Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 120: The real powerhouse on the sea

Kenshin Himura took a deep breath, trying to empty all the emotions in his heart. In the face of opponents like Hawkeye, even a trace of extra emotion may become a factor leading to defeat.

After leaving the navy, Kenshin Himura wandered in various sea areas, and he had seen all the beautiful, ugly, and miserable.

But it is precisely because of this that he has never stopped honing his swordsmanship and domineering.

"Flying Royal Sword Stream, Dragon Nest Flash!"

Kenshin Himura slashed a dazzling attack. Compared with Sauron's three-sword style swordsmanship, which Mihawk rated as violent, Kenshin Himura slashed out the dragon's nest flash with only one sword.

Mihawk brandished the wide black sword in his hand and slashed at Kenshin Himura at the same speed.

Sauron, who regained consciousness, gritted his teeth when he saw the scene of the two fighting against each other.

His goal is to become the world's largest swordsman. He didn't even have an opponent in the East China Sea, thinking that he was not far away from this goal.

But after fighting Mihawk, he knew that he was wrong. It turned out that the world was really too big. He is still a desperate distance from his goal.

Just like in the battle before him, no matter if he is substituted into anyone, he can't block the opponent's moves.

Even if Sauron's unwilling eyes were glaring and bleeding, it did not affect the two who were fighting.

Mihawk's black knife slashed down, and the knife mark directly smashed the shipwreck under the feet of the two.

Regardless of the fact that Mihawk’s black sword night is long and wide, it is different from the black sword Qiushui, which can’t be bent by an elephant. The black sword night is a unique soft knife.

Only a great swordsman like Mihawk can cut such a domineering slash with such a soft knife.

Kenshin Himura's body rotated in a circle, not only avoiding Mihawk's slash, but also launched a powerful slash with the help of centrifugal force.

"Flying Imperial Sword Stream, Tornado Flash!"

The inverse blade knife and the black knife rubbed a string of sparks, and Mihawk's sharp eyes stared at each other through the sparks and the peaceful eyes of Kenshin Himura.

The two separated again, each looking at each other.

"Beautiful counterattack, and your swordsmanship is also familiar to me! Although I don't know what you have to do with the person I know, I'm very happy to fight against a swordsman who masters this kind of swordsmanship again." Mihawk thoughtfully typical.

Since Mihawk's debut, there are only two people who can be regarded as his opponents. One is the red-haired Shanks who has become the Four Emperors, and the other is Shitian of the White Beard Pirates.

Shanks, who had broken one arm, didn't mention it. Although Shitian announced that he had lost to Mihawk in the kendo, Mihawk was indeed almost killed by Blind Shitian in the final battle between the two.

In the first encounter with Shi Tian, ​​Shi Tian defeated him with a special set of swordsmanship. Although Shitian merged the swordsmanship of various schools to create his own swordsmanship, the set of swordsmanship of Flying Imperial Swords still made his memory fresh.

Unexpectedly, in the East China Sea, he would meet a swordsman who used the same swordsmanship.

Kenshin Himura thought that Mihawk was talking about his master Kiyoshijuro Hiko. Seijuro Hiko is also a swordsman, and he might have fought against Hawkeye.

He didn't say anything, just retracted the knife into its scabbard, ready to launch the next attack.

Hawkeye could feel the difference between what Himura Kenshin used and Shitian's Feitian Imperial Sword Stream, but for some reason, he felt that Himura Kenshin used more mature. This also made him more excited.

"Flying Royal Sword Stream, Twin Dragons Flash!"

The blade slashed past Mihawk's eyes, and the speed of this move was so fast that even Mihawk had to choose to avoid it.

There is a shortcoming of drawing swords, that is, there is only one chance. A missed hit will reveal a fatal flaw.

Mihawk escaped the knife, but a bad wind suddenly sounded. Kenshin Himura hit him with a scabbard.

Ssangyong Shin was created to make up for the shortcomings of drawing a sword and cutting with only one blow.

That is, Mihawk, who has the ability to react at this time. The black sword was lifted, and the cross-like knife shank blocked Kenshin Himura's scabbard.

Mihawk swiveled the blade, fending off Kenshin Himura and swung it out.

A huge horizontal slash spread out, and Himura Jian dodged his heartbeat, but the wrecked ship behind him was directly cut away.

"Flying Royal Sword Stream, Dragon Hammer flashes!"

With the momentum of falling, Kenshin Himura slashed down. This knife was like a dragon descending from the sky, slashing directly on Mihawk's knife.

