After finally waiting for Luffy to be full, and the other supplies were about the same, everyone started on the road.

According to existing information, Akatsuki participated in the war as a mercenary. Then Akatsuki can only be found near the battlefield, and the place where Sasuke will go can only be there.

Naturally, that is also the goal of a group of people.

On the way, Jinping said to other people: "I've been to this country before. It turned out that there are flower fields everywhere. But now..."

Everyone looked around, where there was a flower field, everywhere was a miserable look after the raging war.

This is still not close to the center of the battlefield, and I don't know what kind of **** scene there is.

The ninja dog Akamaru next to Inuzukaga screamed and put out his tongue in an uncomfortable look. Inuzuka leaned down and patted Akimaru on the head.

Yurihong turned her head and asked, "What's wrong, did Akamaru find something?"

The Inuzuka clan are all ninja ambassadors, and everyone can communicate with the ninja that has been domesticated since childhood. Naturally, Inuzukaga is no exception. He shook his head and said, "No, it's just that the smell around here makes Akimaru uncomfortable. Not only it, but my nose is also very uncomfortable."

Chopper moved his nose, and then his face twisted. Covering his nose with his hoofs, Chopper said: "Yes, there is a particularly smelly smell!"

Kakashi raised his head and said: "Where you need to smell, just look at it!"

Everyone looked up together, and the sky in the distance was gloomy. It wasn't a dark cloud, but the smoke was too thick to obscure the sky.

Now the two sides have truce, but the smoke of gunpowder still has not dissipated. You can guess how fierce the previous battle was.

Everyone entered the town. According to the intelligence, it has not been occupied by the king's army, and it is still the territory of the rebel army.

I don't know if it was because of repeated defeats that all the rebels in the town were downcast. This is more lifeless than those dilapidated towns.

Luffy looked upset and said, "I don't like this place."

The companions behind him also nodded, this place is indeed too heavy for them.

Robin, who is a little more mature, said, "No way, just bear with me! This is war, and there are many places on the sea like here.

But this is not a problem that we can solve. The only thing that can be done is Luffy's father! "

"Father?" Lu Fei laughed and said: "It turns out that he is such an amazing person, he deserves to be my daddy!"

No one except Robin has seen the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Monch D. Long, but they have seen Luffy and his grandfather Karp.

An image with a digging nose and a heartless smile appeared in everyone's minds.

In the midst of everyone's wild thoughts, they finally found a place to stay.

In the evening, all the people collecting information returned to the hotel. Everyone began to discuss the next plan.

Asma said, "According to the intelligence, the rebel army has no resistance. I heard that Akatsuki's members have already come here."

Zhiping nodded and said: "The problem is simple, we have two ways to deal with it. One is that we can go directly to Akatsuki's people, and control them when Sasuke takes the initiative to find them.

The second is that we do nothing until Sasuke appears. But if the war is over and Sasuke has not appeared, we will have to return empty-handed. "

Kakashi nodded and said: "Choose the first method, which is more proactive. However, there are many problems. First, the strength of the Akatsuki organization is very strong, and it is very risky for them to shoot.

Moreover, even if it succeeds, with Sasuke's attitude, it may not appear in front of us. "

Xi Rihong said, "So you are inclined to the second option?"

Kakashi nodded and said, "Yes, what do you think of Shikamaru?"

The plan to discuss Shikamaru this time may be the only young person eligible to participate. After all, the minds of the Nara clan are famous.

Shikamaru put his arm on his arm and said, "I agree. Although this method requires a test of our luck, we can only hope that our luck is good enough."

After discussing the next course of action, everyone went to rest.

At night, when everyone was asleep, two dark shadows sneaked into everyone's room.

"Brother, isn't it good for us?"

"It's so noisy, it's these people who caused us to lose the war. It's cheaper for them to just steal their luggage!"

The thin figure did not dare to refute, so he had to follow the person in front of him to continue groping forward!

"Little friend, I am very interested in what you just said, let us have a good talk!"

Someone suddenly spoke, and the two of them were startled. Then they realized that they had been discovered.

Those two guys who also wore headguards were the culprits of the defeat of the rebels. Although they hated them, they were full of fear in their hearts.

The two knew the power gap between themselves and those wearing the forehead, and immediately understood that they had to run away.

Following the window when they came, the two of them just wanted to escape from there, but they bumped their heads on someone unknown.

"It hurts!" ×2

In the darkness, the two were directly picked up by the collars.

"Yo! Two boys, you can't escape with me!"

When the lights turned on, the two men saw that the man carrying him was a man in a green tights with two thick eyebrows across his eyes. The light reflected from the teeth dazzled the two of them.

Everyone also saw the two people who were caught by Kai. The pair of teenagers looked alike, and they should be brothers and sisters.

The clothes of the two of them are a bit tattered, and they look even thinner. At first glance, I have suffered a lot.

The young man was struggling, and suddenly he drew a dagger from his waist and slashed at Kai to grab his hand in a fairly amateur way.

Kay only wanted to stop them from escaping, but at this time he simply let go of them.

The boy fell to the ground and quickly blocked his sister beside him. Holding the dagger in both hands, he tried his best to make a fierce look to scare the people around him.

The girl pulled the boy's clothes, cowered and said: "Brother, I'm scared!"

In that way, it was as if the people threatening him were hateful villains.

Kakashi sighed and said, "Two kids, we are here for the first time, so I probably don't know you. I don't know why you are so hostile to us?"

The boy gritted his teeth and said: "Stop talking about it, it's the guy with the weird head guard just like you that made us lose the war."

Everyone reacted, no wonder the two children were so hostile. Wearing a protective forehead is a characteristic of a ninja, and it is not surprising that the two children could not distinguish Akatsuki from the others.

Jinping leaned down and said, "Don't worry so much, we are not in the same group with those guys."

The boy didn't mean to believe it at all, and said loudly: "I won't be fooled by you, I don't want to get anything from me!"

Jinping smiled and said, "We still don't want to plot anything from the two little ghosts! Besides, look at the current situation, if we really have any other intentions, do we still need to deceive?"

The boy finally relaxed and said: "Are you really not in the same group with those two people?"

Zhiping nodded and said, "Of course!"

The teenagers glanced at each other, and then they actually knelt on the ground and sat down in front of the people together.

"Please help us!"

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