Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 56: Night Strike V****9 II

Brand looked at the weird CP9 and said, "I haven't heard of such an organization in CP!"

Leonai grinned: "A secret organization! It's not surprising that the world government has such an organization!"

The man with a bowler hat and a pigeon on his shoulder looked at the people below with a sharp look: "Are you the killer who committed the big crime and organized the night attack? He actually set the target on God, for justice, you Don't want to leave today."

With that, Rob Luchi jumped down and rushed towards the night raiders.

Chi pupil leaned towards Murakami, slashing towards Lu Qi's body at a tricky angle. In front of this knife, any part of the enemy's body is the key.

Lu Qi didn't just arrive. He only showed up after carefully watching the battle with CP agents before the night raid. The scaryness of Murakami in the hands of the red pupil had already been recognized, and he naturally did not dare to hurt the red pupil.

In mid-air, Lu Qi's foot suddenly stepped on the air. Amid the violent air, Lu Qi turned up halfway to avoid the village rain.

"Pointing to the gun!"

Lu Qi twisted his body in mid-air and pierced the red pupil directly with his finger. And Chitong relied on Nakamura Yu's ability in his hand to directly greet the past with a blade.

Mura Yu's abilities were so terrible, Lu Qi had to choose to avoid it again.

"Landfoot, Leopard Tail!"

The slash, like a spinning leopard's tail, flew out from Lu Qi's feet and slashed towards the red pupil.

The slash hit Mura Yu's knife, and the smashed red pupil retreated several steps.

Chi pupil knows that his physical fitness is not as good as Lu Qi, but fortunately he has a handful of Murakami in his hand. And this knife's restraint against the strong in physical skills just helped her make up for these gaps.

Bruno, with the horns haircut, raised his hand and pulled it in the air, as if it really opened a door.

The air door opened beside Brand, and Bruno, who emerged from it, punched him in the head.

And Brand seemed to have noticed it a long time ago, and he shot Bruno straight away.

Bruno rubbed the hit chest, his eyes were serious and said: "This kind of power, you can be domineering!"

Brand pointed to Bruno with a red-backed shrike and said: "For a man who is diligent in exercising, this is of course."

That's right, someone had already mastered the domineering in the night attack. Among the several templates that Shitian has exchanged, the Zhanchi template is different from the Grim Reaper and Ninja templates, and the characters inside are very suitable for learning domineering.

The source of their fighting power is the imperial equipment in their hands, but they themselves do not have any extraordinary power, so they will not conflict with the domineering system.

Among the crowd of night raids, Brand's physique is also absolutely top-notch, after all, he can afford to be surrounded by evil spirits that ordinary people will die immediately after wearing them.

In addition, after appearing in this world, because of the rules of the world, his physique has strengthened, so he became the first person to learn domineering.

With outstanding spear skills, Tegu being surrounded by evil spirits, and hard-working domineering, Brand's combat effectiveness is comparable to that of a pirate with a bounty of more than 500 million.

Brand didn't talk nonsense with Bruno, and stabbed him with one shot.


Bruno did not evade, his body tightened and blocked Brand's shot.

With a sharp cry, Brand felt like he was stabbed with a stone. But the huge force pushed Bruno out.

Bruno gritted his teeth, stepped across the two traces he had dragged out, and hit Brand with a punch.

"Iron, broken!"

The iron block is one of the six types of the navy, and its defense power even exceeds the domineering entanglement of the armed color. It is a pity that the iron block has a shortcoming, that is, it must be still when it is started.

Only Gabra, another of CP9, can use the iron block while on the move. But Bruno also developed the use of iron for attacks.

That is to turn on the iron at the moment the attack is about to hit the enemy. After increasing the hardness and strength of the whole body in this way, the attacking power is greatly increased.

Bruno hit the ground with a fist, and the spider web-like crack spread to the surrounding deck. The wooden deck was shattered, and the shredded sawdust flew out indiscriminately.

Brand rushed up with his spear, and the blade of the spear fell like a shooting star.

