Pirates: Inherit The Golden Lion Ability

Chapter 77 Sengoku And Kong Talk About The New Marshal


After Kong sat down at Sengoku, he asked seriously: "Sengoku, have you really decided? To abdicate the position of marshal?"

"Yes, Commander Kong, I have made up my mind to resign from the position of Marshal." Sengoku also responded solemnly.

Kong sighed and said: "If Whitebeard, who stands at the top of the pirates, dies, New World is destined to be in turmoil. But Luo Chen is indeed a big hidden danger. I can't figure out the real plan of the Five Elders."

Sengoku responded: "It will be difficult to deal with Luo Chen again. The opponent has the ability of Lion Fruit, and he will not be as reckless as the Golden Lion. Unless Luo Chen throws himself into the trap, we Marine will have no chance to deal with Luo Chen. "

"That's true!" Kong agreed with what Sengoku said. Lion Fruit's ability to dominate the air was so strong that it was completely helpless.

Kong moved to the main topic and said: "So Sengoku, who do you want to take the position of marshal?"

"I'm going to recommend Aokiji." Sengoku said the candidate in his heart.

"Aokiji?" Kong said after being lost in thought for a moment: "But Sengoku, I also heard some rumors that the Five Elders intend to put Akainu in power."

"Hey!" Sengoku sighed helplessly when he heard that the Five Elders were going to intervene in the marshal selection.

Kong noticed that Sengoku was in a low mood and comforted him: "However, if there are enough supporters within Marine, Five Elders will not consider it."

"Yeah!" Sengoku also knew this.



While Sengoku and Kong are talking to each other in Marine Future.

On the first half of the Grand Line.

A military ship was sailing on the sea, and Aokiji was lying on a deck chair wearing an eye mask and sleeping in the sun.

A Marine soldier reported: "Aokiji Admiral, we are almost arriving at Naval Headquarters Marineford."

"Alas~~" Aokiji Lazy Yangyang said: "Have you just taken a brief nap and returned to the headquarters? Time flies so fast!!"

Military ships enter the Naval Headquarters Marineford port.

Aokiji put his coat on his shoulders and walked back to the headquarters building.

"Aokiji Admiral."

"Aokiji Admiral."

Marine soldiers kept saying hello to Aokiji along the way.

When Aokiji returned to his office, he saw a man sitting on the sofa.

Smoker puffed on his cigar and said, "You've been out for a long time."

"Alas~~" Aokiji said: "Sorry, I kept you waiting for so long, tell me! What's the matter, Smoker."

"Have you made arrangements for me to be transferred to New World?" Smoker said straight to the point without any nonsense.

After Aokiji sat down, he leaned on the chair and said slowly: "I have already arranged this matter for you. You will take up the position of Vice Admiral in the New World G5 branch."

"However, I want to make it clear to you in advance. The New World is no better than the first half of the Grand Line, which is the area directly facing the Four Emperors."

"I know, I have already put my life on the line." Smoker responded without fear.



At the same time, New World waters.

The Blackbeard Pirates captured Supernova Bonney and kidnapped him.

Bonney roared: "Damn Blackbeard Teach, I won't let you go."

"Weihahaha~~" Burgess laughed and said: "Captain Teach, you are so miserable!"

Blackbeard Teach walked up to Bonney with a nonchalant expression, lifted up Bonney's chin and said, "How about it? Do you want to be Laozi's woman?"

"Go to hell! You damn ugly creature." Bonney spat directly at Blackbeard Teach.

"Damn it." Blackbeard Teach quickly wiped away the spit and threatened: "What a disgusting woman, with such a bad temper, who dares to have her!!"

Basque Choate drank his wine and said, "Captain Teach, it's so funny that this woman looks down on Captain Teach."

Blackbeard Teach said with a gloomy face: "If Laozi hadn't traded this woman for a warship, he would have killed her long ago."

"Blackbeard Teach, you'd better kill me now, or I'll kill you later." Bonney stared at Blackbeard Teach with an even more vicious look and roared.

Catherine Depen smiled evilly and said: "Hehe~~"

"If Captain Teach hadn't needed to trade this woman for a warship, I would have really wanted to torture this woman. It would definitely be interesting."

On a rock tens of meters high, Fan Oka used a telescope to see a military ship, and then saw Akainu standing on the bow of the ship with a cold face.



Fanoka turned to Captain Teach and reported: "A military ship is approaching us."

"Huh? Really? The military ship has finally arrived." Blackbeard Teach smiled: "Hahaha~~"

However, Fan Oka's next words instantly made Blackbeard Teach depressed and broke his defense.

Van Oka continued: "But the person standing on the warship is Admiral Akainu."

"What? Akainu?" Blackbeard Teach was very happy at first, but when he heard that the person coming was Admiral Akainu? Instantly, the whole person felt uncomfortable.

Blackbeard Teach cursed and said: "Young men, let's retreat quickly. Now is not the time to fight Akainu."

After Blackbeard Teach finished speaking, he ran away.

"Captain Teach, are we going to be drifting on the sea again? It's too miserable." Du Q said with a sick look.

"Hey~~" Lafitte twirled his sword, opened a pair of white wings behind his back and followed.

After the military ship docked at the shore, Akainu slowly walked towards the island.

When Akainu saw Bonney who was tied up with chains, he said: "Supernova Jewelry Bonney, I am very curious about your identity? You are able to let the superiors face you and capture you alive."

Bonney gritted his teeth and roared: "Marine, World government, I will not let you go."

"Really?" Akainu ignored Jewelry·Bonney, turned to look in another direction, and said, "Blackbeard Teach, he runs pretty fast."

"Someone, escort Supernova Jewelry Bonney back."

"Yes, Akainu Admiral." The Marine soldiers responded respectfully.



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