Pirates: Inherit The Golden Lion Ability

Chapter 6 Annihilating The Original Cp9 And Leaving Behind Kalifa


"Because those three people have been killed by me."

A voice came over.

Scared, Blueno, Kaku, and Kalifa quickly hid next to Rob Lucci and looked at the door.

Luo Chen and Tashigi had already appeared at the door.

Rob Lucci stood up from the bed and said, "You guys run, I'll deal with him."

"Rob Lucci, I heard that you are the strongest genius in World Government for 800 years. What do you think? Do you want to work under me? After all, World Government has abandoned you." Luo Chen opened his hands with a smile on his face said.

Rob Lucci probably also knew what was going on, and said: "It turns out they are here to recruit me."

"I'm sorry, I didn't intend to work under the pirates."

"That's such a pity. Do you really want to be a lackey of the World Government?" Luo Chen responded with a smile and shook his head.

For invited people, Luo Chen will only make it once.

At this time, Blueno plans to continue to use the door fruit ability to escape with Rob Lucci.

Luo Chen continued: "Tashigi, go ahead! That woman is your opponent, so hone your own strength."

"Luo Chen, damn it, why are you ordering me! I'm not a pirate, nor am I your subordinate." Tashigi pouted depressedly.

Luo Chen's eyes slowly moved towards Tashigi.

Tashigi was severely frightened when he saw Luo Chen's diverted gaze. Because of the experience he had yesterday, Tashigi really didn't want to go through it again.

For the first time in Tashigi's life, he went through that experience and realized that Luo Chen's true face was too evil.



Tashigi called out Shigure and said, "I know, I will deal with her."

Kalifa frowned. Kalifa would be afraid of that man, but there was no reason for Kalifa to be afraid of the frail woman next to him.

Blueno is extremely anxious, they are trying to escape! It's not a fight!

If the fight continues, none of them may be able to escape in the end.

Rob Lucci pulls off his bandage.

"Shaving." Using Marine Six Styles' shaving, Rob Lucci also entered the Zoan Devil Fruit ability to transform into a beast during the process of advancing.

Kaku saw Lu Qi taking action and rushed forward quickly.

Luo Chen shook his head with a disappointed expression and said, "What a pity."

"Lion Majesty. Thousand Slice Valley."

Sakura Ten quickly swung the big blade with dead wood, and swept numerous flying slashes towards Rob Lucci and Kaku.

The swordsmanship of the Great Swordsman level covers the entire huge area overwhelmingly.

The first to bear the brunt are Rob Lucci and Kaku.

Kaku has realized that he shouldn't rush forward so recklessly.

And Rob Lucci had no idea that the swordsmanship of the man in front of him was at the level of a great swordsman.

Rob Lucci and Kaku hurriedly avoided so many flying slashes.

However, without Observation Haki, how can they escape? ?

The first person to be hit by Luo Chen's Thousand Slice Valley was Kaku. The moment he was hit, the next sword energy hit him immediately, followed by the next flying slashing sword energy.



"Ahhhh~" Kaku cried out in pain.

Rob Lucci, shouted: "Kaku."

"Ahhhh~" After Rob Lucci called out the sound card library's name, he was also hit by Luo Chen's Thousand Slice Valley.

Just like this, Rob Lucci and Kaku were hit continuously by flying slashes that struck as fast as rain.

Gradually, Rob Lucci and Kaku also completely lost consciousness.

Countless wounds caused the two of them to lose their vitality at a rapid rate.

Kalifa, who had just fought with Tashigi, was instantly confused.

Tashigi reminded: "Look at the opponent in front of you! Don't be distracted."

Blueno watched as Rob Lucci and Kaku were killed so easily.

Without even thinking about it, he raised his hand to grab the air and use the fruit ability to open the door, and ran away.

However, the door fruit ability that Blueno opened was interrupted by a sword energy.

Blueno fell to the ground in fright.

Luo Chen said with a smile: "Do you think that after you ran away once just now, you will still let you run away a second time??"

"Besides, I did it intentionally when you escaped just now."

"Don't kill me, I am Demon fruit power, I can be your subordinate." Blueno said quickly.

The only chance to survive now is to join this man's army.

Otherwise, it would be a dead end. Didn't you see that all the original CP9 members were killed until only he and Kalifa were left? ?

Resistance will definitely lead to death.



Luo Chen said directly: "No, although you are Demon fruit power, your strength is too weak. What if you are won back by the World government again??"

"This... can't happen." Blueno quickly denied it. With such a big hat, how could Blueno admit it?

"Slash Wave."

Luo Chen swung his sharp sword with dead wood and swept it out with a huge flying slash.

"Help!" Blueno's eyes were filled with despair.

Boom! !

Right in front of Luo Chen's attack, there was a slash mark of several hundred meters with smoke rising.

Blueno's ending is that he can't die anymore.

Kalifa left Tashigi alone and ran away. All of them were killed by Luo Chen until she was the only one left.

Even if he can't escape, Kalifa will still run away. What if he really succeeds in escaping? ?

"If you continue to dare to run out one meter, then..." Luo Chen raised the sharp knife on the dead wood and was about to strike, and said.

Kalifa immediately came to an emergency stop because Luo Chen's intimidation was too strong.

It was so strong that even one word from Luo Chen made Kalifa dare not move even a single step.

Naturally dumbfounded, Tashigi suddenly thought, Luo Chen, call this woman? Do you want to? ?

Because Tashigi had experienced that kind of experience yesterday, so Tashigi knew that Luo Chen was just... In the end, Tashigi didn't dare to say it, nor did she dare to think about it.



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