Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 143: The war is over

Lieutenant General Crane looked at Milazhen who flew back to the enchanted airship, and stopped other navies who wanted to shoot her: "Okay, don't worry about these unrelated people. Our goal now is to intercept all the white beard pirates. group!"

Little Oz stepped on the fence that didn't rise, even if he was scarred by the shells, he couldn't move!

At this time, Shi Tian also gathered all the members of the White Beard Pirate Group on the battlefield.

"Don't want to run away!" The Warring States became a big Buddha and slapped it.

"Black Rope Scourge King Ming!"

Shitian smashed the Zanpaku Knife, and the black armored giant used a big knife to block the impact of the Buddha in the Warring States Period! Two giants, one black and one red, collided in the navy headquarters.

"Everyone, hurry up, there are Death's captains outside to answer, as long as you leave the harbour, it's safe!" Shitian turned his head and said loudly!

Margo nodded and greeted the others and ran towards the gap made by Oz.

Looking at the Warring States Period, Shi Tian raised his brows and said, "Since he wants to keep us in Malin Vandor, let's see if this island can accommodate us!"

The turbulent spiritual pressure was released, and this was the first time Shi Tian did not have a trace of energy to release the spiritual pressure with all his strength. Even the Black Rope Scourge Ming King behind him disappeared.

"Ninety-nine of breaking the road, the five dragons turn to extinction!"

Shitian's abyss-like spiritual pressure condensed into five dragons, and the dragons looked up to the sky and screamed, attracting everyone's attention.

As the Dao with the highest known serial number, the power of the five dragons to turn to extinction can be imagined. The five giant dragons roared at the Warring States, all of them might pounce at any time.

Behind the Warring States is the navy headquarters, and the navy logo and justice on it make him unable to avoid it.

A figure appeared next to the Warring States Period, leaving the coat of justice casually!

In the end, Karp violently broke the Shenwei space and escaped. He turned his head and said: "It's been a long time since we fought together. There is no stranger, Warring States!"

The Warring States Period said unceremoniously, "I should say this. Isn't it too late to be serious now?"

Karp laughed and said, "Don't be careless, Sengoku. The kid in front of me may be scarier than the white beard. If you relax a little bit, Marin Vandor will be completely ruined by him, and justice will be completely lost."

On the other side, with time, he waved his hand slightly and heavily. The five Reiatsu dragons hovered and rushed towards the two.

The Warring States period condensed the strongest impact he could release in his palms, and faced the rushing dragon. Karp is not to be outdone, condensed to the extreme domineering also hit the dragon with his fist.

Twenty years ago, Golden Lion hit the navy headquarters alone. It was also the Warring States and Karp who joined forces against the enemy. Although the Golden Lion was finally sent to Propulsion City, half of the navy headquarters was also destroyed.

Whether it is a devil fruit capable person, a physical skill expert, or a great swordsman, at this level, there is no battlefield that can withstand their all-out shots.

It's the same now. Although the Five Dragons were turned off by Karp and the Warring States, there were still two Reiatsu dragons that were not blocked, and directly slammed into the navy headquarters behind the two.

The two dragons collided in an instant and collapsed the building that had stood for many years and had become a symbol of justice.

Karp's fist smashed the Spirit Pressure Dragon to pieces, and stepped to Shi Tian's body, his fist slammed into Shi Tian's face.

The fist wind blew Shitian's hair upside down, but Shitian's expression did not change at all.

"Shoot him, sharp gun!"

The elongated blade pierced Karp's shoulder directly. But the old man's domineering accomplishments were really powerful, and the sharp guns didn't pierce his body but pushed him out instead.

The Warring States also took advantage of this opportunity to smash the Dragon of Spirit Pressure and rushed up, slapped Shitian's body with a slap and slapped him out.

The Warring States and Karp cooperated so tacitly that even if the speed of the sharp spear extended faster than the speed of sound, they could not react.

Shi Tian dragged a long trace on the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up straight.

"Justice, haha!" Shitian's ridicule in his tone was not concealed at all, and the two words haha ​​were especially spiritual.

Warring States and Karp stood together, their faces were not very good. In any case, the navy headquarters has indeed been destroyed, and justice has been shamed.

"Swastika, God...kill...gun!"

Shi Tian looked back at the members of the White Beard Pirates who had retreated from Oz, and then continued: "Two, I've stayed here enough! So you must pick up the next move!"

"God kills the spear, no stepping on the blade!"

Knife lights flashed everywhere on the battlefield. Ichimaru Gin once said that the extension limit of the sacred gun is 13km, and the extension speed is 500 times the speed of sound. This is of course a false report by the liar, Ichimaru Gin. But in fact, the ability of the magic gun is not much worse.

In just a moment, Shitian emptied the battlefield, and all the navy that approached because they wanted to chase the Whitebeard Pirates fell here.

Shitian stood on a battlefield like hell, looking at Karp and Sengoku who also had many knife marks on their bodies.

Suddenly, a magma meteor fell from the sky, covering all the retreats of Shitian.

One leg of the red dog was cut from the middle of the thigh by Shitian, and now it was replaced by a prosthetic limb formed from magma to support the body. The magma is the meteor volcano he released.

Shitian can see the anger and unwillingness on the face of Akagi, but there is no resentment.

Because the original Akadog once relentlessly sank O'Hara's refugee ship, and was also the murderer of the popular character Ace, the methods he used in the war on the top were also a bit disgraceful. Therefore, in the eyes of many people, he is somewhat ugly.

Although Aka Inu is a stubborn, extreme and extreme person, his insistence on his justice is beyond doubt.

Even if Shi Tian had his leg severed, he did not resent Shi Tian for such a small-hearted feeling. What he has is only because of the hatred of Shitian Pirates, a sinful standpoint.


It was no one else who stopped the red dog, it was the Warring States period as the marshal.

"The war is over, Sakaski! We have shed enough blood, and the death of Whitebeard is our victory!" The Warring States tone was also unwilling, but he still said this.

Shitian's two attacks calmed him down. The first Wulongzhuan destroyed the navy headquarters, but the second stepless even blade almost slaughtered a large number of elite navies.

Only then did he realize that the navy had paid a heavy price in this war.

The red dog was seriously injured in the high-level combat force, and others were also injured to varying degrees. Fortunately, no one was killed. A Moria died on Qiwuhai's side, which wouldn't make him feel distressed.

What makes him feel distressed is the sacrifice of many elite navies, and many people have been involved in the battle before the strong. Later, Tiandao Payne's super **** Luo Tianzheng, Shitian's two attacks caused terrible damage.

There are still three sea emperors in the new world, and the navy can no longer be worn down.

What's more, when White Beard died in battle, the video phone bug was turned off. At least the Navy can claim part of the victory.

The war should end here!

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