Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 200: Punk Hassad

Naruto's goal has been achieved, and he is separated from the Straw Hat group in the Tulip Kingdom. The straw hats also continued their adventures.

The battle between Naruto and Sasuke touched everyone a lot. The group had also seen the general and the Four Emperors' shots, but they were not as touched this time.

Whether it is a general or the four emperors, although powerful, they are all people from the previous era. Naruto and Sasuke are obviously the same age as them, but they have mastered such terrible power.

This made the straw hats, especially the three main combatants Luffy, Sauron and Sanji, pay more attention to their training.

While everyone was practicing hard, the Sonny approached a special island.

The original plan of the group was to go to the next island according to the recorded pointer, but was caught in a storm on the way and deviated from the route.

When Nami reconfirmed the route, she found that she and the others had not moved forward but regressed.

However, everyone didn't have a precise route, but they wouldn't be lost because of this.

Because of the superposition of various butterfly effects, Luffy's experience after leaving Murloc Island is completely different.

After Murloc Island, the record pointer will point to three islands. With Luffy's character, he naturally chose Thor Island, where the pointer shakes the most.

And Smogg, who had been chasing Luffy, accurately guessed Luffy's thoughts, and met with the Straw Hats on Thunder Island all year long.

But Smogg's miscalculation is that Luffy is rubber and is not afraid of thunder. As a result, with the help of the geographical location, the straw hats smashed Smogg directly. Even Smogg's boat was damaged by the lightning that Nami led.

Afterwards, the straw hat group met Naruto and his party and went to the Tulip Kingdom with them.

Unexpectedly, a storm caused the straw hats to come near a special island like the original.

This island is Punkhassad, the island whose name is dangerous (Punkhassad), because it is the dangerous area that Bega Punk is responsible for.

Although many islands in the New World can be described as plagued by disasters, this island is different. The dangers on this island are entirely man-made.

This island was originally unusual. It was an island that the record pointer could not point to, so it was quite secretive. So here was the experimental ground of the genius scientist Begapunk.

The bad thing is that the fellow who worked with Begapunk in the institute was Frankenstein M. Caesar Courant.

Caesar has the ability, otherwise he can't get the funding of Doflamingo and BIGMOM. The poison gas weapons it manufactures do have something.

But in other respects, this man is so inferior that people can't even look at him, and he doesn't have the ethics of a scientist at all.

Just a few years ago, he secretly studied poison gas weapons without telling Begapunk and caused an experimental accident. As a result, Punk Hassad has become an island of death where poisonous gas spreads.

Speaking of which, this accident is not the same as in the original book. It is not an accident. It has a little relationship with Shitian.

The previous night attack stole top-secret documents from the Navy and learned that Bega Punk's research institute was in Punk Hassad. So the night raid took immediate action.

At that time, the Shitian clone Leiyi, who had already been involved in the night attack, sneaked into Punk Hassad with Ma Yin and Lubbock.

Speaking of which, Shitian is also quite interested in Vegapunk, a man who has always lived in the background.

But after sneaking into the research institute, I just ran into the **** Caesar. Speaking of Thunder Wing, it was regretful that Caesar had mistaken the self-destruct button and the escape channel activation button in the laboratory.

The poison gas broke out like this, and the three of them were lucky to be able to keep themselves after the poison gas broke out.

Because of this, Caesar was arrested directly, and Vegapunk was transferred to other places.

Unexpectedly, Caesar escaped from the prison ship and returned to the island again. Not only that, he also used his gas fruit ability to disperse the poisonous gas on the island.

This made the pirate prisoners who had served as experimental materials on the island to be grateful to him. Coupled with Caesar's promise to treat them the sequelae of the poisonous gas, they simply obeyed Caesar's orders.

Two years ago, in order to compete for the position of admiral of the navy, the blue pheasant and the red dog fought against Punk Hassad for ten days and ten nights. The abilities of the two directly turned Punk Hassad into a strange island half ice and fire.

Since then, it has become a restricted area. Caesar also set up a factory on this island to manufacture SAD, the raw material for artificial devil fruit.

In the original book, when the Straw Hats left the Murloc Island, they encountered the underwater whirlpool white dragon and the group of whales, and followed the current directly to the vicinity of Punk Hassad. I came to this island because I received a distress signal.

Unexpectedly, going around, everyone approached the island as well. People have to sigh the wonder of fate.

Looking at the island almost surrounded by flames, Luffy was all excited, and immediately decided to take an adventure on the island.

But the Sonny is made of wood, after all, it is really too difficult for it to pass through the flames. So everyone decided to draw lots to decide who to go to the island.

Finally, Luffy, Sauron, Robin, and Usopp, who was begging for someone to change with him, took the Mini Meri and entered Punk Hassad along the sky island cloud road made by Nami.

As soon as they landed on the island, the four of them were so hot that they had to take off their coats. Even so, everyone was almost heated.

This is not an exaggerated description. The buildings on the island really appear to be melted like heated chocolate.

Even the fissures on the ground flowed with red magma, and flames spurted out from the ground from time to time.

