Pirates: Inherit The Golden Lion Ability

Chapter 60 Whitebeard Is Old And Lacks Stamina


Whitebeard assumed a fighting stance, quickly turning the supremely fast sword Congunkiri with both hands, and then aimed it at Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru after freezing.

"Whitebeard, have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?" Kizaru took the initiative to attack, and his right leg instantly approached Whitebeard's waist.

Whitebeard's Observation Haki is indeed weakened, but the person who can stand at the top of the pirates' peak is so rich in combat experience. He said: "Kid, if you want to defeat me, it's still a hundred years early."

He swung his supreme sharp sword and slashed through Cong Yunqie.

"How scary! Whitebeard." Kizaru instantly turned into a beam of light and avoided it.

Before Whitebeard could take action, Aokiji's freezing attack had already landed on Whitebeard.

"Frozen time capsule."

Whitebeard, who was hit by Aokiji's Frozen Fruit ability, had his legs constantly frozen.

Whitebeard immediately covered his legs with the Shock Fruit ability.

Use the power of strong vibration to break Aokiji's Frozen Fruit ability.

Akainu was already preparing to attack. He raised his magma fist above Whitebeard and slammed it down: "Go to hell! Whitebeard."

"Magma Imp." Whitebeard clenched his left fist, covered it with the Shock Fruit ability light ball, and pushed it up with his fist.


Shock Fruit ability and Lava-Lava Fruit ability, the two forces collided instantly.

However, as Whitebeard and Akainu confront each other! !

Another attack is coming! !


The golden light penetrated Whitebeard's chest instantly.



The injured Whitebeard was waiting for attacks. Akainu seized the opportunity and immediately increased the output of Lava-Lava Fruit's ability.

Akainu roared: "Whitebeard, that's it for you."

"Damn it." For a moment, Whitebeard felt tremendous pressure. At the same time, Whitebeard also felt that he was really old.

There is already a feeling of lack of stamina. This would never have happened back then.

"Dad." The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates called out to their dad with great concern, and even stopped running.

Marco quickly shouted with sadness: "Everyone, don't stop, you can't live up to the opportunity created by dad."

At this time, the exhausted Straw Hat Luffy ran to Marco and said: "Pineapple Head, my companion helped me find the key to the seastone handcuffs. You guys cover me while I go rescue Ace."

"Seastone handcuff key? Thanks." Marco smiled at Straw Hat Luffy and expressed his gratitude. As for Straw Hat Luffy calling him Pineapple Head, Marco would not care at all now.

The first priority is to rescue Ace, as for the rest, it is no longer important for the time being.

Marco's hands turned into blue flame wings and flew into the air, and said loudly: "Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates, block Marine with all your strength and open a passage to the execution platform."

"Ho ho ho~"

"No problem, Captain Marco." Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates shouted in unison.



As the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates began to work together to open the passage to the execution platform, the Marine soldiers were blocked by the river.

Marine Vice Admiral tried to break through the defense line, but was blocked by the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Marco took the straw hat Luffy, Ivankov and others sprinted forward.

Under this situation, Vice Admiral, the chief adviser of the Marine Corps, also joined the team to fight against the Whitebeard Pirates.

Sengoku, who was on the execution platform, saw that the situation was getting worse and worse, and roared loudly: "What are you doing? Hurry up and break through the pirates' defense line."

Marine Vice Admiral Dauberman raised his sword and said loudly: "Concentrate and break through the pirate defense line."

One of the two rows of pirates was immediately broken through by Marine.

After all, here at the Naval Headquarters Marineford battlefield, the Marine numerical advantage is several times that of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Don't even think about interfering with Marco and the others." Diamond Jozi ran and smashed his fist into the crowd of Marines, sending a large group of Marines flying away.

Imazuna took the lead and ran under the execution platform, using her scissors to cut up the road surface and build a slope leading to the execution platform.

"Great." Straw Hat Luffy, who looked tired, laughed excitedly when he saw that the road was open.

Marco reminded: "Don't relax yet, there is Marine Marshal Sengoku up there."

"Garp's grandson." Sengoku muttered on the execution platform and was very angry when he saw Straw Hat Luffy and his team running up the slope.



Sengoku once again used the power of the Great Buddha form of the Human Fruit Phantasmal Beast.

The whole body turned into a huge golden Buddha.

Straw Hat Luffy looked at the giant Buddha in front of him in shock. That kind of power, Straw Hat Luffy could clearly feel, was not something he could compete with at the moment.

The gap is too big.

Marco said with unwavering eyes: "Straw Hat boy, leave Sengoku to me, and it's up to you to rescue Ace."

"Okay, no problem, leave it to me." Straw Hat Luffy's eyes became firm again and he responded.

"Come on! Straw Hat, rescue Ace." The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates shouted in unison.

Sengoku raised his palm and slapped it with all his strength.

"Big Buddha Shock Wave."

"Sengoku, I won't let you hit Ace's brother." Facing the huge shock wave, Marco immediately transformed into a phoenix and flew up, using his body to resist Sengoku's giant Buddha shock wave, buying time for Straw Hat Luffy.

Boom! !

The giant Buddha's shock wave hit Marco's body in phoenix form, making an explosion sound.

Facing Sengoku's giant Buddha shock wave, Marco did not flinch at all and gritted his teeth and persisted.

Seeing that the situation was getting serious, Sengoku immediately shouted to the two execution soldiers: "Execute Fire Fist Ace immediately."

Sengoku no longer cares whether the footage of the early public execution will be broadcast around the world.

As long as Marine wins, it will be worth it even if it brings some infamy.

The two execution soldiers raised their swords and were about to stab him.

This scene frightened the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates, Straw Hat Luffy and others.



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