Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 45: Weakness and knots

Shitian fell on the boat of the Pirates of the Sun, and he couldn't help but stagger. Fortunately, Xinping stepped forward to support him.

"What's the matter? Have you encountered a difficult opponent!"

Shitian shook his head and said: "The opponent is indeed very strong, but most of it is my own problem."

That's right, Shi Tian's battle with Huang Yuan did not actually tell the outcome.

Shi Tian still underestimated his virtual power, and after turning on the mask, Shi Tian did suppress Huang Yuan.

But in less than five minutes, Shitian lost his mind. He saw the source of his imaginary power, a part of his soul turned into emptiness.

Shitian's inner world is a sea, and the person who looks exactly like him, but with a different skin color and eyes, is now facing Shitian.

Xu Shitian carried the Zanpodao exactly the same as Shitian, and said to Shitian: "Yo, you are here!"

Xu Shitian does not use the Japanese used by Pirate World, but Shitian's mother tongue. Hearing the familiar language, Shi Tian dare not relax.

Xu Shitian didn't say much, and directly used Shunbu to arrive in front of Shitian.

"Then say hello first!"

Outside, Shitian's attacks were getting faster and faster, and in the end Huang Yuan couldn't keep up.

Huang Yuan was wondering what happened to Shitian, but Shitian stopped, his low voice let out wild laughter.

"Hahahaha! What's wrong, what's wrong. Come again. I'm not that stupid, I never have a scabbard on my knife, so I will cut all enemies!"

There are two knife marks appearing on the yellow ape, and being stimulated by blood, the attacks from time to time are even more wild.

Suddenly Shitian stopped, and instead of chasing the retreating Huang Yuan, he backhanded and grabbed the mask on his face.

"You have enough trouble too! It's time to go back and rest." Shitian's voice had returned to normal at this time.

As he said, Shi Tian pulled off the mask on his face and crushed it in his hand. Looking at the fully guarded Huang Ape, Shi Tian no longer entangled and turned and left the island that was almost dismantled.

Huang Yuan didn't even think about chasing after him, after all, it was him who was almost hacked to death just now.

Shi Tian was still panting after returning to the boat of the Pirates of the Sun, the virtual experience just now was not very good. I don't want to experience the feeling of being controlled from time to time.

However, he also saw the power of illusion, even Huang Yuan was directly suppressed. Shitian squeezed his fist, he must master all this power.

Tiger held a grand banquet as he said before, thanking Shitian for his help.

Shi Tianzheng and Tiger exchanged cups, and suddenly a disgusting voice sounded.

"Damn humans! Must have no good intentions!"

The expressions of everyone on the wine table were embarrassed. In this case, only the extreme racist Murloc Aaron was still so disruptive. This group is the only boss that Luffy has played in the East China Sea with a little weight, and it is also the evil party that Haimi can't find a place to clean up.

Shi Tian looked around at the murlocs in the room, most of them looked embarrassed, but there were indeed a few people who were dissatisfied and disdainful just like Aaron!

Tiger glared at these people before they converged.

Tiger said guiltily to Shitian: "It's mine. You are obviously the benefactor who saved me! I..."

Shitian laughed and interrupted Tiger's words by raising his hand.

After drank the wine in the glass, Shitian said: "I don't mind the opinion of the weak!"

"What did you say!"

Aaron went crazy directly. In front of his respected elder brother Tiger, Shitian's evaluation of him by the weak really stabbed his most sensitive nerve.

Xiao Ba on one side hurriedly hugged Aaron desperately before letting him lift the wine table.

"You dare to say that I am weak. We murlocs are inherently stronger than your humans. You can really tell the absurdity that I am weak!"

Shitian put his wine glass on the table, and when the sound of the wine glass colliding with the table sounded, Shitian released his spiritual pressure.

Along's pupils dilated instantly, and he felt that breathing could no longer continue.

"Do you still think you are not weak now?" Shi Tian said coldly.

Jinping stepped forward and said, "Shitian, you..."

Unexpectedly, it was Tiger who was sitting in the first place to stop him. Tiger said with relief on his face: "Let the little brother give me this big brother who has always been confused to educate the little brother!"

"Big Brother Tai!" Shen Ping couldn't help looking at the loneliness on Taige's face.

Shitian also heard Tiger's words, so he stood up and walked in front of Aaron. All the murlocs took a step back along the way, seeming to make way for the king.

Shitian looked down at Aaron, who was overwhelmed by the spirit, and said, "Do you think the so-called power is just power?"

Seeing Aaron who is still unwilling to bow his head to Shi Tian, ​​Shi Tian continued: "You don't even understand what is strong, aren't you weak?"

Pointing to his chest, Shitian said loudly: "The so-called powerful refers to this! Power will disappear with the passage of time, and only faith and will are truly eternal."

After a pause, a mocking expression appeared on Shi Tian's face.

"Murlocs are inherently stronger than humans. It's just that you are blinded by hatred and jealousy. And hatred and jealousy come from your weak will!

It is precisely because of your weakness that you can only see the difference in race, so you can only reach this level! "

Along looked at the blurring figure before him, and finally lost consciousness.

The banquet broke up unhappily, sitting alone at the bow of the ship every day, drinking with a bottle of wine.

I shook the bottle, it turned out that I drank it unknowingly.

At this time, someone threw another bottle of wine, Shitian reached out to take it, and turned his head to see that Tiger had already stood by his side.

"Thank you!" Shitian smiled and unscrewed the wine bottle and took a sip in his mouth.

Tiger shook his head and said, "I thank you."

Shi Tian looked up at the starry sky and said, "I have said it many times before, and I also said that you don't need to be so polite! Jinping and I are brothers, so you are also my friend, and it should be a good idea to help a friend."

Tiger shook his head and said, "I don't thank you for saving my life, but thank you for what you said to Aaron."

Tiger leaned on the railing and said, "You know, I was caught by humans and became a slave when I first traveled to sea. I saw what **** is, so I broke into Mary. Joya."

Shi Tian did not speak, but listened quietly to Tiger's narration.

"I saw that there are not only murlocs among the slaves, but also humans. They have lost their freedom and dignity just like us. So the Sun Pirates have the rules not to harm humans since they went to sea.

I thought that murlocs and humans could understand each other, and the little girl of Krall also showed me this possibility. But in the end, humans betrayed me. Do you know what was all in my mind at that moment? "

Tiger pressed his head and looked very painful.

"I think back to the laughter of the pirates who caught me and the faces of the Celestials! I know that after all, I can't let go of the hatred of humans in my heart.

It may be this kind of hatred that I have been unable to let go of that affected Aaron. After hearing your words today, I realized that the weak is more than Aaron, and there is also me! "

Shitian smiled, and Tiger's ability to say this to a "human" like him meant that his heart knot had been somewhat untied. This is enough.

The next day, Jinping hurriedly found Taige and said, "Brother Tai, Aaron is gone! There are still several people who disappeared with him!

There were days, I didn't see where he was early in the morning. "

Tiger opened his mouth and said: "There are things to deal with every day, so I left early. As for Aaron, I hope he can figure out some truths by himself!"

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