Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 126: War preparation

Shi Tian stood on the battlefield that had turned into a clearing, holding a phone worm with a white crescent beard in his hand.

"Father, that's the way it is! I'm late, and Ace was also taken away."

"Goo la la la! It's okay, anyway, we are going to rescue Saatchi, so let's rescue Ace, this reckless fellow!"

Shitian nodded and said: "I think so too. There is one more thing, Titch, the traitor, I have solved it, and I have solved it without even leaving Ash."

The phone worm was silent for a while and said: "Just so, he deserved the crime for betraying his family. You just come back, we are ready to start the war."

Shitian said, "Father, Saqi and Ace may have been imprisoned in Advance City, I want to find them."

Baibeard said through the phone: "Idiot, how could that guy in the Warring States period allow us to find Ace and Saatchi so easily. He will only give us a chance to take back home, and that is on the battlefield."

In Shitian's memory, Ace had been locked in the infinite **** of the advance city before being executed. But after the previous events, he is no longer so convinced of the plot of the original book.

Shi Tian said: "That's it! Save Ace and Saqi on the battlefield."


Shitian hung up the phone bug and turned back: "After listening for so long, you should also show up. Tyrant, Basolomi Bear!"

The bear holding the Bible suddenly appeared far away from Shitian, his eyes staring at Shitian plainly.

Shi Tian said coldly: "Ace will be sent away so quickly because of you! Don't you want to explain it to me?"

Xiong opened his mouth and said, "This is an order of the world government, and I can't resist it for various reasons!"

Shitian looked bad and said: "I'm thinking, should I kill you directly here!"

Xiong opened his mouth and said: "I still have important things to accomplish, so if you choose to do it, I will run away immediately!"

Shitian looked at Xiong and said, "Will a man like you run away?"

Xiong extremely firmly said: "In order to accomplish the final goal, I am willing to do anything. Besides, it is not easy to escape in front of you."

Shi Tian put his hand on the handle of the knife and said, "Then I really want to know why you didn't run away right away, but you are still in front of me now."

Xiong said: "I just have a question that I want to answer. Do you want to be the One Piece?"

Shi Tian said without a word, "Are you qualified to let me answer? Don't forget where you and I stand now."

Shitian understood why Xiong asked this question. In the eyes of others, the strength of the navy is more than that of the White Beard Pirates. In other words, in this war, the White Beard Pirates is likely to be the loser.

As the leader of the Whitebeard Pirates, defeat for Whitebeard means leaving the stage of the sea.

When the time comes, the person who succeeds White Beard and continues to lead the White Beard Pirates is likely to be the strongest captain. Therefore, the attitude and ambition of the times are very important to the future direction of the White Beard Pirates and even the entire sea.

As a cadre of the revolutionary army, Xiong must detect this in advance. This allows the revolutionary army to formulate plans for the next move faster to respond to changes in the times.

Xiong looked at Shitian's expression and said: "Okay! I think I have the answer! In exchange, I can tell you a piece of news. The naval weapon of war developed by Begapunk is almost complete, and the world government has allocated it. A large sum of money is used for manufacturing, and it is likely to be used in the war that will break out soon."

As he said, the bear took off his gloves, revealing a lovely pad in his palm.

Seeing where the bear disappeared, Shi Tian did not choose to pursue it. After all, the strength of the bear is very strong, and now is not the time to entangle him.

What we need to do now is to prepare for the coming war on the top.

Since Shitian joined the Whitebeard Pirates, he has been preparing for this war without others knowing. Next, it's time to verify the results.

On Sirius Island, Shi Tian looked up at the trunk of the Sirius tree that covered the entire island. Stepped into the Fairy Tail Guild.

After a long time, Shi Tian walked out, waved his hand behind him and rose into the sky.


Akino never imagined that Akatsuki, which he was so worried about, was hidden not far from the Navy’s New World Base.

Shi Tian just appeared in front of this seemingly ordinary village and was surrounded by a group of people wearing red clouds and black robes.

Looking at Tiandao Payne in front of him, Shitian smiled and said, "You are the leader of Akatsuki! How about it, are you interested in going to the navy headquarters to fight against rice?"

After some "friendly" exchanges, Akatsuki decided to accept Shitian's commission to participate in the war on top as a mercenary.


Shitian came to the first island in the Pirate World, and it was also the island where Shitian and the White Beard Pirates met.

"Seireitei should also thoroughly shine on the sea!"

A Japanese-style door slowly opened in front of Shitian. This is the gate through which the **** of death enters and exits the world. Compared with the door made by Kisuke Urahara himself for smuggling, this one is much more stable.

The door opened and the old man walked out slowly.

"Didn't you leave Seireitei, what are you doing back?"

Shitian just said: "I need the power of the **** of death!"


Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Toshiten falling from the sky, and hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Mr. Toshiten, why are you here?"

Shitian looked at him and his three little friends and said, "I have a very important thing to ask you."

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Shiten's serious look, and said seriously, "Mr. Shiten, please tell me, in order to repay your kindness for teaching me, I will do whatever you want!"

Kurosaki Ichigo was not suitable for being a pirate, so Shiten let him leave after helping him master the blur. And now, Shitian thought he could help a little too.

"Ace was taken away, so we have to go to war with the navy!"

Kurosaki Ichigo said: "Do you need me to help on the battlefield?"

Shitian shook his head and said: "No, I need you to go to a very dangerous place. There is a navy prison. I need you to go inside and rescue a few people.

Don't worry, I will let Mr. Urahara and Miss Ye Yi go with you. "

Shi Tian suddenly thought that the reason for the existence of Advance City was that the navy chose to imprison these pirates instead of directly executing them in order to prevent the powerful devil fruit from rebirth on the sea.

This is precisely why the Navy generally chooses to imprison some big pirates. Ace was tortured publicly because of his special identity and the need to use it as a bait to get Whitebeard on the bait.

So the Navy may not execute Ace and Saatchi at the same time. There is a great possibility that Ace will be executed as in the original book and Saqi will be locked in the city.

In this way, arrangements must also be made to advance the city. Moreover, advancing prisoners in the city can also be an aid to war.


In Wonokuni, Mitian stood up abruptly and said, "What, the Whitebeard Pirates are going to war with the navy?"

Yu Yuan sat down and said, "That's what the intelligence said. What are your plans?"

Mitian went to the side and picked up his saber and said, "Does that still need to be said? Bai Xiaoji is my brother, I naturally want to help him! Yuyuansan, can I send it to Konoha Shinobu as a task this time?"

Naturally, Yu Yuan would not refuse, and smiled and nodded: "Of course, I am happy to accept it."

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