
Big Mom Charlotte Linlin's tea party and Sanji and Pudding's wedding are also going on as scheduled.

The Vinsmoke family sat together, happily drinking red wine. Today represents the day when they officially form an alliance with the BIGMOM Pirates.

Sanji kept his head down the whole time, without any spirit. For him, he may have to live like a puppet in the future.

As long as Luffy and the others can continue to sail smoothly, Sanji will feel satisfied.

Capone Bege, who was responsible for guarding outside the field, smoked a cigar and looked at the people present today with a very bad face.

In the internal space of the Castle Fruit ability.

Capone Bege sat in front of all the Straw Hat Pirates and said with a bad face: "Wait, our mission will be very difficult, because the three generals of the BIGMOM Pirates and others are coming, so we have only one way to succeed. If we fail, we will die without a burial place."

The people of the Straw Hat Pirates have long known that since they plan to invade the territory of the BIGMOM Pirates, they are bound to bear such pressure.

Straw Hat Luffy clenched his fists and said excitedly: "Yoshi! Wait for me, Sanji, I will definitely rescue you."

"Straw Hat Luffy, you should remember your mission, right?" Capone Bege asked on the side.

What he is most worried about is this guy, Straw Hat Luffy. If he fails at the critical moment, then he will really fail.



Luffy stroked his straw hat and smiled, "It's just destroying the nun's photo frame, don't worry!"

Capone Bege was relieved to hear that Straw Hat Luffy had not forgotten the mission.

Zoro wiped his weapon and said, "Once we start the action, we must get everything done in the shortest time, otherwise, if the BIGMOM Pirates come to their senses, we may even have trouble escaping."

Usopp, Franky, Brook and others all agreed with what Zoro said. They were going to cause trouble in the center of the other party's base camp, and the danger would definitely be the highest.

Robin looked at the map and reminded, "Once we succeed, take Sanji with us, and then use the small wind cannon that Franky has made in advance to quickly escape. Only in this way can we hope to leave here."

Robin's words actually mean that after taking back Sanji, they will immediately escape and not fight with the BIGMOM Pirates. The plan of that guy Capone Bege is to assassinate the Four Emperors Big Mom Charlotte Linlin, and Robin thinks that the possibility of success is not high.

"I agree with Robin's suggestion." Nami immediately raised her hand to agree with Robin's plan.

Nami didn't want to stay in the territory of the Four Emperors BIGMOM Pirates for too long, and there were risks everywhere.

The other people in the Straw Hat Pirates had no objection. Their original purpose was to rescue Sanji.

As for their overall combat effectiveness now, they don't think they can go head-to-head with the Four Emperors BIGMOM Pirates. That would undoubtedly be like an egg hitting a stone.



Outside world.

When Sanji and Pudding were getting married, the Straw Hat Pirates immediately launched a sneak attack.

The entire venue was in chaos. Morgans happened to be there and said excitedly: "This is incredible! Are the new Straw Hat Pirates challenging the Four Emperors Big Mom Charlotte Linlin? In any case, this is big news."

The nun's photo frame was also successfully destroyed by Straw Hat Luffy! !

Big Mom Charlotte Linlin went crazy and screamed, and her crazy screams swept the whole venue, and the brothers and sisters of the Charlotte family were unable to take action for a while.

The Straw Hat Pirates were told by Capone Bege to wear earplugs in advance, so! They were not affected by the crazy screams of Big Mom Charlotte Linlin.

Katakuri looked very unhappy and gloomy. He looked at Straw Hat Luffy and whispered, "These guys are in collusion with Capone Bege. No wonder our people have not found any traces."

Katakuri, under the pressure of his mother's crazy screams, used the power of the Mochi Mochi Fruit to create countless glutinous rice earplugs and threw them to his brothers and sisters.

When Zoro found out, he hurriedly reminded loudly, "Luffy, it's bad. We have to speed up. They have found a way to crack it."

"I know." Luffy didn't hesitate. After helping Sanji out of trouble, he had to leave here together..

Capone Bege finally found the best time and fired a long-prepared poison missile at Big Mom Charlotte Linlin.



Boom ~ ~

However, the scene that Capone Bege wanted did not appear, because the poison missile exploded halfway.

Capone Bege was stunned for a moment, and said in shock: "No, the operation failed, and those Charlotte family members have also recovered their ability to move. We have to run away immediately."

Katakuri led the team to pursue the Straw Hat Pirates. Because Big Mom Charlotte Linlin was still going crazy and bursting out the Conqueror's Haki, some of her children stayed behind and did not chase them all out.

While running, Sanji thanked with relief and said: "Everyone, thank you, you risked your lives for me."

"What nonsense are you talking about! Sanji, you are our companion. Without you, how can I eat? Hehe!" Straw Hat Luffy responded with a smile, not caring about the crisis of the current situation at all.

The Straw Hat Pirates have long been accustomed to this. Their captain Luffy is like this.

Zoro said seriously: "However, it may not be so easy for us to escape from the Bigmom Pirates' territory. The enemy is already chasing us."

As soon as Zoro finished speaking, the Straw Hat Pirates saw Katakuri leading the team to chase them.



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