Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 108: Natian Spider Mountain

This is a mountain island covered with lush forests, and the sun is blocked by dense tree canopies from morning to night.

Even though it was already evening, the place was still filled with mist. Different from the fog or miasma in ordinary forests, the fog in this mountain forest is faintly red...like a blood fog that cannot be dissipated.

This island is an ordinary island in the New World, because there is no production other than wood, not even people. So even the pirates are not interested in patronizing.

Therefore, this inaccessible island does not even have a name. Until recently, a fleet found a human-headed spider-like monster in the shadow of the forest.

This island with only one mountain has also attracted the attention of the world government.

The ship with the flag of the world government docked, and the CP agent, who was wrapped in a white cloak, commanded the white suit he was carrying to board the island.

"Listen well, our goal is to hide the humanoid creatures in this mountain. The instructions of Lord Wu Lao Xing must be captured alive.

That being said, this monster can regenerate continuously, and you can attack as much as you want. Just put them in the box.

But only one thing, they can't see the sun. Never let them shine in the sun before closing them in the box. "


The white cloak nodded and said: "Now start searching!"

Deep in the mountains and forests, in a wooden house, a short young boy with white hair, one eye is white and blood red, and the pupil has three eyes with black dots arranged horizontally. His other eye was blocked by hair.

There are horizontal or vertical red dots on his face, which are very conspicuous on the pale skin.

He was wearing a white kimono with a spider web pattern, and the two women beside him were wearing the same clothes as him, with the same red spots on their faces.

Compared with other spider-headed humans, human-headed spider-body monsters, these two women finally looked normal.

"Someone has come to hinder the peaceful life of our family!"

The little boy was so, when he heard him say a family, even the spider-headed monster was shocked. The two women showed even more horrified expressions.

"No matter what happens, parents must protect their children, and older siblings must protect younger siblings, even if they fight for their lives. This is the fetters of the family.

No one can break our fetters! Right, my family! So, the guys who disturb the peaceful life of our family, you have to kill all of them. "


The white cloak stepped on the soft soil in the mountains and frowned. His familiar smell of blood reverberated in his nose, and he could feel the brown spots of mud under his feet, all with dried blood.

"Is this ghost place a hell?" The white cloak said involuntarily.

Although I saw a lot of the so-called **** on earth in CP, I don't know why when I walked into this mountain forest, there was a more frightening atmosphere. Only **** has this kind of breath.

Suddenly, a strange sound came. The sound is like the sound of a tight wire.

He turned his head to see, several figures holding weapons, wandering out.

"Is it a pirate? It's not right to stay in such a place!"

Although this island is not a big island, it is an island that the record pointer will point to. And compared to the two neighboring islands, the magnetic field of this island is the most stable.

In other words, it is shown on the record pointer that this island will be a very safe island. Therefore, it is normal for pirates to pass by, but the problem is that the island cannot be supplemented with any supplies, and the pirates will not stay on the island.

The reason why CP came here is not only that someone has witnessed the monster on the island, but also that there has been no one who has passed from this island on the back island.

The white cloak watched the few pirates who came out warily, their walking posture looked abnormal. It feels like a puppet in a puppet show that is carried by a thread.

The expressions on the faces of these pirates were even more terrifying, with fear in their ferociousness, and some of them were even more stupid, apparently completely collapsed.

Which of the pirates who can enter the new world is not arrogant, and how can they have such an expression? The white cloak was even more curious about what they encountered.

"help me!"

A tearful pirate said while raising the knife in his hand to the white cloak and chopped it down.

"Paper painting!"

Using Navy Type Six, the white cloak easily dodges his attack. Then he sent a blow to kick the pirate directly away.

The white cloak naturally saw that the pirate was involuntarily, but he would not have any sympathy for CP agents like civilians, let alone these pirates.

These pirates can enter the new world, and their strength is not bad. Even if he was controlled by someone who didn't know his original strength, he still didn't die after receiving the white cloak.

"The move just now should have kicked off one side of the rib, and it can still act!"

The white cloak was surprised to see that the pirate, who should have been seriously injured, stood up again.

Most people with broken ribs will be unable to move due to severe pain. Even if the willpower is strong enough to overcome this pain, the ruptured ribs are likely to pierce muscles or blood vessels. And there is a considerable probability that it will stab the internal organs in the chest cavity.

In this case, if the broken ribs are not put back in time, it is likely to cause fatal visceral bleeding.

But the pirate just stood up and continued to pounce on the white cloak. And the white cloak can already see a lot of blood coming out of his mouth and nose.

But even so, the white cloak will not show mercy.

He kicked the pirate to pieces with several feet, avoiding the splashed blood in disgust, and Bai Xifu just wanted to order his subordinates to solve the other pirates. Looking back, he saw that his men had become a mess.

Several CP agents with slightly weaker strength have been killed by the pirates and fell to the ground. Perhaps the mottled blood stains he saw before were left like this.

What's even more bizarre is that some of his subordinates even aimed their weapons at their companions. Seeing that they were so stiff that they were definitely not the movements trained by CP, how could he not guess that they were also controlled!

"When is it on earth?"

Bai Xifu was a little puzzled. He hadn't seen the man who manipulated these pirates in the dark like a puppet, how his subordinates were tricked.

Suddenly he saw a white spider crawling on the ground, and the tiny spider silk attached to the spider's body.

"The string doll! It turned out to be a string!"

As he said, he stepped on the spider that wanted to climb on him.

At this time, a white suit stabbed directly with a knife. Bai Xifu didn't care about this subordinate's plea at all, and ran his throat with a finger gun relentlessly.

"Listen well, be careful of those spiders. They will be controlled if they are connected by the spider silk. Hurry up and solve the incompetent people who have been controlled, we have to move on!"

For a while, screams echoed in this woods.

The spider mother was in the shade of a tree in the distance, with wire-like spider silk attached to her fingers. He is controlling everyone.

"No! No! If this goes on, you will be..."

Seeing the puppets being solved one by one, she couldn't help feeling a little flustered. Although she is named family, she has always endured the violence of the spider's father. If he fails to solve all the people who invaded here this time, he will definitely be abused again.

"These useless puppets!"

The spider mother gritted her teeth and hooked her fingers hard!

The only controlled white suit and the two pirates left in front of the white cloak suddenly stopped, and finally their necks turned directly behind them.

The white cloak was wondering what had happened when a tall, headless figure suddenly sprang out of the jungle. The two arms that looked like the legs of a giant spider stabbed directly.

The most frightening thing is that this monster has no head. This is the strongest puppet of the spider mother. It turns out that it is also a ghost, and it is a tired "family". Because he was abandoned, he became the puppet of the spider mother.

Regardless of power or speed, this puppet is the strongest. And when the spider mother wholeheartedly manipulated this puppet, its movements were more flexible, and it was not as rigid as the previous puppet.

Baixifu entered the forest in multiple ways, and his subordinates encountered a spider mother who could control others. Others also ran into other members of the spider family.

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