Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 23: Tekken Karp

Shitian watched Senjujuzuma press Kaido on the ground through Uchiha Madara's perspective, and he knew that the affairs of Wano country were stable.

Shitian was still a little surprised at the beginning of Senjuzuju's easy solution to Kaido. But he figured it out right away.

Kaido is not the four emperors of the new world now, and at the same time, compared with twenty years later, he is not the peak of him now.

Don't look at the protagonist of One Piece World, Lu Fei, who has the ability to play against Kaido when he is less than twenty years old, it is all the effect of the protagonist's halo.

And normal people want to cultivate fruit ability, physical skills, domineering or swordsmanship to the peak after forty years old. Between the age of 40 and 60 is the peak of their physical fitness and fighting consciousness, and then they will fall again due to aging strength.

Kaido is still young now, although it has been called a monster, there is still a lot of room for growth.

Qianshouzhujian is different, Shitian is the pinnacle of exchange. As the pinnacle powerhouse of a world, it is not surprising that he can easily defeat Kaido.

It is a pity that Shi Tian is not in the mood to care about Kaido's psychological shadow area, and his body is in big trouble here.

The navy’s warships are generally of the same style, but the one in front of them is different. At the point where the bow hits the corner, a big dog's head hangs on it.

A warship with such a distinctive style belongs to only one person, the lieutenant general of the navy headquarters, the hero Monch D. Karp.

Baibeard looked at the dog-headed battleship getting closer and grinned: "I've run into troublesome guys, little ones, we're going to run away!"

Everyone hurriedly got up, and the Moby Dick turned the bow and quickly left in the direction away from Karp.

Karp pulled off the coat of justice embroidered on the back.

"I wanted to find Roger, but I didn't expect to run into this guy Newgate. But now that I did, let's say hello."

With that said, Karp took a cannonball from one side of the shelf and squeezed it in his hand. Then the muscles on the arm bulged and threw it directly at the Moby Dick.

The cannonball rubbed against the air to make a harsh sound, and the speed was no longer inferior to the cannonball fired by the cannon.

Margau spread his wings and flew up and said: "How can you destroy our ship Yo Yi!"

The legs that turned into bird claws kicked the cannonball fiercely, and when the black smoke of the explosion dissipated, the body was surrounded by cyan flames. It can be seen that he was also injured just now, how could Karp's shells be so easy to block.

Before everyone had time to be happy, several more shells flew over.

"It's really endless!" Shitian drew out Zanpodao.

"Rumble! Heavenly Scourge!"

As Shitian waved the Zanpaku that turned into a machete, a black arm holding a forty-meter big knife appeared in midair. With the same motion, he swung the giant knife.

"Sword pressure!"

Before the shells touched the giant knife, they were smashed by a huge force.

This is one of the four basic skills of Reaper, which is swordsmanship. The principle is to release one's spiritual pressure by swinging a knife. Under the increase of Scourge, the power of sword pressure was multiplied.

Scourge is the Zhan Poknife that Shitian had exchanged with Zhanyue before.

One strange perception in the One Piece world is that size = strength.

Therefore, the strongest race in the world is not a murloc that has ten times the strength of a human being and can survive in the water. It is not a fur clan who is born to be a warrior and masters the two abilities of static electricity and moon lion.

As we all know, the strongest race is the giant clan, and the strongest country in the world is the country of giants Albuff. Charlotte Lingling, who is already the Four Emperors, even thinks that as long as he has the power of Elbaff, he can directly become the One Piece.

And the strong men on this sea all have scary builds and terrifying heights. Shanks simply lowered the average height of the top powerhouses.

Shitian estimates that his height is at the level of a normal person, in order to conform to the style of other people. He just exchanged the Zanpaku Knife...

Okay, Shitian admitted that he was greedy for the increase in the spiritual pressure of the scourge, and who made the scourge the cheapest among the captain-level Zanpo!

No way, in the original book, even Ukitake Shiro, who didn't make many shots, had a better record than Komamura Zuojin.

In the anime, he is the most deflated among the captains, and rarely has any dazzling performance. His 卍解 even once made Shitian complain that he had created a large target for the enemy. The setting that the owner will be injured together with 卍jie is simply painful.

The real highlight is in the millennium **** battle chapter, the broken armor rope clothes mode that was liberated with one's own heart and eternally turned into a beast.

However, when he really exchanged this Zan Po Dao, the genius knew that he had misunderstood the captain and this Zan Po Dao.

Although Komamura Zuojin was beaten by Gengmujian eight when he first appeared on the stage, he was instantly killed by a black coffin abandoned by Ai Ran Soyousuke. But don't look at who these two people are. One is a monster that needs to seal oneself to enjoy fighting, and the other is a big boss who is already at the top of the world.

But it is not easy to hurt the Scourge of the Heavenly Scourge. The strong spiritual pressure will make most people unable to even get close. It's just that he met not most people.

Shi Tian's knife was enough to explain the terrible nature of the Zan Poknife, Tian Scouring.

Karp also showed an expression of interest, and said to the people behind: "Bring that one!"

Standing so far away, Shi Tian saw the huge iron ball with chains appearing on the deck of the warship.

"This is totally unreasonable! Where did you put such a big iron ball before!" Although knowing that this is an unreasonable world, Shitian still can't help but complain!

"No way! Swastika."

As Shitian's voice fell, the giant, wearing armor and covering half of his face with a red veil, rose from behind him.

Fortunately, the Moby Dick was big enough, otherwise this giant would really not be able to tolerate it.

"Black Rope Scourge King Ming!"

When Shi Tian separated his feet, the giant made the same move.

Facing the huge iron ball flying over, Shitian swung his knife. The giant behind him swung his giant knife and slashed directly on the iron ball.

The Moby Dick was crushed by the tremendous force, and the sea water flowed onto the deck.

Baibeard had a meal with Naginata and said, "Hey! Don't make too much trouble. What if the boat breaks down!"

"Understood daddy!" Shi Tian replied, and then directly pushed the iron ball back.

The iron ball that flew out instead fell towards the direction of the warship.

Karp gave his tie as a gift, and said with a smile: "It's really underestimated!"

Speaking, he jumped directly from the warship and threw his fist at the iron ball.

When Shitian retracted the 卍 Jie, the first thing he saw was the scene of the iron ball falling apart into the sea.

White Beard walked up to him and laughed and said, "Hey! See it, this is the power of a naval hero. You are very close to this level now. Be patient. You will soon be able to With Karp, and Roger, and I are on the same stage."

Shitian nodded, and he himself confirmed this incomparably. But he didn't want to wait until these people became the remnants of the era before standing on this stage.

Looking at Karp who stepped on the moon step to fall back to the warship in the distance, he secretly vowed from time to time. The next time I meet, I must fight him really once.

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