Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 157: Two Incoming Four Emperors

The country of harmony, the island of ghosts.

Kaido took a gulp of wine and threw the wine gourd heavily on the table.

"What are you talking about? Those who were going to defect to Lao Tzu were killed by the navy!"

Kaido's face was full of anger. It's no wonder that he has always been like forming a legion of people with animal abilities.

But no matter how common the animal system is, it is also a devil fruit, and it is also a rare resource even in the new world. It was not until he started the business of artificial devil fruits with Doflamingo that his goal was achieved little by little.

Unlike the original, he is not the king of the country of Wano now. He can only master the capital of flowers and the island of ghosts. He can't do the arms business to the same level as the original.

Even if he desperately squeezed the Flower City, the weapons he produced would not be as good as one-third of the original.

So compared to the original book, Kaido is more eager for people with normal animal abilities. What's more, he heard that the little devil who is going to join him this time is a very spine-sounding guy.

He still wanted to have a subordinate who was bold enough to provoke the world government and the old lady of BIGMOM at the same time!

But it was a subordinate with a little potential who was killed by others, so how could he not let him get angry.

"Worororo! Black Dragon? He even joined the navy. He is also a spineless guy! But I am very interested in the ability of Eudemons! Let me see who is stronger!"

Said Kaido's body began to swell and stretch, directly smashing the roof. There was lightning and thunder in the sky of Ghost Island, and a blue dragon of unknown length hovered in the sky, and then flew towards the overseas direction.

New world, cake island.

This is the site of the four emperors BIGMOM Charlotte Lingling. Although it looks like a pile of sweet cakes, this is **** for those who dare to provoke the strongest female pirate in the sea.

"Cake! Sponge cake! Give me sponge cake!!"

BIGMOM's eyes were red, and his saliva dripped on the ground along the corners of his mouth, corroding the floor into small pits.

"Quick! Quick! Quick! Deliver the sponge cake before mother's schizophrenia completely develops!"

A group of pirates dressed in chefs' uniforms pushed the cart and brought a large cake to BIGMOM.

BIGMOM smelled the scent of the cake, no matter where he could stand it, he reached out his hand to grab a piece of cake and delivered it to his mouth.

Her terrible state was immediately relieved, and as more cakes were brought into her mouth, she unexpectedly showed a child-like happy expression.

"Mamamama! It's so delicious!" BIGMOM sucked his fingers and said with satisfaction.

Kata Kuli, who had been sitting on the side, watched BIGMOM fully recovered his sanity before speaking: "Mom, the pirate who dared to attack us has been killed!"

BIGMOM sat on the throne and said with a smile: "mamamama! Deserve it, who did it?"

Kata Kuri replied: "It was the navy, joined during the world conscription. I heard that when I became a navy, I took the position of lieutenant general. Legend has it that it is a monster not weaker than the three generals!

But there is one thing mom you might be interested in. "

"What's the matter, you should just listen to it!" BIGMOM's huge body leaned forward a bit, showing an expression of attraction.

Kata Kuli did not panic because of the horror released by BIGMOM, and calmly replied: "Heilong has a man who can turn into a giant. Although it is very different from the ordinary giants we know, he There is no doubt that they have the power that giants have."

"Giant!" BIGMOM's eyes flashed red, and people who didn't know thought her schizophrenia was about to break out again!

BIGMOM's obsession with giants has a long history, and the best memory of his childhood is spent in Albuff, the country of giants.

It was spent by the young BIGMOM and children of various races in the Lamb’s House built by Sister Carmelo.

This is precisely why BIGMOM has built a utopia in which all races coexist-Universal Torrent!

But what she lacks in all nations is the giants. It was only because BIGMOM suffered from an eating disorder when he was young, destroying the giant's village and wounding the giant hero Waterfall Beard Yoluru, causing him to die.

Therefore, BIGMOM is disgusted by all giants, and no giant has ever appeared in his kingdom.

It's not just because of collecting addiction, but BIGMOM, who has been in Albuff, knows how powerful giants are. She even wants to become the next One Piece by virtue of the power of giants.

After the marriage with the giants failed because of Charlotte Rolla's departure, BIGMOM had nothing to do. That's why she resented Lola who had run away so much, and then implicated his sister Qi Feng and father Wunu who were also humiliated.

So BIGMOM began to invest in Caesar's giantization research at any cost, but what she didn't know was Caesar's use of her money for eating, drinking, and fun, and where she would get what results.

Because of this, she became excited when she heard that someone had mastered the power of giants.

"What are you talking about! Is it really the power of giants?"

As an ordinary person, if I was stared at BIGMOM with eyes that seemed to be swallowing people, I would have fainted a long time ago.

Kata Kuri replied calmly: "It should be true. There was a reporter from Morgans when he was fighting. We got a lot of photos from Morgans. It shouldn't be fake!"

BIGMOM widened his eyes and said, "The giant...want, I want that guy! Kata Kuri, go get him to me!"

Kata Kuri raised his head and said, "Mom, calm down! It's the Navy after all. It's not that simple to grab someone!"

BIGMOM said with red eyes, "So what, this is a new world, not a navy territory!

Forget it, I go personally, no one can stop me from gaining the power of giants. "

Kata Kuri sighed and said, "I see, I will arrange it for you now!"

Kata Kuri turned and walked out of the room, her eyes deepening. He certainly did not arouse BIGMOM's interest for no reason.

As the leader with the most online IQ of BIGMOM Pirates, he has a lot to consider. For example, the recent actions of the Navy made him faintly disturbed.

Unlike other pirates, Kata Kuli is very wary of the navy's world conscription. Therefore, it is very important to test the attitude of the current navy, especially to find out what kind of power the new monsters have.

And BIGMOM personally shot, naturally can better accomplish this goal.

If the black dragon is not a monster that can match the general as in the legend, then just kill him directly. This will not be able to increase the reputation of the BIGMOM Pirate Group while attacking the navy's momentum.

But if this black dragon is really a strong man, there will be no surprises at least with BIGMOM's shots.

Plan to pass!

Akunorokia didn't know that the two four emperors had plans against him, and they had even rushed towards him. He is liaising with the headquarters to report the results of this mission.

Hanging up the phone worm, Akunorokia threw the phone worm directly to Armin on the side.

"From now on, this kind of work should be handed over to you. As expected, I can't talk with those big people!"

Armin nodded in distress. During this period of time, he had become accustomed to being a hand-off shopkeeper.

"By the way, where are we?" Akunorokia asked next.

Armin regained his senses and replied: "Oh! We have already entered the Terlo Sea, and there is still a long way to go from the headquarters!"

Akunorokia muttered to himself: "Terlo Sea, isn't that not far from the old woman's nations?"

As soon as I said this, Akunorokia himself scolded himself for setting up a FLAG. He had an ominous premonition as soon as he said it.

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