Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 208: The protagonists who never act according to plan

Although the plan didn't change as fast, Luo's plan didn't make much progress and he ran into big trouble.

First of all Luo did not expect that Caesar would go to the battlefield by himself. And because Caesar rarely fights, there is insufficient intelligence. In the end, Luffy suffered a big loss!

Luo's progress is not going well either, and he didn't expect to see a person here who least wants to see it here. And this person is still holding his heart.

Rowe and Vergo first met on the island of Mignon thirteen years ago. Luo was suffering from lead-platinum disease at that time, and he had to be treated immediately.

Corrazon was a spy in the Navy by Doflamingo. But in order to save Luo's life, Corrazon took Luo directly to Mignon Island, where the only fruit of surgery that could cure Luo's terminal illness was located.

Corasson even fought against an entire group of pirates alone and won the fruits of the operation, but he himself was seriously injured.

The worst thing is that the first that the navy arrived at Mignon was Vergo, who was also a spy. Luo, who didn't know the truth, handed Corazon's report to Vergo, causing Vergo to see through Corazon's identity.

Even after thirteen years, Luo has not forgotten Vergo who let Corazon lose his last chance of escape.

Vergo looked down at Luo who fell on the ground and said coldly: "Do you think he knows nothing? We also don't trust Caesar, so he arranged for Monet to hide here from the beginning."

Who Vergo said he was Luo naturally understood that it was his nightmare all the time, and it was also his biggest hatred target.

At the same time, Qiwuhai and JOKER's Tenyasha Don Quixote Doflamingo.

Vergo continued: "But you are now a Qiwuhai, you really have become promising!"

Luo finally relieved from the pain, and said: "When did you come here?"

"just now."

Vergo thought that everything was under control, and he didn't mind answering Luo's questions.

"I happened to be in Deres Rosa, just in time for the SAD tanker to set off, so I took a downwind boat. But...it really came right!"

Luo opened his mouth and said: "What is the right thing, did I do anything harmful to you?"

Vergo said coldly: "If you really cause harm, can you still live to the present? Sooner or later you will reveal the stuff if you do bad things without telling the adults... Luo!"

Although Luo didn't know how much Vergo knew, it was impossible to let him go by his current attitude.

"Then...it can only make you disappear!"

Hands-on was a last resort option in Luo's plan, but this is the case now.

But as soon as his hand was placed on the handle of the knife, a strong feeling of pain interrupted his movement. The heart is controlled by others, and Luo doesn't even have room to resist.

Luo painfully pressed the position of his heart, unable to even grasp the weapon, the demon sword fell directly to the ground.

Vergo walked up to him and said: "One more thing is forgotten, you have to change your name..."

With that, the black arrogance on Vergo's wrist began to spread, until the weapon in his hand was dyed black.

Vergo's nickname comes from his most commonly used moves. The reason why he is called Ghost Bamboo is because the weapon in his hand is a bamboo stick.

Even if it is a piece of bamboo, the powerful armed color domineering wrapped around Vergo has more power than any steel weapon.

Lifting up the bamboo stick that frightened a piece of the sea, Vergo smashed it down fiercely.

"You want to call me Mr. Vergo!"


It was indeed the sound of the collision between the bamboo stick and the flesh, but Luo did not feel any pain in his head. He looked up and saw that someone stretched his leg to block Vergo's bamboo stick.

"Naz, why are you here? According to the plan, now is not the time for you to show up!"

It was not Naz who was blocking Vergo. Naz, who was supposed to be on standby at the back door, actually followed Luo into the research institute.

"That kind of thing doesn't matter anymore. The question now is... Steak bastard, what are you going to do to our collaborators?" Naz perfunctorily looked at Vergo.

The half of the steak sticking to Vergo's face was too conspicuous, and Naz's rough nerves were attracted. When I think about it, Naz is still complaining in his heart. This guy is too fond of steaks.

Wilgo retracted the bamboo stick and looked at Naz and said, "You are the fire dragon and the troublesome guy wanted by the Navy. Why are you here? Why are you interfering in our affairs?"

At the time of the war, Naz and the tea dolphin, who was the alternate of the general, were in no match for the outcome. Although Jiaji had been paddling in the battle, it still proved Naz's strength.

Although Monet also reported the appearance of Fairy Tail, Virgo didn't expect Naz to help Luo.

Naz also pulled Luo back and said, "Why don't you need to say, we are here to complete the commission! Anything that hinders us, I will fly away without fail! This is the way Fairy Tail does things!"

Luo felt that he hadn't been hit in the head and didn't know why it hurt.

He saw another person's shadow from Naz. Naz and Luffy are very similar in every way.

