Pirates: Inherit The Golden Lion Ability

Chapter 34 Seducing Redfield, The Strong Man From The Old Era


At this time, Douglas. Bullet, who was staring at Shiryu of the Rain, said: "Although you are a good warden, what Laozi didn't expect was that you would choose to follow such a kid."

"Haha!" Shiryu of the Rain found a cigar from nowhere and lit it, and said with a smile: "I don't need to report to you what I will choose! Bullet."

Luo Chen ignored the conversation between Shiryu and Douglas Bullet and continued walking forward.

When he came to another cell, he looked at an old man leaning on the ground who was aging to the point of being disfigured.

Luo Chen still crossed his arms and said: "Mr. Redfield, how do you feel after staying in Impel Down for so many years??"

Shiryu of the Rain, who was following Luo Chen, was once again shocked by Luo Chen. Who would have thought that his new captain would even recognize a figure like Redfield? ?

Strictly speaking, this Redfield was a pirate from a long time ago.

"It turns out there are still people who can recognize me, an old man." The wrinkled Redfield opened his eyes and said.

Redfield could not remember how long he had not spoken, nor how long he had been imprisoned in the Eternal Hell on the sixth level of Impel Down.

Here in Eternal Hell, it is dark every day, and there is no accurate concept of time at all.

Redfield then asked: "Boy, I know your purpose. Do you want me to join your pirate group? I have never become anyone else's subordinate during my lifetime, so you go!"



"Haha! Don't rush to refuse, I know what you want, Mr. Redfield." Luo Chen responded with a smile.

Now Redfield became interested and asked, "Tell me, what do I want?"

"Restore your youth and regain your peak strength." Luo Chen directly said what Redfield cared about most in public.

When Redfield heard this, his eyes changed slightly, but this change did not escape Luo Chen's perception.

After a few seconds, Redfield asked: "Do you have a way to restore my youth and restore my former peak strength!?"

"What do you think?" Luo Chen did not answer directly, but returned the topic to Redfield.

Redfield responded: "I owe you a favor, tell me, how do you regain your youth?"

In fact, Redfield had another thought that he didn't say out loud in his heart, that is, there was a Devil Fruit with the ability to restore his youth, but he didn't know where it was.

Luo Chen got straight to the point and said, "A Devil Fruit. You also know what that Devil Fruit is capable of, right! Mr. Redfield."

"And I also know where the Devil Fruit's ability is."

"That's it! It seems you are well prepared, little guy." Redfield finally said with a rare smile.

Luo Chen pulled out his sharp knife, broke open the cell, and released Redfield.



"Whether you can leave here depends on your own ability. Mr. Redfield, if you successfully leave, come to me in one month and tell me the answer you want." Luo Chen said.

No one knows the purpose of Luo Chen's doing this. Only Luo Chen knows it.

Redfield moved his old body, feeling the current strength and said: "My strength is really weak."

Luo Chen said to Yuzhi Shiryu: "We are leaving Impel down."

"Captain, let me retrieve my weapon." Shiryu said respectfully.

"Let me out too! I will become your strongest subordinate."

"And me, I've been here for a long time."

When Luo Chen and Shiryu of Rain left Eternal Hell and passed the cell, various voices screamed again.

Less than five minutes after Luo Chen and Yuzhi Shiryu left, another group of people walked into Eternal Hell.

This group of people is the Blackbeard Pirates.

Because of Luo Chen's intervention, everything that happened in Impel Down changed differently from the original work.

The Blackbeard Pirates came all the way down without encountering Magellan, Shiryu of the Rain, or Straw Hat Luffy.


"Invading the sixth floor of Impel Down Eternal Hell, I didn't expect it to be so easy! It was a smooth journey." Blackbeard Diqi laughed excitedly.

This was infinitely smoother than what he had originally planned.



Lafitte turned the sword and said with a pale face and respect: "It means that everything is looking after the captain."

"Someone has come in again. What happened today? Is this the third wave of people?" At this time, someone in the cell expressed doubts.

And this sentence was also heard by the Blackbeard Pirates and others.

"Hahaha~~" Blackbeard Diqi said with an evil smile: "So that's it! We are the third wave of people! No wonder we got here so smoothly."

"However, Laozi's plan will not change, let's get started."

Lafitte, Burgess, Van Oka, and Poison Q all held keys and walked towards the cells from four directions.

Blackbeard Diqi opened his hands and laughed loudly: "Hahaha~~"

"Listen to me, those who want to be my crew, start fighting! Only the winner is worthy of being my crew."

Blackbeard Diqi's words made the originally restless criminals of Eternal Hell become even more riotous.

Who doesn’t want to go out? They have long been exposed to the darkness here.

However, some people reacted slower and were killed in the next second.

Blackbeard Diqi heard the pleasant killing sound and enjoyed this feeling very much.

The fighting became more and more intense, and the number of people was decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, Impel went down one level, and Straw Hat Luffy and others finally arrived at the exit.



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