not dare to underestimate him at all.

After all, how could a man who could become the second-in-command of the revolutionary army be an ordinary person? ?

Not far away, Koala, who was watching the battle secretly, was so depressed that he almost vomited blood. He muttered: "Damn Sabo, after coming to Dressrosa, he always acted without permission without considering the consequences. If something goes wrong, it depends on how you follow the dragon. Please explain, sir."

In fact, Koala understood that Sabo's actions at this moment, he said, were on behalf of himself, but others would not think so. They would basically think that the revolutionary army had declared war on Marine.

Otherwise, why would the dignified second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army start a fight with Marine? ?

Therefore, Koala is anxious to improve on this point. Now Dressrosa is blocked by Doflamingo's Birdcage, and even the phone bug cannot get through.

Then Koala couldn't contact the Revolutionary Army headquarters, so she could only watch the situation continue to deteriorate, and she was powerless because Koala's own strength was simply not enough to intervene in such a battlefield.



On the other side, Green Bull, who was drinking, said: "Our Marine soldiers just reported that Smoker encountered the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army, and a conflict has broken out, so you go or I go, and we will meet the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army for a while. The handle??”

"I'd better go ahead!" Fujitora smiled and stood up proactively. There are still too many confusing things about Dressrosa, and it is necessary to clarify.

Green Bull heard that Fujitora was going to attack, and Green Bull wanted it, so that he could relax and not have to run to fight.

Furthermore, Green Bull has seen the strength of the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army, and he is not an opponent that is so easy to defeat.

After getting up, Fujitora led more than a dozen Marine soldiers and headed to the battlefield where Smoker and the second-in-command of the revolutionary army were.

Although Fujitora has just arrived at Dressrosa, now that he has power, he must make some contributions to Dressrosa.

But in Fujitora’s view, the people of Dressrosa should at least be freed from their current predicament.

In addition, it is imperative for Fujitora to abolish the Seven Warlords of the Sea system. The Seven Warlords of the Sea organization itself is a deformed organization.

They are all using the title of Seven Warlords of the Sea to do illegal activities behind the scenes.

At this moment, the members of the Straw Hat Pirates have already faced off against the leaders of the Donquixote family.

On the roof of the palace, Doflamingo looked at Dressrosa, who was getting more and more messy, and frowned. If it continues to be destroyed like this, it will not be so easy to recover! !



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