Pirates: Inherit The Golden Lion Ability

Chapter 224 Completely Annihilate The Bigmom Pirates


Although the ability of the blue dragon form of the phantom beast species can enhance combat effectiveness to a certain extent, it is not the main thing.

Kaido of the Beasts has always believed in Haki's supremacy, so losing the Devil Fruit ability will not make Kaido of the Beasts feel any loss. As long as he does not die, he will have a chance.

Redfield, who was watching the battle not far away, laughed and said: "It seems that Kaido of the Beasts is going to be completely finished."

"Yes! No matter how hard Kaido of the Beasts continues to struggle, it will be of no avail." Marco responded with a smile.

Luo Chen raised the corners of his mouth with a smile and said, "Kaido, let me show you something interesting."

"What do you mean?" Kaido of the Beasts couldn't understand what Luo Chen meant.

Luo Chen's body began to expand, and dragon scales continued to appear on his body.

This scene makes Kaido of the Beasts very familiar. Isn't that his Devil Fruit ability? Why did it end up with Luo Chen? ?

Kaido of the Beasts immediately questioned and roared: "Luo Chen, what's wrong with you? Why can you absorb my Devil Fruit ability and use it? ?"

Luo Chen did not answer Kaido of the Beasts, but completely transformed into the green dragon form. His huge body pressed down on Kaido of the Beasts. However, the difference is that the green dragon form that Luo Chen transformed into was at least better than Kaido of the Beasts. It's more than twice as big, nearly three times as big.

This means that the power becomes more powerful, and the Devil Fruit ability used becomes more powerful.

Kaido of the Beasts' entire face became very gloomy. Luo Chen was clearly slapping him in the face, which made Kaido of the Beasts feel very embarrassed.



Kaido of the Beasts stared at Luo Chen and said: "Luo Chen, I, Kaido of the Beasts, no matter how many Devil Fruit abilities you have, I will personally defeat you, because I am the strongest."

Kaido of the Beasts will never allow himself to lose to Luo Chen. No matter how high the price is, he will kill Luo Chen.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for Kaido of the Beasts to understand the hatred in his heart. Everything he owned was destroyed by this bastard Luo Chen.

Luo Chen's huge dragon form body rushed towards Kaido of the Beasts.

Kaido of the Beasts immediately swung the mace to cover Conqueror's entanglement and hit Luo Chen's dragon scale body.

However, a scene appeared that Kaido of the Beasts could not believe at all. That is, his attack had no way of causing damage to Luo Chen? ?

"How is this possible? That was my full attack!!" Kaido of the Beasts looked at the dragon scales on Luo Chen's body in disbelief. His Conqueror's entanglement hit it, but it couldn't hurt Luo Chen? ?

What a shame! !

Kaido of the Beasts felt like he was going crazy. He was suppressed to death, but his attack didn't work? How else to fight? ?

It can be said that there is basically no chance of winning.

Luo Chen, in dragon form, looked at Kaido of the Beasts and mocked: "What? Kaido, do you only have this little power? It's really disappointing!"

"Stop talking nonsense, you bastard." Kaido of the Beasts swung his mace and roared in displeasure.



Not happy, Kaido of the Beasts continued to attack with his mace.

However, Luo Chen did not intend to continue fighting Kaido of the Beasts, but planned to resolve the battle quickly.

So Luo Chen exited the green dragon form and returned to his normal state.

Drawing out the Kuaishou Kudai and Sakura Ju, the Kuaishou, rushed towards Kaido of the Beasts, intending to kill Kaido of the Beasts completely with swordsmanship.

Kaido of the Beasts also used Thunder Eight Trigrams to counterattack again. However, before Kaido of the Beasts could launch the attack, Luo Chen had already penetrated Kaido of the Beasts' entire body.

Kaido of the Beasts looked at his pierced heart in disbelief and said, "How is this possible? I can't even react, just..."

Kaido of the Beasts staggered and fell to the ground, his vitality no longer rapidly losing.

If he had been punched through other places, Kaido of the Beasts would not have fallen into a coma so quickly, because the heart was punched through, directly cutting off Kaido of the Beasts' lifeline, which caused Kaido of the Beasts to fall to the ground directly. cause.

Luo Chen slowly put the two large sharp knives back into their scabbards.

At this time, Marco and Redfield flew to Captain Luo Chen.

Redfield said respectfully: "Congratulations to Captain Luo Chen for easily killing Kaido of the Beasts and achieving an overwhelming victory."

"Okay, Ryder, can you flatter him now?" Luo Chen glanced at Ryderfield from the corner of his eye and responded.



Redfield was not embarrassed, but stood respectfully together.

Marco also asked respectfully: "Captain Luo Chen, what should we do with Kaido of the Beasts now??"

"Take it back! After all, this guy's body and the body of aunt Charlotte Linlin also have high research value, there is no need to waste it." Luo Chen ordered Marco.

"Yes, Captain Luo Chen." After Marco responded respectfully, he walked over and picked up Kaido of the Beasts' body. The moment he touched Kaido of the Beasts's body, Marco said in shock: "Kaido of the Beasts This guy actually still has a weak life response? However, he probably won't live for long, after all, his heart is gone."

"It's normal. When the strength reaches this level, the vitality is generally relatively strong." Redfield responded.

Luo Chen ordered: "Ryder, go and tell everyone to come and gather. Now that the BIGMOM Pirates have been completely annihilated by us, it's time to celebrate for you."

"Yes, Captain Luo Chen, I will make arrangements right away." Upon hearing Captain Luo Chen's order, Redfield immediately responded respectfully.

And immediately set out to carry out the mission assigned by Captain Luo Chen.

When Redfield and Marco left with Kaido of the Beasts on their shoulders, Luo Chen was the only one left in the scene.

Luo Chen looked at his hands calmly and whispered: "It seems that if you want to further improve your strength, you must be blessed with a large amount of Devil Fruit abilities, or be able to break through Haki."

"I don't know if my power now surpasses Yi Mu, but even if Yi Mu is strong, he is still no match for me." Luo Chen said at the end, his eyes filled with strong confidence.



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