Pirates: Inherit The Golden Lion Ability

Chapter 227 The Straw Hats Are Discussing A Lot


On their side, the Straw Hat Pirates didn't even know what was going on, but they were led by red-haired Shanks to join the pirate alliance.

Enter Thousand Sunny.

Straw Hat Luffy kept clamoring to eat meat and said: "Sanji, the barbecue is not ready yet? I'm so hungry!!"

"Coming, coming." Sanji pushed the dining cart out.

Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates smiled happily. After all, they all liked the food Sanji mentioned.

It can be said that Sanji's top cooking skills made them very satisfied with every meal.

Usopp, who was drinking a drink, still said worriedly: "We are eating leisurely now, is it really okay??"

"Otherwise? What else can we do? Of course we have to eat and drink first." Zoro was more casual. Even though he was under great pressure, he didn't feel too much. He still had an attitude of doing whatever he was doing.

Nami also said at this time: "The most terrifying thing is that our pirate group is still very weak, but the result? We were pushed to the position of Four Emperors. This position is simply a hot potato."

"Indeed! Although the BIGMOM pirates who were in conflict with us were wiped out by the Luo Chen pirates, we are about to face greater challenges." Robin, who was sitting next to Nami, also followed the analysis and responded.

Originally, when the Straw Hat Pirates did not have their current status, they were just targeted by the BIGMOM Pirates! !

What about now? As a result, I don't know what happened, but I sat on the throne of Four Emperors. Once I ascend this throne, I will face greater challenges.



The current situation is very unfriendly to the Straw Hat Pirates.

Franky said: "But no matter what! We, the Straw Hat Pirates, have already ascended the throne of the Four Emperors, so we should be prepared to deal with the coming storms, otherwise we will also be destroyed by the wave of the times."

"Franky is right! We have to prepare in advance, otherwise there will be no preparation." Nami quickly responded.

In Nami's opinion, this matter is very urgent and needed, so! There is no room for carelessness.

Straw Hat Luffy ate barbecue and said with a smile: "Don't worry, no matter who the enemy is, I will beat him away."

"Luffy is so confident." Brook said excitedly, shaking his hands.

Luffy has this kind of character that can give them a sufficient sense of security.

Chopper didn't speak the whole time, but ate quietly, because Chopper felt that even if he was afraid, it was useless. In the end, he had to face it, so he might as well eat and drink quickly and feel comfortable before talking.

Robin supported his chin with both hands and analyzed: "However, I think Luffy's brother serves as the captain of the second division of the Luo Chen Pirates, so the Luo Chen Pirates should not be too targeted at us. Of course, the main thing is to see According to Captain Luo Chen, if Luo Chen insists on taking action against us, even Luffy’s brother may not be able to do it.”



Robin can be said to have said something very serious. Of course, Robin said it so seriously so that everyone can listen and avoid taking chances. Then once the time comes, if it is based on wishes, there will really be no place to cry. Really There's no need for that.

Some things can basically be prevented in advance, so there is no need to take the risk.

After all, Luffy's brother Fire Fist Ace is not the captain, but the captain of a division of the Luo Chen Pirates. He has the right to speak, but he is not that high.

The structure of the Luo Chen Pirates is different from that of the Straw Hat Pirates.

The Straw Hat Pirates don't have much sense of hierarchy, but that's not necessarily the case with the Luo Chen Pirates.

It’s true that Robin is quite sinister! But some issues must be considered carefully. Otherwise, if you suffer a loss or something is beyond your control, it will be really over. Robin doesn't want that to happen, so it's best to be safe and sound.

Nami nodded quickly and said: "Robin is right!!"

Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates had no objection, so they all looked at Captain Straw Hat Luffy, who was happily eating barbecue.

After Luffy noticed that everyone was looking at him, he said in confusion: "Why are you all looking at me like this? Do I have flesh on my face??"

"Idiot, you only know how to eat meat all day long." Nami couldn't help but jump up and punch Luffy on the head. She also hoped that this punch would clear up Luffy's head.



However, Straw Hat Luffy was even more depressed. Why was he punched for no reason? ?

Sanji sat down and said, "All in all, we can't be careless. After all, we have to prepare for the worst."

"Yes, we must prepare for the worst." Usopp agreed very much with what Sanji said. The Straw Hat Pirates must prepare for the worst.

Suddenly Zoro stood up and looked towards the sea in the distance.

Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates became confused and looked in the direction of Zoro's gaze.

A small boat was found and sailed towards them.

Straw Hat Luffy said in confusion: "Who is that guy? Why is he sailing towards us?"

"See if it's friend or foe." Sanji lit a cigarette for himself and said seriously.

Usopp picked up the telescope and looked at it. When he saw the flag of the other party's boat clearly, he was shocked and said: "Everyone, that flag is Red Hair Pirates."

"Red Hair Pirates?" Franky immediately said seriously: "I heard that the Red Hair Pirates are known as the Iron Arm Pirates, but why did they send a person to come to us??"

"We'll find out later." Zoro responded.

Luffy chuckled and said, "Hehe, Shanks sent someone to find me!"

"Don't tell me, after all, that Shanks is also Luffy's guide." Robin said with a sinister smile.



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