Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 145: Straw Hat's Magic Kingdom Adventure

Kaido was beaten again. According to a live report from Morgans, Shitian and Kaido fought fiercely with Kaido as the dark rain fell on the island of ghosts.

Shitian's thunder spear broke Kaido's defense several times, and this battle opened a hole in the head of the evil spirit on the island of ghosts.

In any case, the effect of this battle is still there. Everyone in the Great Sea knows that the current pillar of the White Beard Pirate Group also has the strength to suppress the four emperors and the beasts Kaido.

It is precisely because of this that the pirates who coveted the status and territory of the White Beard Pirates Group are also honest.

In half a year, the turmoil caused by the war gradually calmed down. As for whether the Navy has achieved its goals, it is a matter of opinion.

The death of White Beard did hit some pirates, and it also increased the navy's reputation.

However, although Baibeard's words before his death could not be compared with Roger's execution, it directly started the era of the big pirates, but it also made many people choose to go to sea with ambitions and dreams.

The most important thing is the four emperors or the four emperors. The situation in the new world does not seem to have undergone the changes expected by the navy because of the war on top.

The pirates who entered the new world were still unable to shake the status of these four pirate groups.

Although there was no White Beard, Shi Tian, ​​who took over, showed strength that rivaled the other four emperors.

Kaido can testify to this, because he had troubled him for no reason at all times before, so he didn't know how many times in the past six months he wanted to find his place back in singles or groups.

As a result, Shitian and the White Beard Pirates' position became more and more stable. Just when everyone thought Shitian, who took over the position of the captain of the White Beard Pirate Group, would challenge the throne of the One Piece. Instead, the White Beard Pirates fell silent.

Like White Beard, Shitian had no interest in One Piece either. People who truly aspire to become One Piece are still suffering in the windless zone.

Like the original book, Raleigh took him to an island near Windless Take Daughter's Island for domineering practice.

The four seasons of this island are very irregular, and the natural environment is very harsh. The most important thing is that there are many terrifying beasts on this island. The pirates with hundreds of millions of rewards are not their opponents, and they are most suitable to be a domineering sparring practice.

But on this day, things happened.

Bundy Wald, who was originally frozen in the advance city, wanted to avenge the world government after he escaped from prison. After all, the CP of the world government used a conspiracy to get his men to betray him before they caught him.

Therefore, Wald plans to use the super-giant artillery on his ship to cooperate with the ability of his momo fruit to blast the entire Marin Vandor.

Although the main building of the Navy Headquarters was destroyed by Shitian’s Five Dragons during the Top War, a large number of other buildings remained.

And the fruit ability of World Destroyer Wald combined with that super-giant cannon might really sink the entire Marin Vando. When the time comes, the Navy's face will really be trampled under its feet.

Therefore, the navy urgently summoned Qiwuhai to deal with him, and Wald decided to act first, and went directly to the nearest Boya Hancock.

But he came to the island where Luffy was practicing by mistake, and instead captured Boa Sandasonia and Boa Mariglud who came to deliver food to Luffy.

Luffy's domineering at this time has not yet cultivated home, even using it as he pleases is a problem. After being beaten up by Wald, he watched him leave with Hancock's sisters.

Wald should never say that "companion is just a tool", just to achieve the conditions of Luffy's explosion. So Wald knelt as expected.

But on the return journey, everyone encountered a storm on the way. Luffy, who had been hurt in the first place, slipped and was swept out.

Devil fruit capable people like the ship king Jack can only sink to the bottom when they fall into the sea, and they are rescued by their racial talent. And a protagonist like Luffy won't be drowned even if he falls into the sea.

When Lu Fei woke up, he was already lying on the bed.

"Yeah, you are awake!"

As soon as Lu Fei opened his eyes, he saw a gray-haired boy with a low head but a loud voice.

"Where is this place?" Luffy sat up and asked.

The boy touched his head and said, "This is the base of our black bully. We found you on the beach."

Luffy unexpectedly broke through the strong magic zone outside the Clover Kingdom because of the storm and came to this magic kingdom. And the gray-haired boy is Ashtar.

Luffy jumped up and said hurriedly: "No, Hancock and the others must still be looking for me, I'm going to meet them."

But as soon as his feet landed, Luffy's face was pulled down, and his stomach made a gurgling sound.

According to Nami, Luffy consumes more energy than others just to live. After the fierce battle with Wald, he needed to replenish his energy, but he encountered a storm again.

The result is that now he is so hungry that he can hardly walk.

Ashtar hurried over to support Luffy who was about to fall, and said, "What's wrong? Is the wound on my body hurting?"

Luffy lifted his almost zombie face, and said weakly, "Hungry!"

Astar expressed shock at this, can a person become like this because of hunger? This can touch Ashtar's knowledge blind zone.

"Overseas people are so amazing!" Astar expressed his sigh.

If anyone else is going to be wronged, after all, a weird physique like Luffy can be said to be unique.

But Ashtar couldn't watch the person who had just been rescued starve to death. Fortunately, there is a Chami in the black bullfighter group who has been eating for 24 hours.

Then, the two big stomach kings began to compete.

For this reason, Chami directly used the magic of Mian Chuangcheng to create more than a dozen sheep chefs to cook for the two of them.

It is the first time that Chami has encountered an "rival" who can compare with her in appetite, and eats like Luffy like crazy.

God knows why Luffy has a desire to win or lose in food, and he responded to Chami's challenge without showing any weakness.

In the end, the food stored in the black bullock base that was enough for the whole group to eat for a month was completely eaten by the two.

The two people who almost ate the **** rolled around on the ground of the black bullock group, and they looked particularly happy.

"Hahahaha! Astar really picked up a very interesting guy!" The black bull bull leader Ye Jian Jie said with a big smile.

The fighting mad Rack in the regiment looked at Luffy and said, "It looks very strong, can you fight it!"

Only a moment later, Luffy's balloon-filled belly quickly flattened, and Luffy resurrected with blood.

"Thank you for your hospitality! My name is Luffy, and I am a man who wants to become One Piece!" Luffy, who had recovered his strength, introduced himself full of energy.

Chami left tears of admiration. She also wanted this ability to digest quickly, so she could eat and drink as much as she wanted.

Ye Jian laughed again and said: "What a funny guy! One Piece, so you really came from overseas. It's amazing, you can break through that terrible strong demon zone."

Luffy couldn't figure it out and said: "What strong demon zone? I just met the storm and separated from my companions. I want to leave here quickly to find them."

Ye Jian said: "That's it. It's similar to my experience. It's not easy to get out of here. But the first thing to say is, boy, welcome to the Four-leaf Clover Kingdom!"

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