Even though the battlefield of the Whale Forest has been chaotic and unnatural, the three sides still tacitly vacated the middle battlefield.

Even the elite pirates under the Four Emperors, or the mighty warriors of the fur clan, no one wants to intervene in the battle at the core of the battlefield uncontrollably.

Who is the most central person, Jack of the Big Beasts and Pirates, Kelijia, one of the three dessert stars of the BIGMOM Pirates, and the two kings of Zuow. And the new world defeated the new star One Piece Straw Hat Luffy of the former Qiwu Haido Flamenco.

Although the remaining two are not well-known, they are also distinguished. One is the tenth generation heir of the Pengley family, the king of the Xihai Gang, and the other is the son of the Jiuli daimyo in the country of Hezhi.

So even if the Straw Hats and the Guardians of the Penglai Family were able to participate in the battle, they did not do so. The king is against the king, and the general is against the general. This is the trust between companions.

Jack used his body to block Luffy's fist, raised the scimitar to counterattack, but slashed in the other direction to block the sword in the other direction.

And Craig didn't take long for it. Before his sword was retrieved, he had to evade the cat and viper's double-headed fork in embarrassment.

Although the battle was chaotic, it was obviously a 1vs1vs5 battle, which was too unfriendly for Jack and Crane.

What made them even more worrisome was the fighting in other places. It was obviously their subordinates who fell in the melee.

Especially the chess soldiers of the cracker, they are originally soldiers made by BIGMOM with the ability of soul and fruit, and their strength is average. In terms of quantity and quality, they are inferior to the beasts and pirate group's giver army, as well as the zou's knight group and the musket group.

Coupled with the straw hats and the Penglai Guardians, there is no room for their miscellaneous fish to survive.

"Master Jack!" Sheep giver, Jack's captain, Sipshead, approached the battlefield and shouted.

Jack doesn't have the time to take care of him, but Momosuke has been chasing him and slashing, without even looking at Keli. Even though he has thick skin and thick skin, he dare not be distracted in the face of an attack from a sword tyrant.

Sippshead also knew that he couldn't disturb Jack at this time, but he couldn't help it. If he didn't do anything, the people who came to Zuow would be wiped out this time.

"Master Jack, it is too dangerous to continue fighting, let's retreat temporarily!"

Jack swung a machete to fend off Momosuke's slash, while swinging his nose around Luffy's fist and throwing him away.

This kind of intensity battle, even if the animal devil fruit gives him the strong physical strength, he can't hold on anymore. What's more, he is still injured, and the bandage on his chest has begun to seep out of red blood.

But even so, Jack didn't mean to be subdued at all.

"What nonsense are you talking about, if I retreat here, Lord Kaido will be faceless!"

Jack is just reckless, not stupid. He naturally understood what Sipshead could think of.

But for Jack, who regarded the faces of the Beast Pirates and Kaido more than anything else, surrendering was not his choice.

There was a trace of hideousness on Jack's face, and he said loudly, "In that case, Sipshead, bring me that thing!"

Hearing Jack's order, Sipshead also showed a face of sudden realization. He even forgot to bring a big killer this time, that thing can definitely solve the dilemma in front of him.

"What the **** are you making!" Duke Inulan didn't understand what Jack was talking about, but a bad premonition made him uneasy.

Jack smiled cruelly and said, "Didn't I say it. I want to destroy this country!"

"Don't think about it!" A trace of anger appeared in Duke Inulan's eyes, and his attack became more rapid.

On the other side, Craig was also under siege, but he was not as embarrassed as Jack, and he could even free his hands to attack Jack occasionally.

Crane frame is not as scarred as Jack, and his fruit ability is more suitable for this kind of battle.

The Cookie Soldier held his shield and stood by his side, blocking all attacks against him.

Sawada Tsunayoshi ejected flames with both hands, allowing him to change direction flexibly in the air. A team of biscuit soldiers held up their big swords, aimed at the sky in Sawada Tsunayoshi and threw them out.

Compared with the pure-body magic cat viper, he is more afraid of Sawada Tsunayoshi who uses flames.

Sawada Tsunayoshi did not develop the tactics of petrochemical enemies like XANXUS, which also controls the flames of the dead air attribute of the sky. After all, Tsunayoshi Sawada possesses a high-purity flame that even Liborn can feel.

