"Luo, look at the good things you do!" Caesar was furious at Luo who came back.

Luo just glanced at Caesar coldly and said, "If you complain, it's not your turn to say, Caesar!"

With that, Luo directly threw the heart in his hand to Caesar and said: "This is the heart of Lieutenant General Smogg of the Navy G-5 branch."

"Hey here! What a lovely gift." Caesar said in a standard Frankenstein voice (the same style as Seorei Tingniyuri!).

"Although he has already sent someone to the navy side, the victory or defeat is already divided in this way!"

Luo sat on the sofa and asked, "How about the Straw Hat?"

Caesar said with a disdainful face: "It's okay to leave it there, anyway, the little ghosts who escaped will come back here obediently anyway."

As he said, Caesar showed a treacherous smile. Hearing his unpleasant smile, not only Luo, but Monet on one side couldn't listen anymore.

Monet was sent by Doflamingo, Caesar's collaborator. Because Monet himself had a certain research ability, coupled with the ability to naturally produce Xuexue fruit, he was the most suitable candidate to supervise Caesar.

I don't know what Monet thought, and he took the initiative to let Luo replace her arms and legs with bird wings and claws. So now he is sitting on the sofa like a big bird.

Caesar smiled and continued: "But Monet said it would be better to be careful, so even though I didn't think it was necessary, I still sent the two brothers."


On the other side, Luffy got Luo's guidance and went to the rear of the research institute to meet the captured Straw Hat Pirates.

The difference from the original book is that Jinping reacted in time and didn't let everyone exchange their bodies under Luo's ability, but the situation was not much better.

The crowd listened to Tea Beard narrating what happened on this island while expressing their gratitude to the owner of this place.

Chopper and Frankie were already moved to tears. Hearing Chabeard's narration, the owner in his mouth was indeed a good-hearted person.

Luffy also sighed with emotion: "Talaman is really a good person, he also helped me a lot!"

Luo and Luffy met the Chambordian Islands. After Luffy attacked the Flying Dragon, it was He Luo and Kidd, who was also a supernova at the time, broke out of the navy's siege.

At that time, if Luo hadn't supported Luffy several times, he wouldn't have been able to escape the siege of the pacifists.

Although he lost his life-saving grace after the war, Luffy's feeling towards Luo has always been good.

Tea authentic emotion beard continued: "Woo ooh ooh ooh ooh, are you happy now the owner to continue to study the future of humanity today, which requires a very small number of experiments, and it is by you that you are absolutely unable to act as a bar!. Escaped!"

When Chabeard was still talking, no one paid attention to him anymore.

Elsa is now in front of the children, and there is no doubt that these abnormal children in front of them are the mission goals of the group.

A tall little boy squatted on the ground and had to look down at Elisa, smiled and said: "Are you really here to save us?"

Elisa nodded and said, "Of course, we are the wizards of Fairy Tail, and we will definitely send you home safely.

But the person who entrusted us didn't say that there are giants among you? "

The shorter child on one side quickly said, "No, everyone was just normal when they first arrived on the island. They only grew bigger later. And the longer they stay, the bigger the people."

Even Lucy, who is not too smart, can perceive the weirdness, and said, "Didn't it mean that they were brought here for treatment? Isn't their disease going to get worse?"

Elisa shook her head and said: "It's hard to tell, you have to wait for the civet cat doctor over there to check it before you can be sure!"

"I'm a reindeer!" Chopper turned around to remind him, then turned and continued to observe the test tube between his hoofs.

Suddenly, a child knelt to the ground, trembling all over, with a painful look.

"What's the matter?" Elisa quickly walked over and asked.

The children on his side also gathered around, and they all cared: "What's the matter, Sind, is it cold?"

The boy named Xinde panted, and said, "Okay...it's so uncomfortable!"

Luffy hurriedly said: "He said it was uncomfortable, Chopper, take a look!"

Before Chopper came over, Wendy ran over, the sky blue light shining on her hands.

Elisa asked, "Wendy, what's wrong with him? Is he sick? Or is he poisoned?"

Wendy sweated and said: "They have a problem with their body, but they are not sick but more like poisoning. This symptom is very strange. I can use sky magic to get rid of the toxins and rest assured that I will heal him."

