
As Kalifa ran over with the latest issue of the newspaper and shouted, interrupting Luo Chen's training.

Marco, Ace, Joz, and Vista also stopped attacking Captain Luo Chen and looked at Kalifa. They also wanted to know what big move the navy had made?

After all, the navy's admiral Akainu had just been killed by Captain Luo Chen, and the navy should be angry now! !

Luo Chen slowly opened his eyes, and his aura shrank. He looked at Kalifa and said, "Kalifa, read out the contents of the newspaper!"

"Okay, Captain Luo Chen." Kalifa reported in a cold and unconvinced tone, "The Navy is so abominable. It was obviously you, Captain Luo Chen, who killed Akainu, but nothing was reported. However, according to the gossip I received, Akainu was killed by Aokiji."

"Captain Luo Chen, don't you think this behavior of the Navy is too disgusting?"

Marco, Ace, Joz, and Vista looked at each other and felt that there must be something hidden.

Joz said sarcastically, "Isn't this the usual face of the Navy and the World Government? Their Admiral Akainu was killed by our Captain Luo Chen, so they must be afraid of losing face, so they said that Aokiji killed Akainu."

Luo Chen waved his hand and said, "You don't need to care about this kind of thing. What other news has the Navy reported?"

Although Kalifa was angry at the Navy's actions, she still obeyed Captain Luo Chen's words.



Kalifa cleared her throat and said with a relaxed brow, "Aokiji will serve as the new Admiral of the Navy. In addition, the Navy has launched a world-wide recruitment for the whole world, and said that those with strong strength can be directly promoted to the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters."

"There is another most important thing for us, that is, Captain Luo Chen, your bounty has been increased from 4.8 billion Baileys to 5.5 billion Baileys."

"5.5 billion Baileys? This has surpassed my father's bounty, so amazing." Vista responded with a shocked expression.

Diamond Joz clenched his fists and roared excitedly: "Now Captain Luo Chen's bounty has greatly widened the gap with the other three Four Emperors, and is almost the same as the bounty of Pirate King Roger."

"Captain Luo Chen will definitely be able to completely surpass the bounty of Pirate King Roger in the future."

"Luffy's future is difficult!" Ace looked up at the sky. He could imagine that Luffy wanted to defeat Captain Luo Chen? Basically, the probability was zero. Ace knew how powerful Captain Luo Chen was now.

Marco touched his chin with his fingers and said thoughtfully: "If the navy launches a global recruitment, then the consumption caused by the previous war on the top can basically be replenished in one go."

"The conditions offered are that those with strong strength can be directly promoted to admiral. The navy has made a big move this time!!"

"Marco, good analysis." Luo Chen praised Marco's analytical ability.



Luo Chen put his hands in his pockets and turned slowly, then said: "We don't need to worry about the navy's affairs for the time being. Kalifa will notify our people to deal with all the internal territorial issues first."

"Marco, Ace, Joz, Vista, the four of you continue to attack me."

"Okay, Captain Luo Chen." Marco, Ace, Joz, and Vista responded at the same time.

Kalifa also tactfully left the training ground where Captain Luo Chen was, and went to deal with the official business of the Whitebeard Pirates. After all, as Captain Luo Chen's secretary, there were too many things to deal with.

Time came, half a month after Aokiji became the marshal.

The office of Marshal Marinfandon of the Navy Headquarters, the office that used to be Sengoku's office has been replaced by Aokiji.

"Ah la la~~" Aokiji scratched his hair with his fingers and said helplessly: "It seems that after becoming a marshal, I have to deal with a lot more official business than when I was an admiral!!"

At this time, a naval lieutenant ran in, raised his hand and saluted respectfully and reported: "Marshal Aokiji, there has been a new major progress in recruiting soldiers."

Aokiji heard this and immediately became interested. Now the main task of the navy is to recruit soldiers around the world.

"Two powerful monsters have appeared that are so powerful that Vice Admirals Ghost Spider are helpless."

Aokiji put down his work and said excitedly: "Take me to see who the two powerful monsters are.""Yes, Marshal Aokiji." The Navy Major responded respectfully.



Aokiji left the Navy Headquarters on a military ship and came to the recruitment site.

With two such powerful people, Aokiji, as the new Marshal, should be there.

"Meet Marshal Aokiji."

"Meet Marshal Aokiji."

When the Navy soldiers saw Marshal Aokiji appear, they all fought together to take care of him.

Not far away, Aramaki smiled and said to Yixiao beside him: "Hey, Yixiao, the new Navy Marshal Aokiji has appeared."

"He looks pretty powerful, unlike those vice admirals who can't take a beating, hehehe~~"

"Yeah!" Yixiao responded simply, but his observation Haki's attention was all on Marshal Aokiji.

Aokiji didn't drag his feet and directly asked someone to take him to Yixiao and Aramaki.

Aokiji welcomed and said, "Welcome to join the big family of the Navy."

Two days later, this matter was completely finalized. Yixiao became the new admiral of the Navy, codenamed Fujitora, and Aramaki was codenamed Green Bull.

Together with the current Kizaru, they are known as the three admirals of the Navy Headquarters.

The Navy is also constantly promoting this matter vigorously, spreading it to the world at the fastest speed.

Let the people of the world know the determination of their Navy.

New World, Sleeping Ancient Town.

Redfield, who escaped from the Impel Down City, is here! !

In a dilapidated ruin, Redfield walked out with a devil fruit in his hand.

Redfield looked at the devil fruit in his hand and said with a smile: "Hehehe~~"

"No need to ask you Luo Chen, I also have a way to find this devil fruit, the power of youth is coming back."



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