The coating of the Moby Dick went smoothly. The past few days everyone remembers White Beard's request, and it passed calmly.

Shitian also had a good time playing with Eliyi, but his wallet came to lose weight in the past few days. However, I usually don't have anything I want to buy, and it's worth watching Eriya look happy in her new skirt.

Everyone set off directly after finishing up. As the air valve opened, the air film gradually expanded, and the Moby Dick with the buoyancy valve removed slowly sank into the sea.

Hui Liyi leaned on the railing, growing up with a small mouth looking at the scenery under the sea that she had never seen before.

Shi Tian also watched the fishes surrounding the boat intently, and he had never seen such a scene. Especially the roots of the Arqi mangroves criss-crossed under the sea, Shitian was the first time to see such a huge plant.

The Moby Dick boarded an ocean current without any risk, and continued to advance toward the deep sea in the direction of the ocean current.

After a while, Shitian saw a more spectacular scene. The ocean current descends like a waterfall in the sea. To enter from the surface waters into the deeper waters with more complicated ocean currents, you can only take the descending ocean current in front of you.

Unlike in the original book, Lu Fei encountered various things when he entered the fisherman island. The Moby Dick entered the deep waters smoothly.

The school of fish disappeared when the ship sank to a certain depth, replaced by various deep-sea monsters. The size of these sea kings even exceeds those living in the windless zone.

To be honest, even White Beard had to be fully alert in such an environment. In particular, the light gets darker as it goes downwards, and can only perceive a large amount of incomparable vitality surrounding the ship.

That is the absolute difference brought about by different species, even Whitebeard or Roger is absolutely inferior to the Neptune class. Otherwise, the mermaid princess who can dominate the sea king class will not become Poseidon, one of the three ancient weapons.

Quiet, suffocating quiet. Compared to the visual feeling of falling into a bottomless abyss, this silence is more fearful of the deep ocean.

Eriya pulled Shitian's sleeves, Shitian didn't feel that she was as scared as an ordinary little girl. But she still took her little hand, and then she calmed down.

The speed of the downflow is much higher than that of ordinary ocean currents, so the ship is also descending rapidly. In the deep sea, people's sense of time has become dull, so I don't know how long it has been. Light reappeared before everyone's eyes.

Although I have seen monkfish-like creatures before, the light they emit is definitely not as good as this one.

There is only one possibility for such a huge and gentle light source on the ocean floor. That is the destination of everyone's trip, the fisherman island of the underwater kingdom has arrived.

Surrounded by the glowing roots of the archi mangroves, the entire sea area is as bright as the sea. Schools of fish swim freely here, making it a fairy tale world like a dream.

Because White Beard came to help at Neptune’s invitation, he could naturally enter the fisherman island from the entrance without having to gamble on luck like other pirates.

Baibeard put down the phone worm and said: "Little ones, Neptune has sent someone to pick us up. Let's go directly to it."

Sure enough, someone was already waiting at the entrance. It was a seahorse murloc with a saber on his body and a long knife with a crescent blade in his right hand.

Shitian searched the memory, and couldn't remember whether this person appeared in the original book. Time is too long, except for the Neptune family and the Sun Pirates on Fishman Island, Shitian really can't remember anyone else.

The seahorse murloc also saw the Moby Dick, and after confirming that there was no problem with the flag, he led the soldiers to greet him.

"I am the Right Minister of the Dragon Palace Kingdom. This time I am here to greet you on behalf of King Neptune."

Shi Tian just remembered that this character appeared in the original work, and it was he who put a bomb in the jade hand box in the treasure house, allowing Luffy to escape from the cake shop.

Under the leadership of the Minister Right, the Moby Dick successfully docked at the port of Murloc Island.

Baibeard jumped off the boat and said to the right minister: "Where is Neptune! Why doesn't he come out to welcome his old friend?"

With anger and concern on his face, Minister Right said: "The fisherman island has been very uneasy recently. His Majesty Neptune has been fighting the pirates who broke into the fisherman island. Therefore, there is no time to welcome you all."

The smile on White Beard's face disappeared: "It seems that Neptune's situation is terrible! So there is no time to rest."

He turned around, raised his naginata and said loudly, "Little ones, our friends are in trouble, and the banquet is going to be postponed. Now it's time to work!"


Everyone responded and dispersed immediately. Shitian also rushed towards a noisy place with her Eri clothes.

When the two arrived, they happened to see a group of pirates chasing a group of mermaid ladies.

Not to mention that the purpose of Baibeard's trip is to help the fisherman island, just look at the appearance of both sides. On one side is the beautiful murloc lady, and on the other side is the pirate who looks hideous and smiles wretchedly. Of course Shitian knows where to help.

Shitian didn't even want to deal with these miscellaneous fish that just came out of the paradise.

The tsunami-like spiritual pressure was released, and all the pirates only felt that there was a heavy mountain on their backs, and they knelt down one by one. The weaker ones even lay directly on the ground.

Shi Tian looked at these people coldly. Although they were both pirates, Shi Tian also looked down upon these scum that would only bully the weak.