The blades collided, and the wreck under the feet of the two men shattered directly under the huge force.

Himura Ken's heart jumped and landed on a large wooden board. Although Yuebu is not very proficient, there is a place to borrow strength under his feet, and it will not affect the combat effectiveness too much.

Mihawk also stepped on a piece of wreckage and waved the black sword in his hand at Kenshin Himura.

At the Pirate World Expo in the future, Hawkeye used a slash to chop a meteorite into pieces. Now this knife has the same style.

Facing the slash like a net of heaven and earth, Kenshin Himura let out a sigh of relief.

"Flying Imperial Sword Stream, nine-headed dragon flashing."

Everyone seemed to see a monster appearing behind Kenshin Himura. It was a dragon with nine heads. At this time, the nine heads of the dragon came out from different directions, biting at Mihawk’s Slash.

The nine-headed dragon flash was originally a technique in the Flying Imperial Sword Stream that was second only to the Profound Sky Dragon flash in power. In the world of Pirates, the power of this move has been strengthened, and it is no longer an ordinary swordsmanship.

Everyone was stunned by the battle before them.

"Are they...really humans?"

Bharati’s chef asked the question everyone wanted to ask.

The East China Sea is known to be the weakest sea, not to mention the battle between such great swordsmen, even a Devil Fruit Ability person may surprise them.

And they never thought, it's just that the battle between two people can actually cause natural disaster-like destructive power.

Klick originally wanted to go up and say a few words to Hawkeye who had driven them back to the East China Sea. It can be seen that he didn't even dare to appear in this scene.

The nine-headed dragon shattered Mihawk's slash, and Kenshin Himura reappeared in front of everyone. At this time, Kenshin Himura assumed the posture of drawing a sword again.

At this time, everyone could feel that Kenshin Himura's next cut was absolutely different from the previous one.

Mihawk, as the person who wants to take the knife, naturally feels stronger. He shook the black knife in his handshake, and said with a smile: "It's really superb swordsmanship. It is really pleasant to fight against a swordsman like you."

Kenshin Himura was stunned for a moment. The sword was a sin for him. He never thought that there could be other things on the blade.

But whether it was Sauron or Mihawk, who had spared their lives, there was something in their kendo that they couldn't understand.

That's why Kenshin Gomura wanted to experience more from this battle.

"Flying Imperial Sword Stream, Profound Yi·Tianxiang Dragon Flash!"

A slight smile appeared on Mihawk's always unsmiling face.

"Just right, let the horse come here!"

Flying out like a dragon, Kenshin Himura released a slash. The slash shot up into the sky like a dragon, and even Mihawk couldn't see it all at the speed that surpassed everything.

Mihawk didn't evade, but instead made a slash with all his strength.

"Look, the sea and the sky!"

Everyone was horrified to find a huge gap in the sea that could not be healed for a long time, and the clouds in the sky were completely separated. It is like a pen drawing two parallel lines on the sky and the sea!

This scene stimulated two people, one was Sauron who volunteered to surpass Hawkeye. Another is Luffy.

Growing up in the East China Sea, he saw for the first time what kind of power the real strong man in the sea holds, and he also understood the difficulties he would face if he wanted to become the One Piece King.

Sometimes, courage is indeed due to ignorance. Once you learn more, fear also arises. But there is a kind of people who don't understand fear and will have stronger fighting spirit because of this.

There is no doubt that Lu Fei is such a person. At this time, he wants to become stronger even after he knows his weakness.

There were bleeding stains on Kenshin Himura's clothes, even if the clothes were ocher red.

A gap appeared on Hawkeye's placket, and a blue-purple trace appeared on his wrist.

"Two draws and slashes beyond human reaction? It's really amazing swordsmanship."

In the collision just now, even though Kenshin Himura's first slash was blocked, he unexpectedly returned the sword in an instant and issued a more powerful slash.

In Mihawk's eyes, the dragon took a breath at himself while hovering in the air. The surroundings seemed to become a vacuum, and the movements were deformed because of this. It is precisely because of this that the second slash hit him.

Kenshin Himura retracted the Niblade, looked at the wound on his chest and said, "I lost it!"

Hawkeye also put the black knife back behind and said: "If you use other knives, the result is not necessarily. I have had enough today, and I look forward to our next meeting."

With that said, Hawkeye would jump on his own boat. The coffin-like boat left directly.

Everyone watched Hawkeye leave, and no one moved for a long time.

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