Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 123: negligence

Ace walked too hastily this time, and even forgot to leave his life paper. Shitian wanted to find him, which added a lot of trouble.

Fortunately, Shitian knows the development of the plot, and Ace will reach the Kingdom of Alabastan when he hunts down Blackbeard. Worst of all, Shitian can still get Ace back in Alabastan.

Not only that, Shitian also knew where Blackbeard would go.

In the first half of the Great Route, Blackbeard went to Drum Kingdom, Alabastan, Gaya Island and Banaro Island, where Ace finally duel.

Compared to recovering Ace, Shitian is more inclined to kill Tic directly.

The duel between Ace and Blackbeard on Barnaro Island began three days before the Straw Hat Pirates broke the Judicial Island.

Shitian is very afraid of any changes due to the butterfly effect, so in any case, he must at least converge with Ace in Alabastan.

It is no problem to go directly to Alabastan, but Shitian still wants to try if he can meet Tic in advance. So he used Tiantaxuan to fly directly to the Drum Kingdom.

The Drum Kingdom used to be a major medical country, so it’s not hard to find an eternal pointer to it.

Hurrying slowly, Shitian finally arrived at this snow-covered island. But in the harbor, he saw the familiar sailboat at a glance.

"Golden Meili! Am I coming late?" Shitian smiled bitterly.

Since the Straw Hat Pirates has come to the Drum Kingdom, that means Ming Heibeard has left the Drum Kingdom.

And Ace who was chasing him should have left too. In the original book, Ries left the Drum Kingdom a week before the Straw Hats and his party left the Drum Kingdom, and left a message to Luffy about staying in Alabastan for ten days.

In the next days, you can choose to rush to Alabastan and Ace to meet, or go directly to Gaya Island to stop Blackbeard.

To be safe, Shitian still plans to go to Alabastan to meet Ace first.

Although Luffy is on the island, Shitian is not in the mood to meet the future One Piece.

Turning to leave, Shi Tian flew in the direction of Alabastan.

But it was time when he didn't land on this island, he just missed out with Ace.

The former palace of the Drum Kingdom, now the residence of "Witch" Dr. Kuleha.

Luffy was sitting opposite Ace, and his friends were also around.

"That's it, Ace, you are already such a powerful person now!" Luffy said with a grin.

Compared to the other careless guys on the boat, Nami knows the situation on the sea the most, and she utterly complained: "It's too easy to say! He is the captain of the white beard pirate group, but he is famous. Big pirate."

Luffy grinned and said, "Really! I will definitely surpass you, Ace! One Piece, I'm sure!"

Ace smiled and said, "Whitebeard is the one who wants to become One Piece, you should give up!"

Luffy said unconvincedly: "It must be me who will become One Piece!"

A figure flashed in Ace's mind, and said with a smile: "Then you have to surpass not only me, but a monster stronger than me. When you see him, you will understand how difficult it is to become the One Piece!"

Sauron took the bottle and said, "Will a man like you say this?"

Sauron had seen Ace's power, and now there was no snow around the palace. It was caused by Ace's blow to the former king of the Drum Kingdom, Wapol.

It's hard to imagine anyone who can make Ace feel ashamed.

Ace said with a reminiscence expression: "He joined the Whitebeard Pirates before me, he should be regarded as my brother! He is the true pillar of Whitebeard.

Luffy, if you want to surpass the old man, you must surpass him first. "

Luffy said confidently: "No matter who it is, I will surpass it!"

Shitian didn't know that he had become a goal that Luffy wanted to surpass, and he also didn't know that he had passed Ace.

This is Shitian's negligence, he forgot, the situation now is completely different from the original.

First of all, the dark fruit did not fall into Saqi's hands and thus caused Blackbeard's betrayal. This time, Blackbeard took the initiative to contact the world government, borrowing the world government's intelligence network and got dark fruits.

The time of the two was originally different, but because the original book did not accurately describe the time of Blackbeard's betrayal. Therefore, Shi Tian subconsciously speculates Ace's itinerary based on the memory of the original book.

This time, Ace happened to ran into Luffy when he arrived at Drum Island. What's more different was that Ace found out about the target of Operation Blackbeard.

Had it not been for Luffy's side, he would have pursued Blackbeard a long time ago.

It was these kinds of accidents that made everything out of Shitian's expectations.

So every day I searched for Ace in Alabastan, until the Straw Hat Pirates came to Alabastan. By this time, Shi Tian suddenly realized how big a mistake he had made.

Usually Tian also warns himself not to believe too much in the plot in the original book, but at this time he is negligent.

He secretly scolded himself for losing his mind, and couldn't help thinking about what to do next.

At this time, the block on one side suddenly became chaotic. A pillar made of thick smoke rose into the sky, and Luffy was being caught in it. It seemed that Luffy had run into Smogg, who was entangled by Smogg and couldn't get out.

Smogg was originally a navy stationed in Rogue Town. As a natural person with the ability to smoke fruit, Smogg earned the title of White Hunter on his own.

Just because I watched more in the crowd..., it’s not right, because he saw that Luffy was about to be killed by Bucky and showed the same smile as Roger did when he was executed, so he concluded that Luffy would become a big shot. .

From the standpoint of the Navy, such a big man will definitely cause considerable trouble. So Smogg directly chased the straw hat group to Alabastan.

And Luffy in this period had nothing to do with Smogg from the Department of Nature.

Shitian sighed. After all, he was Ace's younger brother. And Shitian has something to ask Lu Fei and others.

Luffy, who was caught in the pipe of cigarettes, only felt that the sky was spinning, and suddenly someone grabbed him by the hand and pulled him out.

"Fly... fly!"

Lu Fei shook his head, only to realize that he was being carried and flying in the air.

As soon as he looked up, he saw the fluttering white Haori and half of his face.

Shi Tian looked around and said, "You are Ace's younger brother! I will send you out of here first, and then I have something to ask you!"

With that, Shi Tian threw Shi Tian in the direction of the straw hat group.

Luffy was caught by Sauron and Sanji, and raised his head and said, "Although I don't know who you are, thank you!"

Shi Tian slashed it down, cutting a deep mark on the street. It just blocked the navy who wanted to catch up with the straw hat group.

Smogg regained his human form and raised his hand to stop his men.

"Stop, there is this man, we can't catch the straw hat boy."

Smogg looked up at the fallen Shitian and said, "But I don't understand, why do men like you appear in this place? Why do you want to help the straw hat boy?"

Shitian thought for a while and said, "Strictly speaking, he should be regarded as my younger brother's younger brother, so you can't let you catch him here!"

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