Pirates: Inherit The Golden Lion Ability

Chapter 257 The Five Elders Meet Lord Im


Holy place Mariejois, World government Five Elders conference room.

Saint Jaygolucia Satan sat on the sofa and said: "Now Marine has promoted Momousagi and Cha Dou, two candidate Admirals, to Admirals. They just told us about this matter and did not wait for our reply. It’s decided.”

"What Aokiji did this time is indeed wrong, but I can understand him. He is under a lot of pressure now." Makas Mazhengbian responded as he walked around.

Topman Wuchuli Saint followed and said: "We will not talk about Marine's problem for now, but we should think of ways to deal with the Luo Chen Pirates' problem. Today's Luo Chen Pirates have expanded. At any rate, those who didn’t know thought our World Government was going to be wiped out by Luo Chen.”

"It is indeed true! Now the entire New World has fallen into the control of the Luo Chen Pirates. This has never happened in eight hundred years. I originally thought that Nika would be our biggest enemy, but it turned out not to be the case." Shepard Ten Peter also responded very seriously.

It can be said that the Five Elders were completely unexpected about Luo Chen, and it was a slap in the face.

Saint Izanbalon V. Nasshouro put his katana on his shoulder and said, "How can Luo Chen change the world? He still can't break the world government."

"Our world government's ability to suppress the world for 800 years is no joke."

The words of Saint Izanbalon V. Nasthurang were also recognized by the other four Five Elders, because that is how it is! !

This is their world government, how Luo Chen is shaking things up, and he is eventually eliminated by them.



Finally, Saint Topman Vauchuli suggested: "Let's go meet Lord Im together! After all, Luo Chen is far beyond our control. Even if the revolutionary army attacks the Holy Land Mariejois this time, It’s not as serious as what happened with Luo Chen.”

"That's true! Although the Revolutionary Army is a big threat, it is not as exaggerated as the influence brought by Luo Chen." In Markas Mazsheng's view, compared with Luo Chen, the Revolutionary Army is not worth mentioning at all. carry.

no way! Luo Chen was like a dark horse. He suddenly came out and didn't care about it. The speed of his rise was so fast that even the Five Elders couldn't react.

This is simply something that has never been done in the 800 years since world government was established.

This is the scariest place, bar none.

therefore! Saint Topman Wuchuli suggested that it was very necessary to meet Lord Im, otherwise the five of them would be completely unable to control the situation in the New World.

It's countless times scarier than the Rocks era, the Roger era, or the Whitebeard era.

Saint Izanbalon V. Nasshoulang carried the samurai sword and said: "We really have to meet Lord Im. There is one thing I can't be sure of, but it is very likely."

Then, when Saint Izanbalon V. Nasthurang pointed out that something was very likely, the other four Five Elders all cast their eyes on it, because they also thought of that possibility.



After all five of them thought of that possibility, the shock deep inside them became even greater.

Because the level they were thinking of has only been set foot on by Master Yimu for eight hundred years. What if that Luo Chen also set foot on it? ?

That would be really troublesome! !

Originally, they were still confident that they could handle Luo Chen, but if Luo Chen really reached that level, then their World Government might really be wiped out by Luo Chen.

When they thought of this possibility, the Five Elders could not sit still at all. They quickly got up and went to find Lord Im.

Now we can only let Lord Im make the decision, because they don't have the power to continue making decisions, for fear of being judged and going on a business trip.

If they were on a business trip, then the five of them would really have committed a serious crime.

Shepard Ten Peter couldn't help but shook his head and said with a smile: "It has been many years since the five of us have felt truly afraid."

"Yes! In the past, it was just shock or passivity at most! There is no fear like this moment." Saint Jaygo Lucia Satan also sighed and responded.

Saint Topman Wuchuli said: "Let's go!"

So, the Five Elders walked towards the holy place Mariejois, among the flowers.

Among the flowers, even ordinary Celestial Dragons cannot easily enter here, because here lives the most noble person in the Holy Land Mariejois, Lord Im.



Among the flowers, Im was spraying the flowers and plants on the ground as usual.

At this time, a female guard reported respectfully: "Lord Im, the Five Elders are outside asking for a meeting."

Im still continuing to spray and responded: "Let them in!"

"Yes, Lord Im." The female guard respectfully exited the flower room.

After a while, the Five Elders entered the flower room and immediately knelt down on one knee in front of Lord Im.

The Five Elders said respectfully at the same time: "See Lord Im."

"I know the purpose of your coming here." Im stopped spraying in his hand and said: "That Luo Chen is indeed a very threatening person. Even after Nika awakened, he was not killed. Although Nika's Our strength has not yet reached its peak, but a defeat is a defeat.”

"Yes, Lord Yimu, the strength of Luo Chen is already terrifying..." Saint Izanbalon V. Nashoulang stopped mid-sentence, because if he continued to speak, it would be disrespectful to Lord Yimu. .

Im said calmly: "He has already entered that level."

When the Five Elders heard this, they were shocked and confirmed their guess just now. It was indeed right.

If Luo Chen hadn't stepped into that level, where would he have such strong fighting power? ?

Unless you step into that level, killing the general will be so easy.

Otherwise, even for Rocks, it would not be that easy to kill the General.



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