
Before, Luo Chen only had swordsmanship, which was super SS+ level, but now, except for his observation Haki, everything else has reached super SS+ level.

The terrifying combat capability is even more versatile, comprehensive, and diversified than before.

After Luo Chen's energy increased rapidly, his domineering Haki unconsciously spread out.

Instantly, the decks within a range of ten meters were cracked. Fortunately, Luo Chen stopped it in time, otherwise the domineering Haki would be fully dispersed.

Then a large number of his crew members might suffer directly.

Marco looked at the broken deck in shock and said, "This domineering aura is as powerful as Red-haired Shanks."

Vista pulled his beard with his fingers and smiled, "Our captain is now the strongest in the new world after Daddy, so it is natural for him to be able to do this."

"Captain Luo Chen."

"Captain Luo Chen."

"Captain Luo Chen."

The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates began to shout in unison. The stronger their Captain Luo Chen was, the more excited they were.

Their Whitebeard Pirates are still the most powerful pirate group on this sea. There was Daddy in the past, and now there is Captain Luo Chen.

Their Whitebeard Pirates will always stand firm.

Luo Chen smiled with the corners of his mouth raised. What Marco said about the domineering aura is not inferior to Red-haired Shanks?

In Luo Chen's opinion, Red-haired Shanks only has the same domineering aura that can be shown off. As for other attributes, they are all behind Luo Chen himself.



Luo Chen himself can now be said to be the strongest and most comprehensive existence under the SSS God level.

Previously, Luo Chen relied on super SS+ level swordsmanship combined with SS+ level Overlord Color Entanglement to produce super SS+ level attack power.

Red-haired Shanks relied on super SS+ level Overlord Color Entanglement superimposed on SS+ level Armament Haki combination to play, super SS+ level comprehensive attack power, which is relatively simple.

Now Luo Chen, every move is super SS+ level attack power, and the power is more durable and powerful than a single one.

And the comprehensive defense is also super SS+ level.

[Ding! Host, the next stage of the gift package needs to kill a general to open, and the reward is a God-level enhancement]

[System, is the God-level enhancement directly enhanced to SSS level? 】

[Yes, host, SSS God-level will undergo a qualitative change compared to SS-level, SS+-level, and Super SS+-level. God-level belongs to another new level of power. Even Super SS+-level still belongs to the level of General Emperor, and in this world, it belongs to the King-level combat power.]

Luo Chen has almost figured it out. No wonder after Luo Chen's own diverse power was upgraded to Super SS+-level, it seemed that there was an insurmountable barrier.

There are still quite a few people who have reached the level of General Emperor in all the forces in this sea. At least there are still dozens of General Emperor-level people in the same era.

But in the same era, the number of King-level combat power will not exceed one hand.



At the same time, the world has caused a storm all over the world because of what Luo Chen declared in the war on the top. In just one day, many new pirate groups have appeared all over the world.

Sabaody Archipelago.

After Red-haired Shanks and Straw Hat Luffy parted ways.

Straw Hat Luffy was just about to call his companions to go to Fishman Island.

He was stopped by Rayleigh.

Rayleigh stood in front of the Straw Hat Pirates and said meaningfully: "Luffy, do you think you are qualified to go to the New World to compete with those monsters now? Shanks, I probably told you about the situation in the New World before!"

"This..." Luffy knew that Rayleigh was right! His current strength is not enough to support him to go to the New World to compete with those monsters.

Zoro, Sanji and others also looked worried.

Rayleigh smiled and said: "For one year, I will teach you how to master the two-color domineering, including laying a more solid foundation."

Luffy was moved when he heard this, so he looked at his companions and asked: "Everyone."

"Luffy, we support any decision you make." The Straw Hat Pirates and others responded together.

"Yoshi!" Luffy clenched his fist and said, "Then I'll leave it to you, Rayleigh."

"Then follow me!" Rayleigh prepared to take the Straw Hat Pirates to an uninhabited island.


After saying goodbye to Luffy, the red-haired pirates sailed on the sea.

Beckman stood beside Shanks and said, "Shanks, the newly rising Blackbeard Teach and Luo Chen are both very dangerous people. Both of them are dual devil fruit users, especially Luo Chen is extremely powerful. The New World may be in chaos next."

"Yeah!" Red-haired Shanks nodded and responded, "I know that no one can stop this era of rampage. What we have to do is not to let this era get completely out of control."

"In fact, the emergence of such a variable as Luo Chen was completely unexpected by me. I don't know whether the appearance of Luo Chen is good or bad."

"Boss, you have never looked sad!" Lakilu said while eating barbecue.

"Hahaha~~" Red-haired Shanks suddenly laughed and said, "Yes! There is nothing to worry about. What is coming will come."

Somewhere in the sea, the Blackbeard Pirates.

The barrel Basque Jot said depressedly: "Captain Teach, we are so miserable! We don't even have a ship."

"That's right! We can't drift like this forever, right?" The evil king Avalo Pizarro responded in wonder.

The huge warship San Juan Wolf sat like a mountain and said: "The worst one is me!"

"Hahaha~~" Blackbeard Teach laughed evilly: "It's because of you, Wolf, that our ship was broken and we can't continue to sail on the sea."


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