Pirates: Inherit The Golden Lion Ability

Chapter 28 Whitebeard Takes Action


Granny New was so angry with Boa Hancock that she almost had high blood pressure.

At the same time, on the sea outside Nine Snake Island.

Vice Admiral The flying squirrel was sitting alone on a military ship, surrounded by petrified Marine soldiers.

Then the phone bug in the flying squirrel's pocket rang! !


After answering.

Came the voice of Marshal Sengoku: "Moses Moses, this is Sengoku. Don't pay attention to Boa Hancock. Flying Squirrel, you should return to Naval Headquarters immediately. There should be enough time."

"Sorry, Marshal Sengoku, I may not be able to return here. All the Marine soldiers except me have been petrified. I alone cannot start the warship to sail in the Calm Belt." Flying Squirrel reported truthfully.

Sengoku said: "What? What does that woman Boa Hancock want to do? Openly resist Marine?"

"We can't spare Admiral's manpower now, otherwise we will send Admiral to arrest her immediately."

"Flying Squirrel, please wait for my notification."

Naval Headquarters Marineford, after Sengoku hung up the phone.

Take out another phone, this is the phone bug used to connect to Seven Warlords of the Sea Boa Hancock.

Not only is the Seven Warlords of the Sea Boa Hancock missing, but now there is also the Vice Admiral missing. The upcoming battle is full of high risks.

On Nine Snake Island, Boa Hancock was quarreling with Granny New, and her sister Boa Sonya ran over with a phone bug.

Boyasonia quickly said: "Sister, this is Marine Marshal Sengoku's phone number."



At this time, both Granny New and Boa Hancock stopped arguing.

Because Marshal Sengoku of Naval Headquarters called, this matter is no small matter.

Boa Hancock picked up the phone and answered.

When Sengoku saw that the call was finally connected, he said directly: "Boa Hancock, I am ordering you immediately to release the Marine soldiers outside and let the flying squirrel return to Naval Headquarters."

"Otherwise, even if I am under pressure, I will immediately send Admiral to Nine Snake Island. Don't think I'm kidding."

At this moment, Sengoku's tone of voice became very strong. Marine was under too much pressure now.

"Marshal Sengoku, can I understand that you are threatening the Aijia and me?" Boa Hancock's tone also became very unpleasant.

Sengoku ignored Boa Hancock and continued: "I can let go of your disobedience to the summons of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, but you must go and release the Marine soldiers outside immediately."

"Okay, keeping those men on the outskirts of Nine Snake Island has already made the Ai family very disgusted." Boa Hancock agreed to Sengoku's proposal.

In fact, regardless of Sengoku's suggestion or not, Boa Hancock would not let a Marine warship stay outside Kuja Island.

That would be very bad for Nine Snake Island.

After both parties hang up the phone.

Granny New said: "Sengoku's tone just now was a bit strong, but he is tolerant enough for what you did Hancock."

"It's probably because Marine is about to face a battle with the Whitebeard Pirates, so he has to make concessions."

"However, this crisis may only be over temporarily! Whether Marine will settle the score afterwards remains to be seen."



"Come if Marine comes! If you dare to come, destroy them." Boa Hancock turned and walked towards the door and responded confidently.

On the military ship outside Kuji Island, Flying Squirrel saw the Kuji Pirates' ship sailing over, and his eyes became wary.

After getting close, Boa Hancock used the Devil Fruit ability: "Release."

With the activation of the Sweet Fruit ability, the petrification of the Marine soldiers on the military ship was lifted.

The Flying Squirrel breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his men restored to their original state.

The Marine soldiers who had just recovered continued to look at Boa Hancock lustfully.

When the flying squirrel saw this scene, he was instantly furious.

It was like this before, before he was petrified by the Devil Fruit ability of that woman Boa Hancock.

The flying squirrel said loudly: "How long will you guys be embarrassed? Take action and return to Naval Headquarters."

"Yes, Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel." The Marine soldiers reacted immediately after being scolded and responded in unison.

As the Marine warship went away, Boa Hancock also ordered the female warriors of Nine Snake Island to sail the ship back.

On the way back to the Nine Snakes Pirates' ship, Boa Hancock kept looking at the bounty poster about Luo Chen in his hand.



Naval Headquarters Marineford.

A Marine soldier rushed to Marshal Sengoku's office in panic and reported: "Marshal Sengoku, the twenty warships monitoring the Whitebeard Pirates have all lost contact together."

"Now we have completely no control over the dynamics of the Whitebeard Pirates."

"What?" Sengoku stood up immediately and said, "Whitebeard, have you finally started to take action?"

"Immediately, use all methods now, as long as we can detect the next move of the Whitebeard Pirates, do you understand?"

"Yes, Marshal Sengoku." The Marine soldier responded respectfully and then exited the Marshal's office.

Now there are basically Marine soldiers coming in and out of the marshal's office, reporting work constantly.

It can be said that at this time, Sengoku is completely busy.

Relatively speaking, Marine Admiral is much more relaxed, as long as it is prepared to deal with the next battle.

Sengoku looked at the sea outside Marineford and said fiercely: "Whitebeard, as long as you dare to come to Naval Headquarters, no matter what the price, I will let you come back."

"Marine, I only need to tell the world one answer, and that is Marine's final victory."



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