Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 228: Fighting broke out

Zou's visitor's clock has never been ringing as frequently as it has recently.

Penglie and his party originally thought that the fur clan would be repelled after entering Zowu, and they were even ready to fight.

But to their surprise, the fur clan is extremely friendly and enthusiastic towards them.

It was six o'clock in the afternoon when the group boarded Zuowu. Although Duke Inulan and the boss of the cat viper reached a reconciliation, the biological clock developed for a long time allowed the two sides to continue the alternation of day and night activities.

Therefore, the knight group under the boss of Cat Viper is now active outside. Just by hearing the name, this Zou’s Night King is actually the gang boss.

Lieburn is worthy of being the strongest baby in almighty, and got the friendship of the cat viper boss with just a cat stick.

The cat viper boss would not protect Capone Becky, who may be an enemy, like Raizang, so Pengley and his party also decided to stay on Zou for a while.

But before dawn, the visitor's bell suddenly rang. Sawada Tsunayoshi knew the meaning of the visitor's bell when he entered Zau.

But what was strange to him was that this time the bell sounded quickly and sharply, completely different from when they landed on the island.

The boss of the cat and snake threw down the Mutian Polygonum in his hand, picked up the double-headed fork on one side and jumped up and said, "No, there is an intruder! The little ones, come with me."

All the members of the knight group around him stood up. The fur clan is a natural warrior, and those who can join the knight group are the strongest warriors.

When they heard that the battle was about to begin, none of them were afraid, but they were all excited.

"Quickly, keep up with Boss Cat Viper!"

"Finally you can move around!"

"Watch me tear up all the guys who dared to invade Zou!"

Everyone roared and moved quickly in the forest, and the target was the group of enemies who broke into Zou with malicious intent.

Liborn walked to Sawada Tsunayoshi's side and said, "Would you like to watch it right here!"

Sawada Tsunayoshi gritted his teeth, and then a dead orange flame burned on his forehead. At this time, there was no timidity or flinch on his face. In the next instant, he turned into an orange flame and chased the cat viper boss.

Sawada Tsunayoshi changed so quickly, it was as if he had changed a person. However, Lieburn knew that this was not a split personality, but the true self hidden in his heart by Sawada Tsunayoshi.

After all, Tsunayoshi Sawada has inherited the lineage of Pengley's original purpose.

Cat Viper watched the flames spurted out of his hands and flew to Tsunayoshi Sawada beside him, said: "This is our battle, you don't need to intervene!"

Sawada Tsunayoshi just replied, "Aren't we friends already?"

Although surprised by the changes in Sawada Tsunayoshi, the cat viper laughed and said, "Isn't this very talkative?"

While talking, everyone has discovered the mighty invaders.

A group of weirdos with horns came out of the woods and just hit the knights who came over. If it were Duke Inulan, he would stop and ask them first.

But the cat viper doesn't care about the others, and directly swings the weapon to knock a strange man out.

"You **** are so courageous, you dare to break into our territory. Zuowu in the moonlight is Lao Tzu's world!"

The cat viper is quite powerful, and the tragic situation of the little girl who was beaten by him also stopped the other weirdos.

Unlike the original, the cat viper at this time does not need to bear the humiliation and wait for the time in Mitian's prophecy to come, and he can use his full strength.


It sounded as if a chariot was running over, and the tall trees in the forest in the distance all fell down, as if there was a huge monster ramming inside.

And the direction of the thing is this way, and the cat viper can see the close smoke and dust in a blink of an eye.

The thick trees were uprooted and fell to one side only when they were rubbed, and the dense forest was directly trampled out of a path.

Cat Viper opened his eyes and said strangely: "Mammoth, how come there are such animals now!"

It was a huge mammoth that came out of the shadows. This creature that should have been extinct in ancient times appeared in front of everyone again.

It's just that this mammoth looks scarred, with a lot of bandages wrapped around its head and body.

"Rusty!" A little guy ran out and said, "This is a big sign under the commander of the Four Emperors and One Hundred Beasts Pirates, Lord Kaido, Lord Jack in the three plagues!"

Cat Viper heard a familiar name, gripped his weapon tighter, and said coldly, "It turns out that it is under Kaido's men. Do you dare to come to this country, aren't you afraid that I will bite your throat?"

Jack in the form of a mammoth lowered his head and looked down at the cat viper and said, "Give me some respect for Kaidosan!"

With that, his nose was already drawn. Listening to the sound of the air being exploded, no one would doubt the power of this blow.

"I said it!"

Cat Viper didn't give in, but instead rushed forward. He even grabbed Jack by the nose and threw Jack out of the whole body in a shoulder-throwing posture!

"Don't underestimate this country!"

The little guy on one side opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time, and stammered: "Unexpectedly...not only did you catch Master Jack's attack, but you also fought back!"

The huge mammoth broke a large tree, and finally fell heavily to the ground. The shadow in the dust gradually shrank, and the last man with a strong figure walked out.

