Pirates: Inherit The Golden Lion Ability

Chapter 259 Luo Chen Pirates Vs World Government (1)


The kingdom of shemales.

The revolutionary army also held an emergency meeting.

After all, it is impossible for the Revolutionary Army not to receive news of such a large-scale move by World Government and Naval Headquarters.

Therefore, the purpose of this emergency meeting was to deal with the World Government's plan to start a war against the Luo Chen Pirates.

All the important cadres of the revolutionary army gathered to participate in this emergency meeting.

And the Straw Hat Luffy who was abandoned by Luo Chen is also among them. It can be said that the Straw Hat Luffy at this moment is very depressed, so depressed that his eyes have no energy.

Because he was completely destroyed by Luo Chen, what kind of Pirate King? Straw Hat Luffy no longer thinks about it now, but his whole person has always been in a state of godlessness! !

No one knows what Straw Hat Luffy is thinking at this moment.

Both Dolag and Sabo are very worried about Luffy's condition. After all, it is not that easy to get Luffy back on his feet.

Dolag is even more angry than Sabo because his father Garp was killed by Luo Chen.

However, even if Dorag was angry, he could still distinguish the seriousness of the matter.

Therefore, Dolag announced to the people present at the Revolutionary Army: "I have decided that when the Luo Chen Pirates and the World Government go to war! I will ambush them and wait until they are both injured, then I will kill them all."

Dorag's decision was immediately supported by the cadres of the Revolutionary Army. Originally, their goal was to overthrow the World Government. Now that the Luo Chen Pirates are helping them attract firepower, why not? ?



New World, in the territory of the Luo Chen Pirates.

Luo Chen was sitting in the main seat, and Shiryu of the Rain below took the initiative to speak: "Captain Luo Chen, Marine and World Government are ready to join forces to launch an attack on us."

"There is nothing to be afraid of. We are the Luo Chen Pirates. Marine and World Government don't need to take them seriously." Tezzolo responded arrogantly.

Because in Tezzolo's view, no matter how many people Marine and World Government mobilized, they would still not be a match for Captain Luo Chen.

Doflamingo put his hands in his pockets and said with a smile: "Fufofuf~~"

"That's fine. We can wipe out Marine and World Government in one fell swoop."

Afterwards, the officers of the Luo Chen Pirates all looked at Captain Luo Chen.

Because the decision-making power in all matters lies with Captain Luo Chen, they can only propose.

Standing next to Captain Luo Chen, Redfield calmly closed his eyes.

Luo Chen glanced at the subordinates present and said slowly: "The Luo Chen Pirates set out to destroy all the enemies. From now on, the world will only belong to the Luo Chen Empire."

"That's right!"

"That's right!"

"This world belongs to Captain Luo Chen's Luo Chen Empire."

The pirates of the Luo Chen Pirates all shouted in unison.

They were all so excited at this moment, they were about to witness a miracle happen, and the eight hundred years of rule by the World Government was about to come to an end.



Everyone in the Luo Chen pirate group is very confident because they have Captain Luo Chen.

As long as Captain Luo Chen is here, there will be no unbeatable enemies. Today's Captain Luo Chen can give them such great confidence.

In the rear, although Nami and Robin were helpless, they had to choose to integrate into Luo Chen's harem team.

Who told them that Luo Chen had already given it to them! So what else can be done!

Mainly, Luo Chen was also very kind to them. Baccarat continued to enlighten and said: "Nami, Robin, how great it is to join our big family! Whatever dreams you want to realize, it will be easy. Luo Chen will soon We’re going to take over the whole world.”

Shalulia then said: "Yes! I used to be a Celestial Dragons, and the World Government will definitely be annihilated by Captain Luo Chen in the end!!"

Nami and Robin sighed helplessly, and Robin responded: "Please give me more advice in the future."

The girls also laughed in unison.

In a certain area of ​​​​the New World, the Luo Chen Pirates and the World Government officially met, and the number of ships on both sides reached hundreds.

Luo Chen stood at the bow of the ship and looked at the two people standing at the front. One was the Five Elders and the other should be Saint Jialin of the Knights of God.

Jialin Sheng pulled out his weapon, pointed at Luo Chen and roared: "Luo Chen, I will kill you today."

"If you want to deal with our captain, you must pass our level first." Diamond Jozi took the lead and said back.



Saint Jaygolucia Satan said to Aokiji behind him, "Aokiji, quickly freeze this sea area."

"Yeah!" Aokiji nodded in response and started taking action. After all, the frozen sea formed a battlefield, which was more convenient for them.

"Ice Age."

After Aokiji used his Frozen Fruit ability, the entire sea area within a radius of ten miles was frozen.

Marco looked at the frozen sea and said, "Sure enough, just as I thought, this sea will be frozen into a battlefield."

"Isn't this good? It will facilitate our fight." Shiryu of the Rain said coldly, twisting his neck.

On the military ship, Momousagi couldn't help but look at Luo Chen curiously. Is this man the biggest threat to Marine and World government today? ?

What a bottomless man he is, able to force Marine and World Government into this state.

Basically, it is unprecedented and unprecedented.

Many of them are inferior to Luo Chen.

After Cha Dou discovered that Momousagi was paying attention to Luo Chen, he felt very unhappy deep down.

That damn Luo Chen, you must sneak attack Luo Chen when you get the chance, otherwise it will be difficult to relieve the hatred in your heart.



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