So apart from the zero breakthrough, Tsunayoshi Sawada's moves are simple use of the power of flames. It is this simple ability that is the most invulnerable. It is the flame of the sky, which is all-inclusive but possesses the ultimate power, that can burn all the biscuits made by Keli Frame's ability.

Sawada Tsunayoshi's super-intuitiveness is not weaker than seeing and hearing, and he kept moving in the air and avoided all the huge swords that were thrown up.

Suddenly, Sawada Tsunayoshi slammed the brakes in the air, waved and flew the giant sword that was shot at him. And a cannonball just flew by in front of him, just now Sawada Tsunayoshi sensed that the cannonball came and stopped halfway.

Sawada Tsunayoshi frowned. He found that many shells were flying in mid-air, and these shells were still painted with a smoking skull pattern.

The shell fell and exploded. Surprisingly, the explosive power of these shells is not great, but a large amount of green gas is released after the explosion.

The vegetation that had been ruined so badly during the battle was shrouded in green mist and then scorched and dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if all its vitality had been taken away in an instant.

KORO gas, a gas weapon developed by Caesar, was traded to Kaido through the hands of Doflamingo.

But this time, Jack planned to destroy the entire Zou from the beginning, so he brought this weapon. Unexpectedly, it was used at this time.

"It turned out to be a gas bomb." Lieborn couldn't help but, as a killer and mafia tutor, Lieborn certainly recognized this terrifying weapon.

Without him reminding, everyone would know how dangerous they were just by looking at the plants.

The battlefield was quiet for a moment, and then everyone parted together. Unexpectedly, the people of the Beast Pirates Group had already prepared, took out the gas masks and put them on their faces, and then firmly bit the fur warriors who wanted to retreat.

Now they don't have to pursue victory in battle, because as long as they drag their opponents, they will lose their lives in the poisonous gas.

Pedro twitched his nose, just smelling the unpleasant smell in the air let him know how dangerous the gas was.

The electric light lit up in Pedro's hand, and then passed to the sword in his hand, and his sword directly knocked out a group of pirates that came around.

A pirate's gas mask accidentally fell off, and he happened to fall into the poisonous gas.

The pirate immediately pinched his neck, and the blood vessels on his face bulged out, looking very painful. Struggling for a while like a fish leaving the water, the pirate fell directly to the ground without knowing his life or death.

Pedro's pupils were all shrunk together, and it was the first time he had met such a terrible poison gas.

It was not only the pirate who was suffering, but the fur warriors who had not retreated in time also fell, which made Pedro gritted his teeth to hold back his anger.

Jack's purpose has been achieved, and the gas bomb has indeed changed the form of war. Because of the proliferation of poisonous gas, the fur clan warriors retreat steadily.

The only regret is that the poison gas has no effect on chess soldiers who are not creatures, but after all, the Beast Pirate Group has gained an advantage on the battlefield.

Cat Viper and Duke Inulan saw the tragic scene on the battlefield, and their anger made them like wild beasts even their sharp fangs!

Momanosuke also gritted his teeth, not only because the fur clan is his allies, but also because he cannot tolerate such despicable methods as a samurai.

Jack finally realized what high-energy rage was. The three attacked at the same time, and the scimitar in his hand was directly cut off. But the attacking momentum of the three people did not diminish, and it fell directly on Jack.

The three stopped behind Jack, and Jack fell directly with blood on his chest. However, Jack had a thick skin, and he was only seriously injured by a joint attack by the three.

The three were about to go up and grab Jack and get the antidote for the poison gas from him, but a gas bomb fell straight down and blocked their footsteps.

Sipshead, wearing a gas mask, hurried over, buckled a gas mask on Jack's face, and then straightened his back and walked out.

The Keli frame had no intention of fighting when the first gas bomb exploded. He clapped his hands quickly, created more biscuit soldiers, and hid in one of them.

There was poisonous gas all around, and Tsunayoshi Sawada didn't dare to burst out his own flames casually. Although Luffy in fourth gear smashed some biscuit soldiers, he could not find the body of the cracker.

Until Luffy was about to run out of domineering, all these biscuit soldiers stopped moving. This was of course because the capable person had already left, and Lu Fei, who had exited the fourth gear state, could only look at the poisonous mist with an unwilling expression.

When Crane retreated, Jack was defeated, and the two groups of pirates naturally didn't have any thoughts to fight. So this war has become anticlimactic, and the final key lies in whether Zuow can solve the poisonous gas on the island.

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