The man was wearing a tattered fur coat, and the spikes on his shoulder armor were bent. Only half of the metal mask on his face was left, revealing half of his mouth full of fangs. He looked very embarrassed.

But it was such an embarrassed man who made the cat viper and Sawada Tsunayoshi all on guard. The powerful perceptive ability of cats makes the hair of the cat viper stand up.

And Tsunayoshi Sawada's super-intuitiveness clearly perceives the fierce aura on Jack.

Jack took off the two ivory-like decorations from his neck, and said: "I really underestimated you. I didn't expect that there are such strong people on the island!"

Jack reached out and took off what was wrapped around the ivory, revealing a sharp blade. They were actually two scimitars with weird angles!

The cat's eyes shrank like a beast, and he said, "Since you know, get out of this country. You **** are not welcome here!"

Jack looked at the cat viper and said: "Stop talking about these impossible things. I have decided. I want to destroy this country. After all, I am a disaster under Master Kaido!"

"Then there is nothing to say!" Cat Viper also understood who the other party was.

So the two groups rushed towards each other and launched the fiercest battle! And Jack had already collided with the cat viper. The two scimitars and the double-headed fork hit together again and again.

A horned little **** one side showed a treacherous smile, and then his arm squirmed and turned into a wolf's head, biting the cat viper from a sinister angle.


"Damn pirate, sneak attack!"

"It's shameless!"

The members of the knight group wanted to help, but were entangled by their opponents. Seeing that the wolf's head was about to bite the cat viper, a fire flashed, and the wolf's head was kicked high.

There is no fluctuation in the eyes of Tsunayoshi Sawada, and he is the calmest warrior who enters the ultra-dead mode!

With flames erupting in his hands, Tsunayoshi Sawada appeared in front of the attacking pirate in an instant, and the flame-wrapped fists sent him away fiercely.

Cat Viper stepped back two steps, nodded at Tsunayoshi Sawada, and then rushed towards Jack.

The strongest person with the ability of the animal devil fruit is the strong physical power, whether it is power, speed or endurance, it is extremely terrifying.

Jack was hammered by the navy when he robbed Doflamingo, and then he was slapped away by the elephant's nose. Now I can fight the cat viper back and forth, thanks to the unique recovery ability of the animal system.

Cat Viper is having a headache now, he can see that the opponent is in a bad state, and he does hit the opponent under pressure. But Jack is too tenacious, like a fortress. Obviously it can only be beaten but cannot be broken.

The other members of the knight group are also in trouble. They are all excellent fighters. But in terms of numbers, it is an absolute disadvantage. The battle started so long and the pirates continued to enter the battlefield.

The most important thing is that these people that Jack brings have a lot of givers. These people are the ones who gained power after eating the artificial devil fruit.

Although these people are not as good as those with the devil fruit ability of the genuine animal system, their combat effectiveness has increased a lot.

An elk fur clan with lightning on his fist, punched a porcupine to the giver. The spikes on the pirate's back stood up after being electrocuted, and then he fell down.

But at this moment, the pirate on the other side suddenly stretched his neck and opened his mouth to bite him with fangs.

There was a scream, and an explosion directly blew the poisonous snake out of the giver. The Falcon of Prison Temple walked out with the bow of the red flame.

And beside him, Takeshi Yamamoto and Hibari Kyouya rushed out together, and the sword and Tieguai shot out together and knocked out all the pirates around.

Lan Bo sighed and put the horn helmet on his head. Green lightning flashed, and the sharp steel horns spread out from behind to block all the pirates' bullets.

The yellow light lit up, and Sasakawa Rapei directly rushed out of the protection of the steel horns, and his fist slammed a crab to the giver. The activated fist hammered the thick carapace of the pirate to pieces.

The pirates suddenly discovered that there was a baby in a suit on the battlefield, and there was a weak one-eyed girl beside him.

The traditional virtues of bullying and fearing hardship but miscellaneous fish cannot deal with the knight group and these young people who use different colors of flames. They directly rushed to this pair of "vulnerable groups."

Then they encountered a nightmare, a real nightmare.

Kulom directly inserted the trident in his hand on the ground, cracks spreading outward from the place where the trident was inserted into the ground.

The pirates were a little overwhelmed when they saw the cracks spreading to their feet, and then they saw the red light shining from the cracks under their feet.

A large number of pillars of fire rose from the ground, and the pirates who wanted to get close to Kulom and Lieburn were either knocked out or hit by the pillar of fire and turned into black coal.

With the help of Penglai and his party, the knight group successfully blocked the attack of the beasts and pirate group and suppressed them out of the forest.

In the shadows, Capone Becky's face was not good. Seeing Sawada Tsunayoshi and his party, how could he not guess their purpose in coming to the new world.

When he saw the Pengley gear on a group of people, he couldn't help showing a greedy look. Last time he only snatched a fake Marley ring in the hands of the fantasy knight, and now he has the opportunity to get a Pengley gear that is more refined than the real one.

"Hit it! Let it go! When you both lose, it's time for me to gain!" said Capone Becky.

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