Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 164: Invitation from Guran Tezolo

Eriya put her hands together respectfully, praying to the shrine in front of her. Shitian walked in and stood quietly behind Eriyi.

After the war on the top, Eriya will pay homage in front of the white beard's tablet every day.

Because Eriyi’s Yanling Judgment is on the battlefield regardless of the enemy and us, and when the Yanling cannot be used, Tian is not relieved to let her participate in the war. So Shitian didn't bring Eri clothes when he went to the battlefield. For this reason, Eriya also had a long time of awkwardness.

After a long time, Eriya opened her eyes and stood up.

Shi Tian stepped forward and patted her head and said, "I've stayed here long enough, I'll take you out to play!"

Eriri raised her face and quickly wrote on the writing tablet.

"Where to go?"

Shi Tianyang raised something like the invitation letter in his hand and said, "Don't worry, it's definitely not a boring place."

What Shitian has in his hands is an invitation letter from Guran Tezolo, the largest entertainment city on the sea. Because Guran Tezolo is actually a huge golden ship, you need a special way to get there.

The application of the invitation letter lies in the second. This invitation letter is actually a life paper pointing to Guran Tezolo, and only by it can outsiders board the golden city of drunken lives and dreams!

Although in the legend of the pirates, Guran Tezolo is a heaven-like place, Shitian knows what kind of darkness is hidden in that place.

The owner of that golden ship is Gilder Tezolo, who has the title of Golden Emperor, a superhuman person with golden fruit ability. The ability is to freely control gold, and to temporarily convert other things into gold after awakening.

With his own ability, Tezolo quickly accumulated assets and established this city of gold.

Tezolo, who owns 20% of the entire sea, has the ability to pass money without a teacher, and even the world government cannot remain indifferent under the powerful financial power.

In the end, Guran Tezolo became an absolute neutral zone, and even the navy could not attack any pirates on this ship.

Of course, this seems to be very friendly to pirates. When you come here, you don't have to worry about the navy's pursuit. With your reputation outside, you can also borrow money from Tezolo. Gambling, beauty, food, as long as you have money, you can enjoy it.

As long as there is money! ! !

But if there is no money, even freedom will be lost. On this ship, money is everything, and people without money will only become slaves. This is Tezolo's philosophy, and he is using this method to enslav the people who come to this ship!

None of the strong men on the sea had any point to the past, and Tezolo's distorted thoughts were naturally related to his past.

Although the hoof of the Tianxiang dragon on his body was covered by tattoos, it seemed to burn him all the time. The lover was bought by the Tianlong people and made a slave, and finally died as a result. He himself experienced the humiliation of slaves.

The idea that money is power has been deeply embedded in his bones.

Perseverance, talent, and the most suitable devil fruit together created a golden emperor.

Tezolo not only has enough money to influence the world government, he is also a top power in the sea.

It's a pity that it's a movie boss! Theatrical version... understand everything, when the protagonist's halo is at its brightest!

Shitian is not interested in gambling, and does not want to go to Guran Tezolo to enjoy it. But the problem is... he has no money!

That's right! The newly appointed Four Emperors, the second captain of the White Beard Pirate Group, Shi Tian... ran out of money.

The White Beard Pirates may be the most financially strained of all the Four Emperor Pirates.

Kaido controlled the flower capital of the country and controlled a large number of elite craftsmen in the country. Although the money earned from weapons sales is not as good as the original, it is not a problem to feed the beasts and pirates!

BIGMOM is the queen of all nations. All 34 islands serve her. One can imagine what kind of life she leads.

As for Shanks, although he has no special source of income, he has few red-haired pirates! The biggest expense is the banquets held from time to time.

The White Beard Pirates, although there are many sites. But those who pay them protection fees are old friends with white beards, so there really isn't much income in this area.

But there are too many people in the White Beard Pirates, and ordinary expenses alone are a huge burden.

And... Shitian walked out of the room and looked at this ordinary island.

This is the hometown of Edward Newgate the Whitebeard. It does not produce any minerals, food or special resources. Therefore, it has always been an island that is so poor that it can't even afford the gold.

There are many islands like this in the New World, and they generally become "illegal places" for pirates and slave traders! Because of this, Baibeard became an orphan.

Even if White Beard became a big thief who crossed the new world, his life was very difficult. He will even do things that do not pay for drinking. The reason is that he has been sending his "dirty money" and supplies here.

After Baibeard died in battle, taking care of this island became Shitian and others' responsibility.

In the previous stage, the only farmland on the island was affected by the storm. The food that the entire island depends on was directly swept away by mudslides.

When he got the news, Shitian used all the final funds to buy food. In addition, repairing the Moby Dick after the war on the top also spent a lot of money, and now the days can be described as impoverished.

It's a pity that it is not time for the world government to join the state to pay the heavenly gold, otherwise every time you have to grab it once.

But in a hurry, Shi Tian couldn't think of where to get money. After all, Shitian would not have no bottom line to rob innocent civilians.

These days, Tian Wang waited eagerly to challenge the little pirates of the White Beard Pirates, but I don't know why there was no one in such a long time. This frustrated Shitian's desire to make a fortune.

At the time of distress, Guran Tezolo's invitation letter arrived.

This golden ship does not have a fixed route, but sails with the waves on the sea. In the previous stage, it entered the sphere of influence of the White Beard Pirate Group.

As a permanent neutral zone, the pirates will not take any action against Guran Tezolo. But entering other people's territory, especially Tezolo in the territory of the Four Emperors, couldn't have said nothing at all.

So Shitian received this invitation letter. As usual, there is no thought and no spare money to go to Guran Tezolo to be chic every day.

But now it's different. Shitian does have no money, but Golden Emperor Tezolo has it! This time he is going to eat the big family.

Shitian put on Haori embroidered with the White Beard Pirate Group logo, and inserted two knives into his belt.

"I never thought about scraping the money of poor ghosts, whoever has the money to make money!" Shitian pulled out his knife, looked at the cold light reflected on the blade, and said: "Today I will stand and make money. NS!"

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