Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 244: XXBURNER who changed the battlefield

On the outskirts of Cake City, the agreed place between Luffy and Sanji.

The chess **** fell to the ground, and the five of them did not know how many defeated, but the pressure did not relieve at all.

Because the chess soldiers are still overwhelming, it seems that they have not decreased at all. In contrast, the physical strength of several people has been consumed a lot.

Especially Lu Fei, his muscles began to shrink, and he had to pant for a while with every move.

The ghost wife Armand raised her head slightly, looking at Luffy from under the wide top hat.

"Only a kid who can do it with his mouth, really can't hold on anymore!"

The fifth son of BIGMOM, the Minister of Cream, Charlotte Opela, said in a dull voice: "The guy in Keli frame is really careless, and he will lose to this kid!"

Armand didn't seem to want to continue on this topic, and said: "Okay, hurry up and clean up! The tea party is about to begin, and if you continue to linger, Mom will be angry!"

The eyes of the members of the Charlotte family around her changed, and what Amand said made them serious. Looking at each other, these famous pirates from the New World rushed up together.

"Rubber...fire punch!"

Luffy's domineering fist entwined with flames and black armed forces shot out all the chess soldiers in front of him.

Only two chess soldiers descended from the sky and attacked Luffy with their weapons.

Although all chess players are Homitz, they are divided into different levels according to the quality and quantity of the soul invested by BIGMOM.

Only the lowest-ranking soldiers were casually beaten by Luffy, while the two in mid-air were the highest-ranking kings and queens.

The two with crowns, even the chess pawns, who were much larger than the soldier chess pawns, flew Luffy away fiercely.

Luffy rolled on the ground for several laps before stopping, but blood was bleeding from his fingers clutching his abdomen.


But before Lu Fei finished complaining, three figures rushed over in the smoke and dust.

"Rubber...like a gun!"

Luffy resisted the pain, squeezed the last physical strength and domineering, and attacked the three with a fist.

The sixth son of the Charlotte family, Kangte, the seventh Kadantz, and the eighth Cavallet, faced Luffy's huge fist together. The three of them were rare physical experts in the Charlotte family.

Luffy's face was distorted when one big, three and four fists smashed together. It was already embarrassing to be one against three, let alone Luffy's current state...

Luffy's fist seemed to be leaking, and he even flew out with his whole body. But behind Luffy, a weird man covered in cream suddenly appeared.

The spilled cream fell on Lu Fei, and bursts of blue smoke were emitted, causing Lu Fei to cry out in pain.

Charlotte Opera grinned grimly and said, "My cream can burn people, so you will be burned out in my cream!"

Luffy wanted to avoid the large piece of cream that fell, but his feet were so soft that he didn't even have the strength to avoid it.

At this moment, a pillar of fire flew across the sky, blasting all the falling butter out.

Opela's expression changed, and Sawada Tsunayoshi had come to him and kicked him out with a kick.

Luffy breathed a sigh of relief and sat directly on the ground. Sawada Tsunayoshi fell beside him, and his body shook.

Although the fire of death is the power of enlightenment, it also consumes the mental and physical strength of the user. After repeated fierce battles, Sawada Tsunayoshi also consumes a lot of money.

Sawada Tsunayoshi bent down, trying to reach out and pull Luffy up. But at this time, a slash flew directly to separate the two.

Sawada Tsunayoshi looked at the ghost wife Armand, who was walking by with the famous sword white fish, with a dignified look in his eyes.

The power of BIGMOM Pirates is undoubted, but he didn't expect this power to be so comprehensive.

Needless to say, Charlotte Lingling, the strongest female pirate in the world, BIGMOM, is also an absolute powerhouse that she has dealt with before.

In addition to the high-level combat power, the grassroots army formed by Homitz, coupled with the cadre group formed by the children who inherited the talent of BIGMOM, formed a hegemony without any flaws.

In terms of strength, although Armand is not as proud of a family as Kata Kuri, he is also a strong man who can make the name of a ghost lady in the sea.

She was regarded as an evil spirit for no reason. The strength of her swordsman was naturally one aspect, but the most important thing was her cruel and bloodthirsty character.

Obviously she can kill the opponent cleanly, but she has to slowly cut the opponent's body, giving the opponent the greatest pain.

Now, her murderous aura is all weighed on Luffy and Sawada Tsunayoshi.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The bomb exploded beside Amand, so Amand had to retreat.

The Hayato at the Prison Temple came over and said, "Tendaime, if we can't go on like this, we will be dragged down!"

Nami waved the weather stick, and the dark clouds brought by BIGMOM's anger became her weapon, and the thick thunder pillars of the bucket fell one after another and blocked all the three Conte brothers.

Nami's situation is the best. She has BIGMOM's life paper, so the chess soldiers dare not attack him. In addition, her way of fighting is knowledge, so there is almost no consumption.

Countless legs grew out of Robin's back, and finally combined into two huge legs.

"Thousands of red, huge tree, stump!"

The two big feet fell continuously, causing the ground to sway like an earthquake, and the chess **** on it was knocked out.

