Pirates: Inherit The Golden Lion Ability

Chapter 56 The Scuffle In Marineford Square


The appearance of dozens of pacifists immediately caused massive casualties to the Whitebeard Pirates.

In addition, ordinary pirates cannot cause effective harm to pacifists at all.

All of a sudden, the morale of the Whitebeard Pirates, which had soared, dropped a lot.

One of the 43 pirate captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, Leiqing Makugai, took the initiative to jump out and said: "Leave these human weapons of the World Government to us."

"I've been a big help, so I'll leave it to you." Blenheim, captain of the Ninth Division, responded.

After that, pirate captains under their banner continued to stop the pacifists, the human weapon. After all, if these pacifists were allowed to destroy unscrupulously, the Whitebeard Pirates would suffer heavy losses.

"Whitebeard has entered the square."

When Whitebeard stepped into the square from the bay, all the Marines immediately became nervous.

Whitebeard raised his supreme sharp knife, Cong Yunqie, and said with a smile: "Hula la la~~"

"My sons, please step back and stay out of my range."

The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates spread to both sides.

"Marine, if you have the ability, just block it and watch!" The supreme sharp sword Cong Yunqi was covered with a white vibrating light ball, and Whitebeard threw it violently.


The moment the explosion exploded, the violent air waves blew away a large number of Marine soldiers.


Some Marine soldiers were even blown up to a height of 100 meters.

Those who could stand firm, that is, Marines above the Vice Admiral, and everyone below the Vice Admiral were affected.

Sengoku and Ace were on the execution platform, both of them facing the strong wind.



After Whitebeard made one move, he planned to do it again, raising the supreme sharp sword Cong Yunqi to cover the Shock Fruit ability light ball.

Many Marines were horrified: "No way! Are you going to do that trick again?"

"I'll stop him." Aokiji jumped up with freezing air all over his body. He used Moonwalk and Shao at the same time and jumped into the sky above Whitebeard.


The freezing air ejected from Aokiji's palm instantly froze Whitebeard who was activating his Shock Fruit ability.

"Great, Whitebeard was frozen by Aokiji Admiral."

The Marine soldiers were so happy and excited when they saw this scene. They have Admiral here, so there is no need to be afraid of Whitebeard! !


The pirates behind Whitebeard looked at their father with worried expressions.

On the Moby Dick, Luo Chen sat with his hands folded and tapping his fingers.

The reason why Luo Chen has no intention of taking action until now is because since he plans to accept Whitebeard's inheritance, Luo Chen is waiting.

Luo Chen looked at Whitebeard who was frozen in the square and said with a smile: "Whitebeard, let me see what kind of results you can achieve without being injured."

At this time Domino also returned to Luo Chen and reported: "Captain, I brought Buggy's phone bug over."

"Well! Very good, Domino, you are now in charge of broadcasting. I will be the one to push this wonderful Summit War to a climax." Luo Chen announced with an evil smile on his lips.



Frozen Whitebeard's puck began to crack.

Click click click! ! !

Eventually the entire ice ball shattered.

Aokiji saw this scene and said: "Alas~~ It seems that the vibration cannot be frozen!"

The first time Whitebeard broke through the ice, he saw Aokiji coming over his head, holding the supreme sharp sword with one hand, Kusunukiri, and stabbed Aokiji.

"Aokiji Admiral, this...can't be true, right?" The Marine soldiers panicked.

"Great, damn Aokiji, were you pierced by Haki?" The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirate Group immediately became excited.

He was directly pierced through the body with Haki by his father. Even if he didn't die, he should be immediately crippled! !

He is indeed their father! Kill a Marine Admiral right out of the gate.

"NO, stop joking." Aokiji said.

Surrounded by frozen elements in the penetrating place, it is obvious that Aokiji entered the elemental state in advance to avoid Whitebeard's attack.

Aokiji grasped Whitebeard's supremely fast sword, Sounukiri, with both hands, and the freezing ability continued to spread from the supremely fast sword, Sounukiri.

Whitebeard frowned.

"Two stabbing spears." Aokiji crossed his hands with ice spears to form.

Suddenly a flash of light appeared in Aokiji's field of vision.

Diamond Jozi turned into diamonds and crashed into Aokiji. Aokiji was hit by such a collision and his whole body shattered into ice shards and fell to the ground.

After the ice shards were put back together, Aokiji's appearance was slowly revealed, but blood was already flowing from the corner of his mouth and he said: "Diamond Jozi."



"Dad, leave this to me, you go first." Diamond Jozi stared at Aokiji and said seriously.

Whitebeard grasped the supremely sharp sword Cong Yunqie, strode forward and responded: "Then I'm begging you."

A Marine colonel rushed to Izang, the captain of the 16th Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, with a sword in hand, and roared: "Go to hell! Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, don't even think about interfering with the execution of Fire Fist Ace."


There was a gunshot.

"What?" Colonel Marine looked at the tachi in his hand that was broken by a bullet in shock.

The pistol in Zang's hand was smoking, and he said: "I'm sorry, it seems you are no match for me!"


Yi Zang continued to fire another shot.

The Marine colonel was shot through the chest by a bullet, his eyes rolled white and he fell to the ground.

On the other side of the square.

Straw Hat Luffy had just knocked away a Marine soldier when suddenly a light appeared in front of his eyes.

"Straw Hat, have you ever taken action against the Celestial Dragons?" Kizaru put his hands in his pockets and said with a lewd expression.

The light flashed, and Straw Hat Luffy was kicked away by Kizaru.


Seeing Luffy being kicked away, the Straw Hats and others shouted Luffy's name loudly and worriedly.

Kizaru put his hands in his pockets and said leisurely and obscenely: "You members of the Straw Hat Pirates are also guilty. How dare you come to Marineford?"

"Then, let me arrest you people! At least there will be some explanation to the Celestial Dragons."



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