Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 19: The new functions of the system and the Wano Country Disturbance

Shi Tianshi felt better when he solved Binglunwan, but he still complained, "This place is really annoying!"

White beard stepped on the scarlet ground, and said with a smile: "That means you are far from mature enough! Little devil, how can a man on the sea retreat after encountering such a little heat."

"Is it as simple as you said!" Shi Tian pointed to a scene where a companion stepped on the ground and was lit up.

"Gum la la la la la la!" White beard smiled and did not speak.

After Mita leaves, the White Beard Pirates will naturally not stand still, but will continue to venture on the sea.

And this time everyone came to an environment that was most unmanageable. There is no grass on this island, and there is a kind of stone like burning red iron everywhere on it, and some of them have flames that never go out. Magma is the river here, flowing freely in the cracks on the ground.

Shitian's body fat rate is obviously at a normal level, but he is as afraid of heat and not cold as a person with a thick fat layer.

On this island, he suffered a lot, and he couldn't even lift the energy to take risks. So he said: "No, I'm going back to the boat!"

Ye Yi also cherished the fur under his black cat form, so he jumped to Shitian's shoulder and followed him back to the Moby Dick.

When it finally cooled down, Shi Tian was idle and fine, and studied the system again.

Earlier, he got a large number of invasion points from the Roger Pirates, plus the ones that had been in existence before. His invasion point has reached a very terrifying number, and this can be completely exchanged for a ninja world.

After the intrusion point reached a value, the system got an upgrade. Three new functions have been added after the upgrade.

One is that you can check the specific source of each intrusion point every day, who provided it, and how many are at a glance.

This function is not very useful, and the happiest thing is the latter two functions.

The second function is that Shitian can observe the surrounding situation of all things that appear in Pirate World through his exchange. Whether it is a person or an object, you can always see what is happening around them.

In this way, Shitian's intelligence will greatly develop. After all, just before, he judged that Kakashi and Roger and others had met through the increase in the invasion point.

As for the third function, it is even more interesting. Every time Shitian opens a new template, you can get a new clone. This clone is not like the ninja's various clone techniques, but a completely new individual. This is equivalent to getting countless vests every day.

Although Shitian now possesses all the powerful abilities of the **** of death, which boy does not want to be a ninja/magic knight/pilot... well!

Just like before, Shitian looked at all kinds of ninjutsu very greedy, but even if he exchanged it, he couldn't use it. After all, his current character design is a **** of death, so what's the matter with the skills of the enemy ninja! People can't play anymore if they collapsed.

With the vest function of the system, this is easy to solve. And the identity of the new vest has been edited in the memories of everyone in the Ninja World every day.

All the people on the boat went to explore the island. Ye Yi also ate and drank in the kitchen, and no one was around to create a new vest from time to time.

"The system creates a clone under the ninja template."

Shitian only felt that a pulling force was acting on his soul, and then a ball of light flew out of his body. Countless spots of light converge on the light group. Bone, tendons, blood vessels, internal organs, muscles, and skin are formed quickly. Soon a person exactly like Shitian appeared in front of him.

Shi Tian felt very interesting, and suddenly a dialog box popped up.

"Please edit the appearance and abilities of the clone."

"There is also a face-squeezing function, which is very intimate!" Shi Tian exclaimed. Since it is a vest, how can it look the same as the main body? This function is very good. Then began to use thoughts to control the appearance of the clone.

First of all, the height of the clone is a little higher and stronger. The focus is on the face, the original black hair of the clone turned silver-gray, and the skin of the whole body became pale. A small horn sticks out from the left forehead, and at the same time the whole face becomes delicate and beautiful.

As for abilities, Shitian, who had exchanged the entire Ninja World, didn't want to do multiple-choice questions, and put all his mind into the clone.

"Edit is complete, do you want to enable it?"


After Shitian clicked to confirm, the light that had been covering the clone disappeared. And a kind of strange feeling rushed to my heart, people who have not experienced the feeling of seeing themselves will not understand it. Just like I have two selves in my mind, not only can I see different scenery but also react differently at the same time.

Shitian originally thought it would take a while to flexibly control the clone, but he didn't expect it to be as easy as controlling his left and right hands.

Next, let the clone show his face on the side of the ninja in Wano Country.

The young man in a white imperial robe sat in the office, looked at the documents in front of him and sighed weakly.

Although it only manages a village, there are many kinds of affairs.

Unlike the original, Shitian also reduced the scale of Shinobu Village in order to complete the setting of the hidden village. Therefore, there is no need to rely on external commissions to provide all the ninjas' needs for survival.

Shitian redeemed characters with names and surnames in the original work. After all, Shitian's invasion points were not too many to waste on miscellaneous fish with no faces.

Therefore, the scale of Ninja Village is far from the original. But even so, management also requires a lot of thought.

After all, in the Ninja Village now, there are all blood-fighting Ninja clans, and how to reconcile the big clans also needs to be thoughtful. Especially the current Hokage Wave Fengshuimen is not from a big family but a commoner.

The current Hokage assistant Nara Lukisa, who wears the pineapple head, puts the new file on the table of the Haofeng Mizuno. People in the Nara family generally have high IQs and have keen minds and accurate judgments. Therefore, Hokage has relied heavily on the people of the Nara family in the past.

Nara Luji took the intelligence document handed over by Bo Feng Shuimen, took a look and said, "This is really a headache. Shuimen, what should I do?"

Bo Feng Shuimen's always sunny face was also a little gloomy, and he said, "If what the intelligence says is true, it means that the situation is serious enough to call the Five Shadows Conference. But before that, I still need to notify you. On behalf of Hokage."