Finally temporarily clearing the surrounding enemies, Nami and Robin stood back to back. Nami couldn't help but sighed, "Never go with Lu Fei next time. You have to do this kind of thing every time!"

Robin smiled, she could hear it, Nami just complained. But it's no wonder she has such a big mood, and she has never encountered such a dangerous situation in the adventures she has experienced so far.

The deadly fire on Sawada Tsunayoshi's forehead flickered, it was a performance that he was extremely exhausted and could hardly maintain a decisive state.

He exhaled and said: "Luffy, I have one last move. Maybe it can turn the tide of the battle temporarily, but I need a chance."

Luffy stood up straight from the knee leaning on his knees, and laughed: "Really? It's a great help. You don't need to tell me directly what I need to do!"

The prison temple Hayato also excitedly said: "As expected of Judaime, if I can help too, just give me orders!"

Sawada Tsunayoshi looked at the trusting eyes of the two, with no expression on his face, but there was a touch of movement in his eyes. Then he looked at Armand, who was walking by.

After listening to Sawada Tsunayoshi's request, Luffy patted his chest and said, "No problem, just leave it to me!"

With that said, Luffy rushed directly to Armand.

Sawada Tsunayoshi hasn't adapted to Luffy's flamboyant style, and hastened to catch up.

Although I don't know why Luffy of Pineapple Pineapple dare to take the initiative to rush to the top Armand, but the rest of the Charlotte family still rushed to attack Luffy.

Sawada Tsunayoshi hurriedly shouted: "Prince Temple, please!"

Hearing Sawada Tsunayoshi's voice, Heiji Hayato cheered up, and a large number of bombs flew precisely to everyone who intercepted Luffy.

Armand took a cigarette, his eyes full of murderousness. She didn't care about the fact that the helping hand was blocked, on the contrary she was irritated by Luffy's contempt.

Holding a sharp long knife, she wanted to give Luffy a hell-like painful experience.

"Rubber... machine gun!"

Facing Luffy's raining fist, Armand just smiled disdainfully. Indeed, now Luffy's attack has been slowed down for unknown reasons, for her it is simply full of flaws.

Armand just moved back and forth across the knife to accurately block Luffy's fist.

"That's all!" Armand mocked, and directly fended off Luffy's final blow.

"I will cut it down with the most painful speed! Slow Ballad!" Armand said, holding up the sharp knife in his hand.

"It's now!"

Seeing Armand's domineering action, Sawada Tsunayoshi immediately knew that the opportunity was coming. He came to Luffy in an instant, facing the falling slash.

Armand didn't care who was under the knife, he was the target of beheading anyway. The blade was wrapped around the armed look domineering, and slashed to Sawada Tsunayoshi's head fiercely.

Unexpectedly, Tsunayoshi Sawada opened his palm and made a strange gesture. With this gesture, the lifeless fire on Sawada Tsunayoshi's body began to rise and fall.

"Break through the zero point, change it to nothing!"

That's right, the reason why Sawada Tsunayoshi wants the enemy to use domineering is to launch this trick.

Breaking through the dead-gas zero point refers to adjusting the dead-gas fire from the released positive state to the empty negative state, so as to reduce or even eliminate the damage of the enemy's dead-gas fire.

On this basis, Pengley developed the tactics to freeze the dead flames of the enemy, while Tsunayoshi Sawada developed the tactics to absorb the enemy's flames to increase his strength.

Sawada Tsunayoshi kept a special gesture, and directly clamped Armand's blade in his hand. And Armand was surprised to find that his domineering was dissipating...No, it was absorbed by the other party.

In One Piece World, Tsunayoshi Sawada's breakthrough at zero point can not only target dead fire, but also have an effect on domineering. This is Sawada Tsunayoshi's plan.

After absorbing Armand's domineering, the deadly fire on Sawada Tsunayoshi's forehead became vigorous again.

Holding Luffy, Sawada Tsunayoshi retreated quickly. Armand was absorbed a lot of armed and domineering, and he dared not pursue it under fear.

The two of them retreated directly to the edge of the battlefield, and the Hayato of Prison Temple also came to them with Robin Nami.

Sawada Tsunayoshi exhaled, instead of holding his hands in tandem, he crossed his hands and pointed straight ahead at the same time.


Sawada Tsunayoshi's gloves began to deform and turned into arm armor extending to the elbow.

Sawada Tsunayoshi input what he had just absorbed Amand's domineering, and all his remaining deadly fire into his arm armor. The jet hole in the elbow part of the arm armor started to glow, and the palm part also lit up.


The flame was released, and the entire plain seemed to be enveloped by flames. Under Tsunayoshi Sawada's input of lifeless fire regardless of the cost, the power of this trick has increased to an unimaginable level.

Even the sky seemed to have been burned through by this blow, the hot air currents rolled up by the flames rolled away the dark clouds, and the sunlight fell down.

In Cake City, Kulom looked at the flames in the distance from a window and couldn't help but said, "That's the boss's move. Is there something wrong over there?"

Brooke said: "It's terrible! You can see it all here, I don't know what kind of fierce fighting happened there."

Jinping pondered for a while, and then said: "No matter what happens over there, we can't help in the past. Now, the most important thing for us is to complete our task!"

