Pirates: Inherit The Golden Lion Ability

Chapter 195 Vinsmoke Judge Regains Hope Amid Collapse


Franky responded seriously: "We have to have someone stay to stop the pursuit of the BIGMOM pirates, otherwise we will not be able to escape smoothly."

"Indeed! Think of a solution quickly! Luffy." Nami asked loudly while running away in fear.

Their current situation can be described as quite high-risk.

Finally, Straw Hat Luffy made up his mind and said: "Nami, you can leave first while I stay to intercept that guy, otherwise none of us will be able to escape."

"Luffy, I'll stay too." Zoro responded.

After all, among the entire Straw Hat Pirates, apart from Luffy, Zoro and Sanji are the only ones who can compete with the generals of the BIGMOM Pirates.

therefore! Only then did Zoro take the initiative to ask for instructions to stay and deal with the pursuit of the BIGMOM pirates.

Just when Luffy and Zoro are about to stay and intercept the enemy! !

Sanji also said: "I'll stay too! Otherwise, it will be very difficult for you two to stop the generals of the BIGMOM pirates."

"Yo Xi! Zoro, Sanji and the three of us are ready to face the enemy." Luffy said excitedly while clapping his fists.

To this! Nami, Robin, Usopp, they don't have any objections, after all, Luffy has decided so.

Katakuri, who was leading the pursuit, saw the three Straw Hat Pirates stopping and said with a frown, "That's it! Leave the three strongest people to intercept us so that the others can escape."



Cracker on the side suggested: "Brother Katakuri, I will leave the straw hat Luffy to you, and I will handle the one with the sword."

"Okay." Katakuri originally planned to arrange it this way. He and Cracker were the only generals in their pursuit team.

A few other people are enough to deal with that Vinsmoke Sanji. After all, there is a chaos at the venue and manpower is very much needed.

Cake Island Tea Party Venue.

A group of people from the Vinsmoke family are controlled by Perospero's Devil Fruit ability.

Vinsmoke Judge asked loudly to the aunt Charlotte Linlin who was still screaming like crazy: "Why? Aunt Charlotte Linlin, why did you attack me? Tell me, why!"

"Hehe~~" Perospero sneered and said: "Vinsmoke Judge, are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid? Can't you see the problem with this kind of thing??"

"Why are we attacking you? Of course we, the BIGMOM pirates, want to seize the entire power of Germa 66 from you."

"Damn it." Vinsmoke Judge was very unwilling at this moment, so unwilling that he couldn't help crying.

He has always dreamed of ruling the entire North Blue, and now it's like this? His dream was completely shattered.

The three Vinsmoke brothers, who have no emotion gene, have an indifferent attitude throughout the whole process, as if they don't feel anything if they are controlled by others.

In other words, Vinsmoke Reiju, who has the emotion gene, is in a state of fluctuation.



Vinsmoke Iji said expressionlessly: "It's a pity that our combat uniforms were handed in when we came in, otherwise we wouldn't be so passive."

"Indeed, haha!" Vinsmoke Niji laughed and responded.

Vinsmoke Yongji asked casually: "Father, all of this is your fault, which led to this scene happening!!"

Vinsmoke Judge did not answer his fourth son, but was still crying. The disillusionment of his dream made Vinsmoke Judge deeply hit.

Perospero looked at the Vinsmoke family and sneered: "Judge Vinsmoke, it seems that your sons are basically emotionless guys! You are really pathetic."

"You guys, have you given up hope of survival?" Sanji asked loudly as he ran over on Moonwalk.

The Vinsmoke family all turned to look at Sanji.

Vinsmoke Reiju whispered happily: "Sanji, you are still so flesh and blood!!"

Vinsmoke Judge doesn’t know why, but he feels so mocked at this moment. His three reformed sons are basically good at everything and have great talents, but they basically have zero affection for his father. This is not Vinsmoke Judge at all. want.

In fact, Sanji didn't want to come back to rescue them. After all, Sanji had no relationship with them for a long time! !

Perospero widened his eyes and asked in disbelief: "Vinsmoke Sanji, I didn't expect you to dare to come back? Then your death will come."



After Sanji forced Perospero back with all four legs, he took out five combat equipment and threw them on the table where Vinsmoke Reiju and the others were sitting.

"This! Sanji, you!" Vinsmoke Judge couldn't believe the scene he saw in front of him.

As for Sanji's three Vinsmoke brothers, they had an indifferent attitude throughout the whole process, as if they were dead or whatever.

Vinsmoke Reiju raised his mouth and smiled. At least Sanji still has feelings for his family! !

Sanji smoked a cigarette to suppress the anger in his heart, and said: "You guys, bring your own battle suit equipment and leave quickly! I have to hurry up and leave here."

"Sanji, thank you." Vinsmoke Reiju expressed his gratitude to Sanji. Without Sanji, they might really be in danger this time.

Vinsmoke Judge and his sons and daughters each got their own combat uniforms.

Vinsmoke Iji said unhappily: "Just now, you BIGMOM pirates have been threatening us! So now it's time for us to take care of you guys."

"Yes! This is the first time I have been punished so badly." Vinsmoke Niji twisted his neck and said after putting on his combat uniform.

Vinsmoke Yuji turned his fist and said: "I am also holding back a fire! BIGMOM Pirates."

After Perospero watched the Vinsmoke family put on their battle uniforms again, he did not feel scared or worried, because they were the Four Emperors BIGMOM pirates.

The North Blue family is simply not worth fearing.

Perospero licked his tongue and smiled: "This is the base camp of our BIGMOM pirates. Do you think you can get out alive?"



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