At this time, Eriya raised the writing board.

"These people are bad guys!"

Shitian nodded, although it was too early to describe a person's age as good or bad. But Shi Tian still agreed with Eriya's view that these people are indeed hopelessly bad guys.

Eriya didn't say anything, just put down the writing board, and at the same time a pair of golden eyes lit up.

The most conspicuous feature of the dragon blood line on the body of the mixed race, the golden pupil is open.

Shitian didn't expect that when Huili Yi practiced three-color domineering, the first thing he mastered was the domineering domineering.

With the help of the golden pupil, Eliyi can freely display the domineering domineering, and she also combines the domineering dominance of the domineering with her own dragon power to explode even more terrifying power.

This kind of attack method before the white beard became the king of the king made people weaker than Eriya unable to maintain their sanity in front of her.

If it weren’t for the fact that Eliyi’s speech spirit was a more terrifying trial, Shitian thought she had awakened the same high-risk Wangquan speech spirit again.

The mermaid sisters were surprised to see that since the oncoming man and woman appeared, the pirates who had been chasing them all fell down inexplicably.

Shitian smiled gently at these mermaids and said, "Don't be afraid, no one can hurt you in front of our White Beard Pirates!"

In another place, a group of pirates just set off a fire, trying to take advantage of the chaos and looting. A tall shadow cast down, covering them all below.

These pirates looked back and saw the iconic beard at first glance.

"He... he... he is a big pirate with a white beard!"

Before White Beard could do anything, the pirates panicked.

Baibeard turned the naginata in his hand, and then directly swiped a hurricane-like slash that knocked all the pirates away.

Holding the naginata, White Beard looked at the pirates and said, "Goo la la la la! Little devil, fisherman island will be Lao Tzu's site from today! Tell everyone, if you are not afraid of death, you will be messing around in fisherman island. Bar!"

The captains of the White Beard Pirates Group stood behind Bai Beard one after another, seeing this scene these pirates fleeing from this nightmare-like place.

In order to thank the White Beard Pirates, Neptune hosted a grand banquet in the banquet hall of the Dragon Palace Kingdom to thank everyone.

Shitian also saw the young Neptune and Princess Otohime. It's a pity that she hasn't given birth to Princess White Star yet, Shitian couldn't see this Poseidon with his own eyes.

That's right, Shi Tian is a real decent person, definitely not because Bai Xing is a beauty who is set to be equal to the empress Hancock.

But Princess Otohime is really powerful in a certain way! She has a convincing charm in her words. Is this the ability that comes with the innate ability to understand the human heart?

After a night of rest, Shitian came to his personal goal of coming to Fishman Island.

"Mermaid Coffee Shop, is this here!"

Wearing Eli Yi, Shitian opened the door and walked in directly.

"Welcome to the Mermaid Coffee Shop, Huh! It's the adult from yesterday!"

Shi Tian looked over and found that it was the mermaid he saved yesterday.

Shitian also greeted: "It's you! I came out to work today when I encountered something like that yesterday, can I stick to it?"

The mermaid blushed and said, "Thanks to your lord, I didn't suffer any injuries. Although I can't repay your kindness in case, you must let me treat you today!"

Miss Mermaid took Shitian and sat in her seat, and diligently moved the dishes to Shitian's table.

It's not easy to refuse Shitian, and Eriya is already buried in the food. Shi Tian also tasted the characteristics of the seabed. Although I have tasted a lot of delicacies during the banquet yesterday, the food in this store has a more submarine flavor.

Especially for a dish made of oysters, Eriya liked it very much, and it didn't take long for the oyster shells to pile up into a hill.

Wiping his mouth, Shitian said to the mermaid sister who was smiling and looking at him: "Thank you for your hospitality, but today we came here not just for dinner, we also want to..."

"I know!" Miss mermaid continued: "You are looking for Xia Lichan to predict! Just leave it to me to introduce you."

"Xia Li...chan?"

Shitian suddenly thought that in the future, Mrs. Xia Li, who is like a royal sister, is now just a little loli. It is not surprising that Miss Mermaid calls her with such a cute name.

After a while, Miss Mermaid took the little "Mrs. Summer" to Shitian.

Miss Mermaid cleaned up the table intimately, and left with a pile of plates, leaving room for several people to talk.

Little Xia Li put the crystal ball on the table and said to Shi Tian, ​​"Are you the one to predict?"

Shitian nodded.

Xia Li put her hand on the crystal ball, looked at it for a long time, and then suddenly raised her head and said: "You will participate in the greatest war in the world, and your enemies will fall under your sword without exception. However, you are destined to be extremely painful. ."

Shitian's pupils shrank, and his hand subconsciously pressed on the handle of the knife. Reiatsu burst out uncontrollably.

Seeing Xia Li who was shrinking, Shitian hurriedly controlled herself.

"Sorry, I scared you!"

With that said, Shitian walked out of the Murloc Café a little lostly! Eriyi didn't know why, but she still caught up.

Xia Li looked at the crystal ball for a long time and lost her senses.

"This man, the protector of Fishman Island!"

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