Suddenly, a loud noise came, causing the four of them to turn their heads at the same time to look in the direction of the sound.

The sound of heavy objects hitting, the sound of explosions, and the roar of a beast were mixed together, which made people wonder what happened in that direction.

Luffy showed a big smile and said: "Something interesting seems to have happened over there, let's go over there!"

"Please forgive me for rejecting!" Usopp hurriedly said, "I recently got a disease that can die if I get close to a loud noise..."

Before he could finish speaking, Luffy grabbed his arm and ran towards the direction of the loud noise. Only the continuous screams of Usopp remained. Sauron and Robin glanced at each other, shook their heads helplessly, and quickly followed.

Soon, Luffy saw what was going on ahead.

It was a giant beast tumbling constantly, attacking the people around it with its claws, mouth, and tail.

This behemoth is covered with scales, has a sharp mouth and two sharp horns on top of its head. There is also a pair of wings on the back of the giant beast. It is a pity that compared to the huge body, this pair of wings is too small and can't let this monster fly into the sky at all!

"That's... the dragon!" Usopp almost broke the sound, and when he turned his eyes, he fainted, and the soul-like Usopp floated out of his mouth.

Luffy’s eyes have already appeared with stars, and his mouth is open: "Kakui! It's really a dragon."

Sauron walked to the side of Luffy, looked at the direction of the giant beast and said: "I am really curious, who is fighting the giant dragon, looks very strong!"

Yes, someone was fighting the dragon and completely suppressed this terrible monster. The one who fought with the dragon was naturally the professional who dealt with the dragon-the dragon slayer.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!"

Naz jumped into the air, and the flame-wrapped fist hit the dragon's face severely. Broken teeth spurted directly from the dragon's mouth, and the dragon spit out blood and fell directly to the ground, splashing all the magma on the ground.

But Naz said with an unhappy expression: "What! Dragon is not so weak, it makes me happy for nothing."

Wendy nodded in agreement. In the magical world, dragons are synonymous with power, and each giant dragon has magic power and unique magic that far surpasses the Saint Ten Sorcerer.

But the giant beast in front of him had a huge size, but it was just a look. Although it looks like a dragon, it is a slightly larger beast.

Not to mention that his opponent is the strongest team of Fairy Tail, even if only Naz alone can solve it easily.

After all, this is just a beast made by Begapunk using blood factor technology. When Kaido was caught by Vegapunk, God knew what Vegapunk did to him.

Not only did it create an artificial devil fruit that was eaten by Momanosuke in the original work. Also made this man-made dragon.

It is a pity that neither of these two results have met Vegapunk's expectations. Although the artificial devil fruit is far more complete than the semi-finished products made by Caesar, it is no different from the defective product compared to Kaido.

As for this giant dragon, doesn't it look like his role is no different from a watchdog!

"ICEMAKE Lancers!"

Gray's upper body was naked, and the icy blue magic circle spread out between his hands. A large number of ice cones shot out from the magic circle, piercing the dragon's abdomen fiercely.

"Dress Up·Black Feather Armor!"

Elisa was wearing black armor, and the black bat wings flapped behind her directly to make him come to the dragon.

The next moment, an X-shaped knife mark appeared on the dragon's chest. The dragon looked up to the sky and roared, and all of its vertical pupils turned blood red.

After all, it is a beast, and pain will only make it more violent.

The dragon opened his mouth, and a flame appeared from his throat!

"Miss Elisa, be careful!" Wendy reminded quickly.

No matter where Elisa would be hit, the black wings flew directly behind her. But it happened to reveal Naz behind her.

Naz also opened his mouth, and the red dragon magic circle unfolded in front of him.

"The roar of the fire dragon!"

A large amount of flames spewed out of the dragon's mouth, and Naz also spewed a fiery pillar of fire from his mouth.

There is no doubt that Naz's dragon fire is more concentrated and the temperature is higher. The pillar of fire directly penetrated the flames spit out by the dragon and enveloped the dragon in it.

After the pillar of fire dispersed, the dragon fell scorched. Naz stepped on the dragon's head, raised his head and laughed: "How about it, this guy I defeated!"

Gray said with a disdain: "It's just a bigger beast. What's so good about it."

"What are you talking about, drooping eyes!"

"Why, do you have an opinion?"

Lucy sighed: "You two are really true, can't you get along well?"

Just as everyone was fighting, the dragon on the ground suddenly opened his eyes!

At any rate, it is also the result of Begapunk's research on Kaido. Although not as tenacious as Kaido, it still has the strength to struggle to death after being hit hard.

The dragon opened its mouth, and suddenly bit Naz and Gray in front of him.

The two were punching and kicking each other. Naturally, they didn't notice the dragon's uprising, but someone reacted.

"One Sword Style, Juhe, Death, Lion Song Song!"

"Dress Up·Clothes of Purity!"

Two silhouettes crossed in mid-air, and the dragon's protruding neck was directly broken into three sections by two knife marks.

"Beautiful swordsmanship!" Ai Lusha waved the demon sword Hongying in her hand and exclaimed.

"You are good too!" Sauron stood up straight from the posture of closing the knife, also expressing his appreciation.

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