Pirates: Inherit The Golden Lion Ability

Chapter 47 Aokiji Takes Action To Freeze Oz


The arrival of Pluton Rayleigh instantly put a lot of pressure on Marine.

Crane Vice Admiral muttered: "Accidents happen one after another. It's better to be well prepared, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

Demon Oz pushed all the way, even if the giant Vice Admiral blocked him, he still couldn't stop Demon Oz.

The Marineford wall was also smashed with a warship by the demon Oz.

"Follow Oz, rush into the square, occupy the Naval Headquarters, and rescue Ace." The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates roared loudly.

"Attack, attack, never let the pirates board the square." The Marine soldiers were also constantly boosting their morale to resist the attack of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Ace, I'm here to save you." Oz carried the big knife and kept pushing forward.

Several giants, Vice Admiral, were also beaten to pieces by the demon Oz.

In the original work, Bartholemew Kuma, Gekko Moria, and Doflamingo took action one after another to stop the demon Oz.

Now Gekko Moria has been defeated by the Straw Hat Pirates and others, and Bartholemew Kuma is stopped by Ivankov.

There was only one Doflamingo left who was leisurely throughout the whole journey.

Doflamingo put his hands in his pockets and said with a smile: "Fuh, fu, fu~"

"The defense line is almost broken, so Marine, what should you do??"

Anyway, Doflamingo has no plans to take action for the time being. Of course, he will take action based on his mood.

In today's battlefield, to put it bluntly, he, Doflamingo, is a neutral party.



Just when Demon Oz was about to lead the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates into Marineford Plaza.

A man with a cold air all over his body stood up: "There is really nothing we can do!"

Aokiji jumped up and stood directly opposite Majin Oz and said, "If a big guy like you rushes into the square, it will cause massive casualties to Marine!!"

"Frozen time capsule."

Two pillars of freezing air were sprayed from the palms of Aokiji's hands towards the huge Demon Oz.

"What?" The moment Majin Oz was hit by this freezing air, his entire huge body began to be frozen and fell down. This shows how exaggerated the power of Aokiji's Frozen Fruit ability is.

Ace, who was kneeling on the execution platform, looked at Oz worriedly and shouted loudly: "Ozzy."

The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates were also calling for Oz.




The Marine soldiers screamed with excitement after seeing the huge monster Majin Oz being stopped by Aokiji Admiral.

"Great, this big guy was finally stopped. Fortunately, Aokiji Admiral took action."

"That's right! We have the three most powerful Admirals here! So there is no need to be afraid of the Whitebeard Pirates."

"That's right, there is no need to be afraid of the Whitebeard Pirates, we will kill them!!"

The morale of the Marine soldiers has improved slightly. After all, the Whitebeard Pirates' charge was blocked.

But the breakthrough has been opened by the devil Oz.

Whitebeard looked at the frozen Oz with distress, then looked at the breach, and said loudly: "You guys, step on Oz and rush into the square."



The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates were inspired by their father's voice.

On Rainy Shiryu's side, against the cooperation between Ghost Spider and Flying Squirrel, there was no way to break through for a while.

Ghost Spider threatened: "Shiryu of Rain, since you have become a traitor, you and Luo Chen will both die in Naval Headquarters Marineford today."

"Haha!" Shiryu of the Rain sneered: "If you want to kill me, Shiryu of the Rain, and ask Admiral to fight me, just the two of you are not qualified."

"You are so arrogant, the two of us are enough to take you down." The flying squirrel used the six-style shave to appear behind Shiryu of the Rain and launch a surprise attack.

Rain Shiryu raised Thunderstorm sideways to block the flying squirrel's sneak attack.

The ghost spider held eight knives and slashed at Shiryu of the Rain from mid-air.

Rain Shiryu had to choose to be forced to retreat to avoid the attack of the ghost spider.

However, when Shiryu of Rain had just avoided the attack of the ghost spider, he sensed someone attacking from behind, which instantly made Shiryu of Rain frown.

Shiryu of the Rain had to retreat and quickly adjust his body to deal with the sudden attack.

"White smoke launcher."

At the very moment of making a fortune! Rain Shiryu's dangerous legs blocked the incoming attack.

Shiryu of the Rain looked at a man holding a Marine Commodore with a rank of ten on his hands in confusion, and asked: "Who are you??"



Smoker also smoked a cigar and said: "Get your people."

"Haha!" Shiryu of the Rain was instantly amused and laughed: "Are Marines so arrogant nowadays? Does this guy think he can take down Shiryu of the Rain??"

"Smoker? Why are you here?" Flying Squirrel asked. Of course, Flying Squirrel and Ghost Spider also knew Smoker. It was unclear why Smoker suddenly stopped dealing with the Whitebeard Pirates and instead came over to them. battlefield.

After all, Smoker is one of the few Logia Demon fruit powers in Naval Headquarters, and it’s hard not to recognize him.

Smoker held Ten's hand tightly. After his subordinate Tashigi was taken away by Luo Chen, Tashigi was now a bounty criminal because of the kidnapping of the Celestial Dragons.

Even if Tashigi is successfully rescued, in the end Tashigi will no longer be able to continue being a Marine.

Originally, Smoker wanted to settle a score with Luo Chen, but he tried to break through to the Moby Dick, but was constantly stopped by the captain of the Whitebeard pirate team.

Therefore, Smoker had to take a step back and find Luo Chen's hand to rain Shiryu.

Shiryu of the Rain also used this free time to light a cigar for himself and said slowly: "Ghost Spider, Flying Squirrel, plus a Marine Commodore with Logia Demon fruit power? Three people."

Shiryu of the Rain kicked the stones under his feet. It seemed that a fierce battle was about to begin. He originally wanted to kill the Marine soldiers, but now he had to deal with so many Marine masters at the same time.

Rain Shiryu is not timid at all, because Captain Luo Chen has the whole story.



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