Kulom nodded and said: "I understand, the next step is the most closely guarded place, I will work hard!"


Off Cake Island, the ship of the Flame Tank Pirates passed through the wind and waves, and Capone Becky, who had been killed by Sauron, was on the deck asking the doctor to bandage his wounds.

Capone Becky never lets people know all his hole cards. So when he was in the Pengley family, he hid a card of his own.

That is, he did not practice domineering, but chose to be hit by the death bullet and awakened the power of the death flame. And his lifeless fire attribute is not the big sky attribute owned by the family leader, but the fog attribute.

Also, the attributes of lifeless fire are tied to personality. It's no surprise that people like Capone Becky will awaken the fog attribute.

The ability of the deadly fire of the fog attribute is to construct and is a prerequisite for becoming an illusionist. Capone Becky learned illusion through the information of the Pengley family without any guidance. I have to say that he does have a talent in this area.

It is precisely because no one knows that he has learned illusion, so even if his illusion level is not high, he successfully deceived Zoro and Yamamoto Takeshi.

The big boss cut off by Sauron was only constructed by his illusion, and he just hid in it. But Sauron's three thousand world moves were too powerful, and it still hurt him.

Fortunately, Zoro and Takeshi Yamamoto were attracted by the big movement made by Tsunayoshi Sawada. Without careful inspection, he escaped safely.

Unfortunately, his subordinate Werther was beheaded by Sauron. Although Gotti held his life, he was also seriously injured.

The plan to assassinate BIGMOM is no way to continue, and the next Cake Island does not know what the chaos will look like.

Capone Becky doesn't want to be involved, so his choice is to leave the BIGMOM Pirates.

No one knows the news of his betrayal yet, so he must take this opportunity to leave the seas of all nations.

Suddenly, the ship under his feet shook. Capone Becky felt a bad feeling for an instant, and quickly said loudly, "What happened?"

A black suit crawled in and rushed in, and said in a panic: "It's not good for the godfather, someone launched a shelling on us!"

Capenberg frowned, this hasn't left BIGMOM's territory yet! How could anyone attack them here.

Capone Becky quickly put on his coat and walked out of the cabin. Then he saw the flag on the big ship opposite.

Clams, shields, bullets, this is the flag of the Pengley family. The flag on the second-level flagpole...a pure black color scheme, with red fluff around the edges of the flag. In the center part, there is an "X" for ten generations, and there is a pattern of a beast on the top.

That is the banner that Capone Becky has always feared. The owner of the banner is Valia, the assassination unit of the Pengley family.

XANXUS sits on a chair like a throne on the deck, with his box weapon Dakong Lan Liger at his feet.

"I knew that the **** couldn't complete the task, and we can only clean the rubbish."

Encountered the worst situation, Capone Becky forced himself to calm down, stepped forward and squeezed out a smile: "Isn't this Master XANXUS! I didn't expect to see you here, how long have we not seen each other?"

XANXUS said unceremoniously: "Who are you getting close to, scum! To figure out where you are, you are just waiting for the garbage to be cleaned up!"

Capone Becky knows the wickedness of this man deeply, so he simply said: "Before we do it, we can have a good talk!"

XANXUS leaned on the back of the chair, not knowing what he was thinking.

Capone Becky looked at XANXUS and said, "With Sawada Tsunayoshi's character, he must have accepted the order of the Ninth Generation of Purpose to chase me down to Cake Island!

So letting me go may be a better choice. This can prove that Tsunayoshi Sawada is a useless guy, and there is no way to compete with XANXUS for the tenth generation position!

How about my proposal? "

XANXUS raised his head, the scar on his face seemed to be even more hideous.

"If I don't speak, you just keep talking. You are really annoying, trash!

Tell you before you die, because the Penglai family must become the strongest, no matter how fierce the internal struggle is, when encountering enemies, Penglai is always united! "

The impatient XANXUS directly raised the pistol in his hand and released his angry fire at Capone Becky in the distance.

XANXUS can become the leader of Varia because of his great strength. The fire of anger like the second generation of Pengley and the same pistol weapon as the seventh generation gives XANXUS a terrifying combat power.

A trace of despair flashed in Capone Becky's eyes, and this time he had no chance to escape.

Don't even think about illusion, the frog head next to XANXUS is Fran, the disciple of Liu Daosu, the guardian of the Pengley Mist. Even Liudao Mukuro also admired Fran's illusion talent.

With his illusion skills, showing off in front of Fran would only die worse. If it is hard to fight, it is not easy to deal with Scuvaro, who is the same Pengley sword magnate as Takeshi Yamamoto and has the title of sword emperor, not to mention there is even more terrifying XANXUS.

His game of chess has been checkmate.

Among the most evil generations, some are still wandering around, some challenge the Four Queens and choose to submit, and some are still licking the wounds of being defeated.

But no one thought that the first person to leave would be the gangster Capone Becky who had surrendered to the Four Emperors BIGMOM early.

On this day, Valia, the assassination unit of the Pengley family, sank the ship of the Flame Tank Pirates, and the flame of death of ANXUS of Capone Baek was petrified, leaving only a piece of rubble.

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