Bruno took a stance to face Brand's red-backed shrike with his body.

"Iron, steel!"

This is the advanced use of iron blocks developed by Bruno himself, and the defensive power of iron blocks far exceeds that of iron blocks. Brand added the armed and domineering spear blade but failed to break through Bruno's defense.

"Pointing to the gun!"

Bruno didn't just defend and not attack, his fingers pierced Brand like a sharp spear.

It's a pity that Brand is surrounded by armor-type imperial ghosts. The most powerful ability of this kind of armor made from the body of the super dangerous species "Tyrande" is defense.

Bruno's fingers hit the armor, unexpectedly bursting out a string of sparks!

Suddenly, Bruno seemed to see a monster with six eyes roaring at him behind Brand.

Bruno hurried back and looked at Brand in horror.

"Is it an illusion?"

Bruno was groaning, and the big gun in Brand's hand had already pierced it again.

Gabra's opponent was Leonai, and he became an orc at the first moment of the match.

Gabra is a capable person in the form of a canine fruit wolf, and he has now become a veritable werewolf.

In the same orc form, Leonai looked many times better. The gray and yellow claws kept colliding, and the physical skills used by the two were somewhat similar.

This is of course, because Leonai also uses the Navy VI. His teacher is Dragon, the leader of the revolutionary army.

The dragon was born in the navy, so he is naturally familiar with the six types of navy. The status of Leo Nai who was exchanged from time to time was a civilian, and Na Jiexitan discovered the talents of warriors and assassins before bringing him around.

In order to exercise her talents, Najie Xitan sent her to Long to practice for a period of time.

Although she didn't learn the dragon claw fist originally created by the dragon, Leo Nai not only learned the six forms from the dragon and developed her own usage, but she was also another domineering master besides Brand in the night raid.

What Gabra is good at is the iron blocks in the six forms, and even mastered the skills of using iron blocks in movement. Even on top of this, an iron block boxing technique was developed.

Leonai was good at the haze feet in the six styles, but she used the hands that turned into beast claws. She can use her claws to launch a sword-like slash.

"Iron, Spike!"

"Lion's claws!"

The four claws kept fighting together, and Gabra's sleeves were cut into pieces, but the arms covered with wolf hair showed no scars at all.

Leo Nai's arm naturally did not suffer any damage, and the two even fought evenly.

"Iron boxing, Devil Sirius!"

Gabra made a backflip, resting his hands on the ground and kicking his legs directly on Leonai's crossed arms.

Even with the blessings of the king of beasts and the lion king, Leo Nai was knocked out.

"Iron block fist, heavy step wolf!"

Gabra stepped forward, and his steel-hard fist hit Leonai's body directly.

"Paper painting!"

Although Leonai was careless on the surface, he was calm when fighting. Naturally, she wouldn't be able to take Gabra's attack.

Although Leonai's paper painting is only a preliminary mastery, there is no problem with avoiding this blow.

"Lion's claws!"

Leonai's paws brought up five bloodstains, and scratched the clothes and flesh of Gabra's abdomen.

"Damn woman, I am angry, I must tear you apart!"

Gabra roared, and began to move around Leone.

"Iron boxing, wolf hunting, hands in all directions!"

It seemed that there were countless hands grabbing Leo Nai from all directions, and Leo Nai's animalization marks heavier, and even his claws stretched out a bit.

She lay down on the ground like a real lion, and dodged the attacks of wolf claws sensitively.

Only a few wolf claws were too dense to scratch Leonai's body, but the wounds healed in a blink of an eye.

The king of beasts and the lion king can not only strengthen the physical fitness, sense of smell and recovery ability of the emperor. And it gave Leo Nai the same intuition as a beast.

"It's there!"

Like a lioness preying, Leonai grabbed directly in one direction.

Gabra appeared right in front of Leonai's claws, and was slapped out by Leonai.

"I see how you jump around!"

Gabra's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he swung his claws frantically and started to attack Leonai.

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