When the navy landed on the island and Jinping took the children to escape, Luffy had been fighting.

"Rubber... machine gun!"

Luffy's fist fell on the strange creature in front of him like raindrops. Just by listening to the bang, he knew that none of these attacks had been effective.

The strange creature, half human and half lion, was swayed by Luffy's fist in the air, and then flew out directly.

But Luffy didn't have the happy expression on his face after defeating the enemy, instead he said with regret: "Really, why can't you be my companion? Obviously such an interesting person!"

When Usopp heard this, he couldn't hold back his temper, and slapped Luffy on the head.

"I said you, don't always think about pulling some rare beasts onto the boat!"

Naz punched the last weird man with deer legs, looked around and said, "What the **** is going on? Why do these guys suddenly come out to attack us?"

Robin put the phone worm in his hand in front of him and said, "Perhaps Brooke can explain it to us!"

An extended hand took the phone bug directly away, and Luffy said loudly, "Is it Brook?"

The phone worm opened his mouth and replied, "It's Luffy, this is Brook. Yooooooo!"

Luffy said loudly: "You just said that everyone was gone, what happened?"

Brooke replied: "I don't know. When I woke up, I was the only one left. I was also surrounded by ice and snow, which scared me to death. No...the soul is scattered, it's not right...whatever. .Yoooooooooo!"

Usopp leaned over and asked, "Who are the people who robbed the Sonny?"

Brooke regretfully said: "This is not clear, I also fainted at the time. But those people are wearing things like gas masks."

Robin opened his mouth and said: "So it seems that everyone should have been swept over by something like hypnotic gas. Then those people drove the boat to the other side of the island.

Since there is no message, it shows where the other people were taken. "

Usopp also hurriedly said: "Yes! It must be so, because you have only bones left, so you were left as a corpse. The enemy must have thought that everyone was taken away. Do you have a look at the surrounding buildings? "

"As expected, Miss Robin, I figured everything out so quickly." After Brooke flattered, he continued: "There is indeed a...very majestic building."

Luffy hurriedly said: "Brook, you just wait there, we'll be over right away!"


When Elisa walked over, she happened to see Luffy closing the phone worm, so she asked, "Did something happen?"

Robin explained: "Our companions were taken away by unidentified people. These people are probably the people you are looking for."

Usopp found a phone worm from the half-orcs who fell on the ground and said: "These people are all carrying phone worms with the word CC written on them. They should be an organized person."

Elisa showed an unexpected expression and said: "Really! I thought this would be a troublesome task, but I didn't expect to have a clue so soon, all thanks to you!"

Usopp was about to mourn his tragic fate, and said helplessly: "Now there is no way. Even if we turn back, the Sonny will not be where we are. We can only move on, but one of our companions was taken away. !"

Robin made a terrible remark as always: "I hope they don't get beaten up by guns!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Usopp hurriedly stopped Robin.

Elisa looked back at her companion and said, "Then proceed as previously stated!"

Sauron opened his mouth and said, "I think you are too late!"

Following the direction of Sauron's fingers, everyone realized that Luffy was about to disappear from sight.

The others looked at each other, and Elisa patted Robin on the shoulder, as if I knew your mood well. After all, there are many immature guys in Fairy Tail.

Everyone hurriedly pursued them without hesitation. After it was confirmed that there was an enemy on the island, how could it be impossible to let Luffy this wayward guy out of the big army.

Along the way, half-human beasts still appeared from time to time. However, his strength was not very good, and he was directly flattened by a group of people.

Soon, everyone saw a lake that was distinct from the middle. This lake was created by a duel between the red dog and the blue pheasant. The attack of the two directly tore the middle of Punk Hassad, and the sea water poured into the island from the gap opened by the two.

Half of the lake is like boiling water, and the other half is floating with ice floes. It seemed that the two people who were dueling were still using their abilities.

Luffy put his hand on the pergola and looked to the other side of the lake and said, "What a big wind!"

Usopp also opened his mouth and said, "Look, there is a blizzard on the other side!"

Robin explained: "The temperature difference between the two sides is so extreme, the wind is naturally very violent. But how can the half-burning and half-freezing lake pass?"

Sauron touched his chin and said, "Maybe the temperature is just right, and I just happened to be sweating. Swim over!"

Usopp grabbed Sauron's neck and refused loudly, "Don't be kidding!"

Luffy raised his hand and said, "Robin and I can't swim!"

Usopp's conversion target said loudly to Luffy: "You don't want us to swim with you behind your back, do you?"

Luffy grinned, showing a flustered smile. Sauron has already started to warm up before swimming.

Two shadows flew past in the sky, and it was Hobby and Xia Lulu who used wing magic to fly Naz and Wendy from the sky.

Naz was still free to wave his hand down, "Everyone, I'll take a step ahead!"

Luffy jumped up and said, "It's so cunning that you can fly!"

With that said, Luffy jumped directly on Usopp's shoulder and said, "Quickly, let's set off too, we can't fall behind!"

Usopp threw Luffy straight down and said, "I can't stand you, leave it to me!"

As he spoke, he took out his slingshot and launched the seeds on the lake.

"Must kill Green Star·Banana Boat, Tuanfan Grass!"

The seeds grew rapidly on the lake surface, and finally two banana-shaped canoes were formed, and a long stalk fan grass grew on the shore.

Luffy patted Usopp on the shoulder and said, "It turned out to be a ship, is it amazing Usopp?"

Usopp's nose grew longer, and he began to brag about how he got these rare seeds.

It was Luffy who greeted him to start before interrupting him. The others in Fairy Tail got on another boat and set off to the other side as well.

Because of the temperature difference between the two sides, everyone is heading against the wind. Against the strong wind, everyone struggling forward.

Suddenly a huge stone slammed down, causing both banana boats to shake.

Everyone looked back, and a half-human animal with missing teeth was struggling to get up.

The half-human beast pulled out a horn from somewhere and blew it full of air. The sharp voice spread against the wind.

Then the half-human beast yelled loudly.

"Boss, the invaders have crossed the river, please kill them!"


When everyone heard the content of the half-human beast's shout, they immediately felt a bad feeling. When everyone turned their heads, they realized that some strange figures appeared in the wind and snow.

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