This means that the two are also unstable factors in the plan. One such wayward guy is enough, this time there are two!

However, the plan is completely different, and this wayward guy is not sure what impact it will have.


The main entrance of the institute.

"What are you going to do to our captain?" ×2

Sauron and Sanji rushed towards Caesar together, and each attacked.

Just now, Caesar didn't know what trick he used to make Luffy lose his fighting ability. Then, Caesar instantly defeated Smogg and Dasqi in the same way.

And just when Caesar was proud, Zoro and Sanji had arrived.

"Three Swords Flow·Blue Dragon Seal·Flowing Water!"

"Devil Wind Foot · Belly SHOOT!"

Both of their attacks carried domineering power, and there was no doubt that they could hit the Caesar entity. But Caesar didn't mean to dodge at all.

Until they got close to him, the movements of the two stopped in an instant, and they even fell down at the same time with their feet soft.

"Hey hello hello! It's said that you underestimate me, what do you think gas is. Is it just poison?

Wrong, air is also a component of gas, as long as I want, I can even evacuate the oxygen in the air! "

Caesar didn't say that this ability has a range limit, but even this is scary enough. The human body in Pirate World is strong, but because of this, the body's metabolism is also faster. Instantly entering the hypoxic environment, the body's reaction is also extremely violent.

Because of this, Lu Fei is clearly stronger than Caesar, but because he is not prepared to be easily defeated by Caesar.

Caesar's laughter suddenly stopped, because he found that Sauron hadn't completely fallen down.

Caesar just wanted to make a move, but found that Sauron hadn't lost consciousness as he expected.

Sauron raised his head, revealing his bloodshot eyes from lack of oxygen.

"Don't underestimate you, bastard!" Sauron swung the blade in his hand as he said.

Although there was no domineering on the blade, Caesar was shaken and escaped. As soon as Caesar moved away, Sauron immediately regained his breathing ability.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!" Sauron gasped, and suddenly smiled: "So that's it, this is your ability. As long as you stretch a certain distance, it's okay!"

In terms of willpower, even Captain Luffy couldn't compare to Sauron in some respects. Sauron was able to overcome the lack of oxygen in the body to stay awake.

"If you don't get close!" Although the bloodshot eyes in Sauron's eyes faded, it seemed to be still glowing with blood.

Two years ago, Sauron had mastered the flying slash skillfully, and the use of long-range attacks against Caesar was not a problem at all.

"Three Swordsmanship·Thousands and Eighty Trouble Winds!"

Caesar's body dissipated directly into gas and flew directly into the sky after avoiding Sauron's slash.

"Damn trash pirate, let you live for a while, and you will be the best experiment when my masterpiece is completed!"

With that said, Caesar did not dare to stay and flew directly into the air.

Sauron took the words of Hedao from his mouth, retracted the three-handed knives one by one in the scabbard, and curled the corners of his lips as he watched Caesar go away!


The flames and the impact each spread in one direction of the passage, where Naz had already fought Vergo.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!"


Naz's fist hit Vergo's chest, and the flames burned a big hole in his chest, but the skin inside was intact.

"Pointing to the gun!"

Vergo's fingers stab Naz fiercely, Naz turned over to avoid Vergo's fingers, put his hands on the ground, and turned his legs with flames on him and kicked him.

"The claws of the fire dragon!"

Vergo had only time to block Naz's continuous kicks with the bamboo stick wrapped around his arms and domineering, but he also backed back again and again.

After stepping back a few steps, completely avoiding Naz's attack, a cold light reflected in Vergo's glasses. The domineering on the bamboo stick in his hand even reflected the metal-like light.

"The flames of the fire dragon!"

Naz jumped directly into the air from an inverted position, and the flames on his two hands joined together to form a huge fireball.

Naz was like holding a small sun, and the blazing temperature caused Vergo to frown even after a distance.

Naz approached Vergo directly and pushed the fireball in his hand towards him.


Suddenly a white wall rose and stood in front of Vergo. But in front of a fireball like a small sun, this white wall melted directly.

The walls are made of snow, how can they block the flames! However, the snow wall has somewhat weakened the power of a firing ball, and the most important thing is to buy Vergo some time to gather a stronger armed color domineering.

"Ghost Bamboo!"

Vergo's bamboo stick was directly drawn out, knocking the fireball directly into the air. Then he blocked Naz who rushed over from the flames.

Monet flapped his wings and endured the burning pain that came continuously: "Sorry, Mr. Vergo, my abilities are no longer useful!"

Vergo pushed Naz away and said, "I understand, but I don't need your help. As a cadre of the family, how could I lose to such a kid!"

The flames on Naz's body became even hotter, and he exclaimed: "Really? Then I... really burned!"

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