Pirates: Inherit The Golden Lion Ability

Chapter 9 Arrival At Sabaody Archipelago


Luo Chen was in a good mood and said with a smile: "Your Excellency Yixiao's perception is very strong! You can even feel the subtle changes in my body."

"Thank you. I see that your strength is also very strong! You must not be an ordinary person." He responded with a smile and cupped his hands.

Luo Chen said directly: "I won't beat around the bush anymore, since Your Excellency Yixiao just took the initiative to attack me."

"How are you going to deal with it? Give me an explanation! Your Excellency Yixiao."

In addition, Luo Chen's goal has been achieved. As for inviting Yixiao to join the Luo Chen Pirates?

Luo Chen wouldn't consider it, after all, this guy loves Marine.

Then there is no need to do anything that is not a waste of time.

When the time comes, Luo Chen plans to see if he can take advantage of this smiling character. If he does, it will of course be the best.

"Excuse me, what is your name? I owe you a favor." After thinking about it for a while, Yixiao responded.

Luo Chen heard the conditions offered by Yixiao and said with satisfaction: "Okay, my name is Luo Chen. I will keep your favor for now."

In the future, a favor from the Admiral of Headquarters may have unexpected results if used properly.

Luo Chen's body slowly rose into the air and flew back in the direction of his ship.

Yixiao Observation Haki paid attention to the direction Luo Chen left the whole time.

He said lightly from the corner of his mouth: "It seems that Luo Chen is not simple. From his tone, he values ​​me, a blind man, very much!!"



When Luo Chen returned to his boat, Kalifa and Tashigi quickly gathered around him.

Kalifa asked: "Luo Chen, how is the situation?"

"It's taken care of, let's go on." Luo Chen sat back on the chair and said.

Kalifa and Tashigi were relieved to hear that Luo Chen had taken care of it. Anyway, as long as everything was fine, everything would be fine.

Luo Chen said solemnly: "Get ready, I will start teaching you the training of two-color Haki."

"Becoming a strong man requires not only basic combat power, but also the equipment of the two-color Haki to be able to gain a foothold in this sea. Do you understand?"

Kalifa and Tashigi had actually been mentally prepared for this. Luo Chen specifically explained it to them last night.

They will be guided to learn the two-color Haki starting today.

Kalifa knows more about the two-color Haki.

Tashigi, on the other hand, knows nothing about it. After all, he has never even heard of it before.

Now Tashigi also knows that the so-called Armament Haki is able to hit Logia Demon fruit power.

Just like how Luo Chen shot Colonel Smoker.

There had never been anyone who could hit Colonel Smoker.

Only after Luo Chen appeared, this record was broken.

Tashigi has been in the East Blue Marine branch since he signed up to join the Marine Corps, and has been working under Colonel Smoker.

Tashigi thought of Colonel Smoker. Colonel Smoker must be very worried about her safety now, right? ?



Time, four days later, Luo Chen, Kalifa, and Tashigi also arrived at the Sabaody Archipelago. Luo Chen, who has the ability of Lion Fruit flying, can be said to be quite fast.

This is still the case with Kalifa's inaccurate route. If the route is accurate, it will take less than four days, and it is estimated that it will only take one or two days to reach the Sabaody Archipelago.

But for Luo Chen, there is no shortage of two or three days. After all, Luo Chen's next move is in Summit War.

There is still plenty of time for Luo Chen.

The Sabaody Archipelago is divided into several different regions according to the number of trees:

1-29GR: A lawless zone where pirates and bounty hunters run rampant, and where human auction houses also operate.

30-39GR: Sabaody Land Amusement Park.

40-49GR: Tourist area full of shops and souvenir shops (44GR is the public entrance).

50-59GR: Shipyard, protective film processing station.

60-69GR: Marine regional headquarters, World government entrance and exit.

70-79GR: Hotel Street.

Kalifa held the Sabaody Archipelago regional analysis map in her hand and said, "How about we go directly to islands 30-39?"

"I think it's okay too." Tashigi actually wanted to go to the amusement park. After all, even if Tashigi is a sword fanatic, it doesn't stop him from liking the amusement park.

Luo Chen didn't care about this, so he flew the ship directly to the shore of Island No. 32 and stopped.



Kalifa jumped down first, followed closely by Tashigi.

Kalifa asked: "Luo Chen, do you want to play with us? The amusement park must be very fun."

"You go! Just remember to pay attention to safety. I want to close my eyes and rest on the boat." Luo Chen said, leaning on the chair and closing his eyes.

Luo Chen said he didn't want to go, and Kalifa and Tashigi looked at each other.

"Then let's go have some fun!" Kalifa suggested.

Tashigi agreed and had originally planned to go to the amusement park.

Kalifa and Tashigi left, leaving Luo Chen alone on the boat.

The reason why Luo Chen is so relieved is not that he is 100% assured, but that he is confident enough in his Observation Haki.

Luo Chen's Observation Haki is fully activated and can already cover the entire Sabaody Archipelago.

Therefore, whenever Kalifa and Tashigi are in danger, they will be able to notice it immediately.

If it doesn't work, Kalifa also has a phone bug, so! There is no need to worry too much.

Tashigi, who was walking on the road, asked: "Kalifa, let's just play around nearby! It's too far away, Luo Chen will be worried later."

"Don't worry! I'm bringing the phone bug! Besides, the strength of the two of us is not very bad! It's enough to deal with some enemies. Even if we can't defeat it, we still have Luo Chen!!" In this regard, Kalifa is more satisfied Let it go.

Tashigi responded: "Okay (。ò ∀ó。)"



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