The Dragon Slayer Magic inherited from the Celestial Dragon Grantigne allows Wendy not only to apply auxiliary magic to her companions, but also to heal pain and remove toxins.

Fortunately, Wendy was there, otherwise it would be troublesome to treat this particular toxin.

When Wendy was about to calm Sind down temporarily, the other children also showed painful expressions.

"Mozha! ... Derain too!"

Everyone was at a loss, Nami said, "What's wrong with everyone?"

Jinping showed a heavy expression and said, "All the older children have fallen down?"

Lu Fei continued: "Chopper, you just checked the children's body, what is going on?"

Nami quickly said to Wendy: "Wendy, can you hurry up?"

Wendy was already sweating, but still said, "I will speed it up!"

Chopper didn't answer, and solemnly asked the children: "Do you have anything you want now? What do you usually do at this time?"

A child said painfully: "...usually...it's time for physical examination...after that...you will get candy..."

"Candy?" Chopper asked suspiciously.

The other children on one side continued: "Smoky sweets that will sneer, they are delicious and fun!"

A child said in pain: "By the way...after eating that...vomiting...after eating that will always make people feel very happy...as long as there is that...maybe it will make us feel better!"

Chopper originally had some guesses, but now he directly determined his guess after listening to the child's words.

Any qualified doctor couldn't bear this kind of terrible thing, so Chopper was outraged. His lovely face looked a little scary at this time.

Chopper walked up to Chabeard aggressively and said, "You call Chabeard, right? You know what's going on! These kids are not sick at all."

Cha Huo said stiffly: "What are you talking about? I'm only responsible for external patrols. I don't know the internal affairs of the institute.

However, the owner said that the children were all seriously ill, and the compassionate owner deliberately took them from other islands and used his own pharmaceutical technology to treat them. What a caring scientist! ! "

With that said, he also said to the children who had not had time to receive Wendy's treatment: "Look, this is the evidence. The little ghosts who left the institute fell ill without receiving the treatment today."

"No!" Chopper interrupted directly.

Nami asked, "Chopper, did you find out something?"

Chopper said with a gloomy face: "NHC10, this was detected from the children. Although it is only a trace amount, it is... a stimulant!"

Chopper continued: "This is a drug that only certain doctors are eligible to use in special countries.

Even if it is used to treat diseases, the dose of this medicine must never reach the level of poisoning.

These children have been ingesting non-stop every day, and they have become chronically poisoned. In order to get rid of the pain, one will yearn for the next medicine! "

After that, Chopper didn't conceal his anger at all, and said loudly: "Why treat these children like this? Is it to prevent them from escaping from the institute?"

Everyone was stunned. Even people who didn't have much medical knowledge could understand the vicious thoughts of giving these children drugs.

Seeing these children surpass other people's body size, Chopper continued: "These children's abnormalities are also caused by the abnormal secretion of hormones that stimulate the pituitary gland, so your savior regards them as a huge human body experiment!

It is precisely because of this that drugs must be used to control such a small child to prevent them from escaping. "

"If you slander the master again, I won't let you go!" Tea Beard obviously couldn't stand someone who accused him of being "gracious" to him, and immediately retorted.

Suddenly, someone crossed Chopper and faced the still irritated Tea Beard.

"So your master is the one behind everything?"

Although Elisa's tone was flat, Tea Beard couldn't help closing her mouth as if there was a storm hidden in it.

Speaking of anger, none of the people present may surpass Elisa. Even Chopper, who is a doctor, is the same.

Because of her childhood experience, the most unbearable thing Elsa is imprisoning and using her children. And for those who have younger siblings, Elisa also hates having children suffering in front of her the most.

Elisa said coldly: "Originally, this job was just to get these kids back, but the guy behind the scenes can't forgive me!"

Naz stood behind Elisa, his fists burned and the flames collided together and said: "Elisa's enemy is also our enemy, I will defeat the scum!"

"It's me!" Gray took off his shirt at some point, and said after looking at Naz.

"You guys! But that bad guy really can't let it go!" Although Lucy was complaining, she didn't mean to flinch.

Wendy also nodded while healing the children in pain.

Luffy showed a big smile and turned his head and said, "Everyone, we can't fall behind, let's have a big fight with me!"


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