Pirates: Inherit The Golden Lion Ability

Chapter 251 Breaking Beckman’S Neck


Doflamingo sneered and said: "Fufufu~~"

"It's really scary! That Beckman was killed by Captain Luo Chen so quickly."

In Doflamingo's view, Captain Luo Chen was able to use tactics to kill Beckman so quickly, which means that Captain Luo Chen's strength is far superior to the so-called general, otherwise how could he do it easily? This kind of thing? ?

Diamond Qiaozi raised the corner of his mouth and said proudly: "What does a mere Beckman mean in front of Captain Luo Chen? Captain Luo Chen can only solve the problem in two moves at most."

Redfield whispered: "Captain Luo Chen's strength has become stronger again, as if it is a bottomless pit. I don't know why such a monster as Captain Luo Chen appears in this world? World government, your fate is also It’s coming to an end.”

In Redfield's view, what can the world government do if it is strong? The person they have to face is Captain Luo Chen.

This Captain Luo Chen has been unparalleled for thousands of years.

Redfield believes that even if there is someone more powerful than him in the World Government, there may not be one, or at most one, and there may be a few more at the same level, but just look at what happened to Beckman.

World government is targeted by Captain Luo Chen, and the results are self-evident! Doomed to be destroyed.

Captain Luo Chen will unify the whole world. This is the powerful charm of Captain Luo Chen.

no way! Their Captain Luo Chen is so powerful that it’s unbelievable how powerful he is.



The red-haired Shanks stared at Beckman who was pierced by the lava, and shouted loudly: "Beckman, damn Luo Chen, I will never let you go."

The extremely terrifying Conqueror's Haki erupted from the red-haired Shanks. This Conqueror's Haki was extremely terrifying to others, but it was nothing to Luo Chen.

After all, a Conqueror's Haki like the red-haired Shanks can't even affect Luo Chen's fur.

Beckman vomited a lot of blood several times in a row. With such a serious injury, Beckman already knew that he could not hold on for much longer. He shouted with all his strength: "Shanks, take the brothers and leave quickly. Leave me alone."

Beckman knew that he was bound to die, and at least he wanted to give Shanks and the others a chance to escape.

So he used up the last strength in his body and turned around to hug Luo Chen. This was the only action Beckman could think of at the moment.

Luo Chen calmly crossed his arms and let Beckman lock his actions.


"Vice Captain."

Red Hair Pirates' Yasopp, Lakilu and others were all calling out to their vice-captain, Beckman.

Their vice-captain Beckman was about to die like this, and they were very unwilling to do so. They were red-haired pirates! !

However, the Luo Chen Pirates would not let them have their wish.

Redfield took the lead and said: "Brothers, we can't let these people escape! Kill them all, we have to give Captain Luo Chen a satisfactory answer."



At this moment, the red-haired Shanks felt very painful deep down. On one hand, his strongest companion was about to die, and on the other hand, he was surrounded by his brothers.

Shanks, the red-haired captain, hates Luo Chen very much at this moment.

Luo Chen is simply the source of chaos in the world.

If Luo Chen cannot be eradicated, the whole world will be in chaos in the future, but the red-haired Shanks also knows that he is completely powerless and cannot kill Luo Chen, because his strength is far different from that of Luo Chen.

At this time, Mihawk finally said: "Shanks, let's find a way to retreat! There is no need to die here, it is completely worthless. No matter how hard we try, we are no match for Luo Chen."

Although Mihawk said this very cowardly, it was the truth. They had no strength to fight against Luo Chen. Instead, they would die in vain against Luo Chen.

therefore! Mihawk feels that retreat is the best option.

The red-haired Shanks clenched the Griffin in his hand with a painful expression, and said unwillingly: "I understand, retreat."

In the end, the red-haired Shanks also made up his mind to retreat, because Mihawk was right! If you stay and continue fighting Luo Chen, you will die in vain! It doesn't make any sense at all.



Luo Chen said calmly: "Beckman, do you think you can lock me down if you struggle so hard?"

"I don't know, but I know I have to hold you down." Beckman's entire empty chest and mouth were bleeding. Kakuzu was still holding Luo Chen tightly with both hands, refusing to let go.

However, what Beckman didn't know was that Luo Chen didn't care at all that he was so locked up.

Luo Chen then said calmly: "Idiot, you can't recognize how much you weigh."

As soon as Luo Chen finished speaking, a terrifying gravity instantly exerted itself on Beckman.

Beckman was forced to bear such a terrifying gravity, which instantly crushed him. He was already seriously injured, but this made it even worse.

But Beckman was holding a breath in his heart, no matter what! We all have to buy time for Shanks and the others.

Luo Chen looked at Beckman who was still struggling and said mockingly: "Are you still insisting? Then don't blame me, I will send you to hell immediately."

Luo Chen instantly raised his hand, grabbed Beckman's neck, lifted Beckman up directly, and said, "Die!"

The palm of his hand covered Armament Haki and directly wrenched Beckman's last breath away.

Luo Chen casually threw Beckman's body on the ground.

The red-haired Shanks was dumbfounded and collapsed deep inside.



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