Pirates: Inherit The Golden Lion Ability

Chapter 218 Luo Chen Hunts The Bigmom Pirates Demon Fruit Power


Aunt Charlotte Linlin yelled angrily at the Diamond Jozi kid who intercepted her: "Kid, you don't think you can stop me just by yourself, do you?"

Aunt Charlotte Linlin doesn't take this Diamond Jozi kid seriously at all.

"BIGMOM, you'll know if you try it." Diamond Jozi said back without flinching.

Aunt Charlotte Linlin said disdainfully: "You are a brat who overestimates your capabilities."

Diamond Qiaozi knows that he can't defeat the aunt Charlotte Linlin, so he only needs to buy time for Captain Luo Chen. As for the rest, he will naturally come back after Captain Luo Chen has finished dealing with it.

The members of the BIGMOM pirates were completely defenseless against Luo Chen's hunt.

Cracker, who was competing with Bista, suddenly saw a black eye and was punched into the ground with a fist.

When Bista saw the person coming, he said respectfully: "Captain Luo Chen."

"Yes, go deal with the aftermath." Luo Chen asked Bista to finish the work, walked up to Cracker, and held down Cracker's head with one hand.

Cracker opened his eyes with difficulty and saw Luo Chen, his eyes widened in disbelief and said, "You are Luo Chen, where is our mother??"

Cracker didn't expect that Luo Chen would come to him. Normally, Luo Chen should be held back by his mother at this moment! !

Luo Chen began to activate the power of swallowing Devil Fruit.

In an instant, Cracker immediately felt that the Devil Fruit ability in his body was disappearing, and he immediately became terrified.



However, faced with the suppression of Luo Chen's huge power, Cracker was unable to resort to any means of resistance.

"No, I can't die like this." Cracker was very unwilling, but no matter how hard Cracker struggled, it was to no avail.

In the end, Luo Chen pulled out the Devil Fruit ability from Cracker's body, and the dying Cracker's neck was broken by Luo Chen.

After absorbing the Devil Fruit ability in Cracker's body, Luo Chen disappeared on the spot.

Smoothie, another general of the BIGMOM pirates, is fighting against Shiryu of the Rain.

Smoothie was hit in the back by a sudden attack. Smoothie spat out a mouthful of blood. In an instant, Smoothie suffered heavy injuries with one blow.

Smooth fell heavily to the ground, his whole back was dented by Luo Chen's punch, and his whole face turned blue.

Shiryu of the Rain watched Smoothie being crippled by one blow from Captain Luo Chen, and felt chilled in his heart. The strength shown by Captain Luo Chen was really too terrifying.

Captain Luo Chen was able to destroy Smoothie with one blow, which also means that he was able to destroy Shiryu of Rain with one blow.

Sure enough, joining Captain Luo Chen was the most correct choice Shiryu ever made.

Smoothie looked up at the person who suddenly appeared to attack her and said, "It turns out to be you, Luo Chen. I didn't expect that I would be so vulnerable in front of you."

From Luo Chen's attack, Smoothie had already concluded that the BIGMOM Pirates had lost.

Because even her mother couldn't cause such horrific damage to her with one blow, but Luo Chen could, it instantly revealed a very serious problem.



Luo Chen walked towards Smoothie step by step, a terrifying sense of oppression constantly exerting pressure on Smoothie.

Smoothie seemed to have resigned to his fate at this moment. Since he had been defeated, there was nothing more to say.

Luo Chen put his palm on Smoothie's head and continued to activate the power of Devouring Devil Fruit.

In an instant, the Devil Fruit ability in Smoothie's body was continuously extracted by Luo Chen, and he said in horror: "My Devil Fruit ability? Luo Chen, who are you??"

This man was so terrifying that Smoothie could not imagine whether the world would eventually belong to this man if he were allowed to continue to develop.

After all, this world is about strength. Whoever is strong will have a strong voice and decision-making power.

After Luo Chen extracted the Devil Fruit ability from Smoothie's body, Smoothie did not die immediately, but entered a period of severe weakness.

Luo Chen asked: "Do you want to live or die? If you live, you must join my pirate group."

"You..." Smoothie looked at Luo Chen with a look of horror. Smoothie could feel that the Devil Fruit ability in her body had completely disappeared.

However, the two choices Luo Chen gave her instantly made Smoothie feel embarrassed. Indeed, Smoothie didn't want to die, but would she join the Luo Chen Pirates? It was really hard for Smoothie to make a choice.



The reason why Luo Chen asked Smoothie if he wanted to join the pirate group was because there was no one with long legs in the entire pirate group, so he would inevitably have the idea of ​​taking Smoothie under his command.

Of course, Luo Chen didn't care. Smoothie was barely a first-class player.

In the end, in order to survive, Smoothie chose to compromise and responded: "I am willing to join the Luo Chen Pirates."

"Very good, your choice is correct." Luo Chen patted Smoothie on the shoulder and said.

Then he looked at Shiryu of the Rain and said, "Shiryu, take her down to heal her injuries! Let's clean up the aftermath by the way."

"Yes, Captain Luo Chen." Shiryu of Rain responded respectfully.

Shiryu of Rain did not dare to show any wrongdoing in front of Captain Luo Chen, especially the task assigned to him by Captain Luo Chen, which made Shiryu of Rain feel particularly moved.

Because Captain Luo Chen trusted him, he gave him the task.

After Luo Chen gave his instructions, he looked in another direction in the distance, where sparks kept bursting out, so Luo Chen prepared to disappear again.

However, at this time, Smooth plucked up the courage and asked, "Captain Luo Chen, can you please let Brother Katakuri go?"

"Let Katakuri-nii join the Luo Chen Pirates together! Even if it doesn't make sense, I will go with you to persuade him afterwards."

Smoothie didn't want Katakuri's brother to be killed by Captain Luo Chen, because Katakuri's brother always thought he was the brother who protected them.

Smoothie didn't want Katakuri's brother to die like that.

"Yes, Katakuri is indeed a good talent." Luo Chen responded calmly.

In Luo Chen's view, Katakuri is indeed a good talent who can be hired under his command.



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