A shadow flickered, and a man wearing a crying fox mask appeared in the office, kneeling on one knee in front of Bo Feng Shui Gate. It is the dark part that belongs directly to Hokage.

Bo Feng Shuimen ordered: "Now go and inform several former Hokage-sama, that there are important things to discuss."

"Yes!" Anbu replied and disappeared in place.

Soon, someone opened the door and walked in.

The headed one wore a large robe and looked lazy.

"Brother, you're too indecent like this!" The people behind him are completely different from him. Even in normal times, they wear a plate armor and speak meticulously.

The headed person said casually: "Does it matter? We have all stepped down, so don't be so serious."

The silver-haired man in blue plate armor snorted, "Even if we leave office, we were once Hokage. We still have to maintain a basic posture in the Hokage office."

Although he is called the eldest brother, the leader is trained to be the same as the younger brother.

Bo Feng Shuimen hurriedly greeted him and said: "The first generation adults, the second generation adults, you are here."

The visitors are the first generation Naruto Senjuma and the second generation Naruto Senjuma. The two nodded and sat on the sofa in the office, and soon the third person walked in.

"Three generations of adults!" Bo Feng Shuimen greeted politely.

Sarutobi Sasuke waved his hand and sat on the sofa on one side.

Under the time compression of the day, Naruto's rotation has also accelerated. As long as there are particularly good juniors in the village, they will be selected by Naruto and trained to become the next Naruto. The previous generation of Hokage will resign and live his own life.

After all, the current Ninja Village is not the violent organization that controls a country’s force in the original work, and its power is not so great that it makes people cling to it.

The second generation of Naruto is by far the wisest Naruto, and after stepping down, he has developed a lot of ninjutsu that can be called forbidden techniques. In terms of strategy, he was also the best, so he immediately realized that something must have happened to Bo Feng Shuimen calling everyone.

So he asked directly: "Four generations, did you inform us that something extraordinary happened?"

Hafeng Mizuno nodded and asked Nara Lukisa to pass the information to everyone.

Qianshoumei frowned, as if it was also a headache.

Bo Feng Shuimen opened the mouth and said: "There has been intelligence before that Lord Guangyue Sukiyaki is in health, and suddenly he announced that the Heitan family will become the acting general.

All this is too weird, so we went to meet the sukiyaki-sama. Unexpectedly, he didn't seem to know the existence of our ninja. So we suspect that this sukiyaki-sama is not real, but someone disguised it in a special way. "

Shitian looked at the meeting and suddenly smiled. Even if it's a real sukiyaki, you won't know the existence of a ninja! After all, Shitian can only modify him to redeem people's memories instead of manipulating everyone's memories.

As Shitian was thinking about it, the Hokage meeting was still going on.

Senjukaima said, "It's really troublesome! Since this sukiyaki-sama is disguised by someone else, the real sukiyaki-sama may have been killed. The question now is what the Kurotan family wants to do! "

Sasuke Sarutobi said: "No matter what his purpose is, we can't just sit back and watch. Although the ancestors of the ninja who served the Guangzuki family are already hundreds of years ago, the Ninja Village no longer regards the Guangzuki family as their own. Lord. But the Guangyue family is the only master of Wano country that we recognize. We don't allow anyone to destroy this."

Everyone nodded, and Shinobu's existence actually depends on the general stability of Wano Country. And Guangyue's family is also a channel for Ninja Village to communicate with the outside world. If something goes wrong with them, Ninja Village will be affected.

Bo Feng Shuimen had a headache and said: "The crux of the problem is that now the only heir of the Guangyue family is not in the country of Hezhi, and we have nothing to do."

Qianshoujian photographed the intelligence on the case in front of him, and said: "I know that this generation of Guangyue is a troublesome guy. These wayward guys are really maddening!"

Senjuju patted Qianshoujian and said, "Well! Well! Don't be angry, what's wrong with such a guy who bravely pursues his dreams."

Qianshoujian's anger became even greater: "Brother, you still said that you are the most willful one, and it's the most troublesome for us!"

Senjujuzuma was shot down immediately and fell into a state of loss.

Sasuke Sarutobi hurriedly said, "Don't quarrel between the two adults. The most important thing now is to discuss how to solve the current problem."

Qianshoujian stopped attacking his elder brother, and said to Bo Fengshui: "Four generations, what are your thoughts?"

Hafeng Mizuno said solemnly: "This is no longer just our Konoha. I propose to hold the Five Shadows Conference. At the same time, we will recall all the ninjas outside and be ready to respond at any time."

Senjukazuma and Sarutobi Sasuke nodded and agreed with Hafeng Mizumon's old and steady thoughts.

In fact, they have stepped down, and they only have suggestions but no decision-making power. Bo Feng Shuimen asked their opinions only to respect them.

Sasuke Sarutobi suddenly said: "Speaking of Master Yuyuan is in the village, should we ask him what he thinks. After all, he is closer to the Guangyue family than we are."

Bo Feng Shuimen nodded and said: "Yes, Master Yu Yuan is the only member of the Datongmu family now, after all, it is not wrong to ask his opinion."

On Shitian's side, the avatar Otsuki Yugen was with the two children.

"I said itachi! You must have a deep horoscope pattern after you frown at such a young age. Smile more!"

Another little boy stood in front of Shitian and said, "Master Yu Yuan, please don't tease Itachi."

Shitian touched his head and said: "And Shishui, you kid, pretending to be mature!"

Rubbing the heads of two small beans with hands, the sky is always full of pride. These are the two well-deserved gods in the original work. It's so cool to be able to bully them when they were young...

But the coolest thing is that when the smallpox invasion points are exchanged for such two future powerhouses, it is not enough to exchange for a new Zanpaku Knife, and I have earned it!

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