Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 63: Xihai Fengyun

Marin Fandor of the navy headquarters, Warring States feels that he has had a lot of gray hair recently.

Especially when I was upset, there was an idiot who didn't look at the air in his office carelessly eating!

Karp bit off half of the senbei in one bite and chewed happily!

"You look so happy! How can you be so leisurely after so many major incidents in the Navy!" Warring States couldn't help throwing a document on Karp's head.

Karp tilted his head when he was hit by the document. He looked at the Warring States Period with a big bag, scratched his head and laughed, "Don't care about these little things!"

Warring States covered his forehead and said, "Forget it, I hope you can share a little bit because I think too much!"

Warring States let out a long breath and put down the report in his hand.

It was a report about a night attack, and sure enough, there has been no information about the appearance of a night attack since the last time ambush.

The Warring States period didn't think that the night raid would end here. They would just be like lurking poisonous snakes, maybe they would stretch out their fangs to bite the world government and navy.

But thinking about it and knowing that Night Attack will not be trapped like last time, how to solve this problem afterwards is really a headache. But at least they will be honest for a while now, and the failure of the CP-led ambush can also stop the mouth of the world government!

The navy can also free up its hands to solve other problems. For a while, the navy focused all its attention on night attacks. As a result, many pirates have become presumptuous, and there are still many things to be dealt with in the Warring States Period!

Suddenly, the Warring States Period saw a document, which was jointly sent by several branches of Xihai.

With the navy system, the headquarters command the various branches on the sea. However, each branch is generally responsible for its own sea area, and such joint names rarely occur.

Under curiosity, the Warring States began to look at this document.

A name was repeatedly mentioned in the document, and that was the name of a gangster.

Although the navy is said to control the entire sea, apart from the East China Sea, which is a symbol of peace, the Great Route and the other three sea areas are not under the actual control of the navy.

Of course, the pirates are the biggest root cause of the disease, but there is another group in the West China Sea that is the reason why the Navy cannot control the West China Sea.

That is the gang, these gangs control most of Xihai's interests. Although they vendetta each other and oppress civilians. But compared to pirates, they are still very disciplined, so the navy doesn't bother to control it either.

In addition, the gangs manipulate most of the black market transactions in the sea. Arms, weapons, intelligence, slaves and even devil fruits are all included in their transactions.

Because of this, their customers cover almost all classes in the ocean.

Doflamingo is the most successful gang, and his Don Quixote family initially existed in the form of a gang.

It's just that Doflamingo managed to control the underground transaction of the entire ocean. Therefore, in the future, Doflamingo will let the whole sea run wild after the defeat of Dresrosa.

So generally speaking, gangs will not be placed in the sight of the navy. Unless a gangster wants to go out to sea as a pirate, the navy will take it seriously.

The Warring States period flipped through the documents, and the aforementioned gangster had a large-scale battle with another group of people.

The fighting side is the sixty-four long-famous gangster families in Xihai, and it is only the union of the four families that is the enemy and crushes them with absolute superiority.

We must know that these sixty-four gangs have nearly 10,000 people, and there are a large number of people with devil fruit abilities. But the total number of four families participating in the battle is no more than 100 people.

Even though the difference in numbers was so huge, the battle ended in a one-sided way.

In the battle, the four families demonstrated amazing combat effectiveness. Especially the core mafia, after investigation, it was that they infringed the interests of most other gangs that caused this rage.

Warring States is more concerned about the weapons mentioned in the report that all four gangs use. The report said that it was a completely different weapon from the musket currently used by the Navy. Not only did it fire faster, it was also more powerful.

Warring States put down the documents and rubbed his temples. Recently, more and more troublesome guys appeared. For some reason, there was a sense of oppression in his heart!

Pointing at the name on the report, the Warring States period began to ponder.

"Pengley family...Is it!"

The Xihai gang rage was considered big news, and it naturally appeared in the newspapers.

New world, Dressrosa!

King’s Heights, Don Quixote’s villa, Doflamingo lay on the beach chair under the parasol with those eyes that would never be taken off. The newspaper just turned to the news of Xihai Rush.

"Humhhhhhhhhhhh! Xihai's mafia! I am very interested in these new weapons! Then send someone to discuss the underground arms trade with them!"

Although talking about negotiation, the expression on Doflamingo's face didn't mean "discussing" at all.

In the current ocean, only a few people know that the king's Qiwuhai, the sea gangster, and Don Quixote Doflamingo are the JOKER who manipulates the underground trading.

And now he is eyeing the modern guns in the possession of the Pengley family.

Both the navy and Doflamingo of the New World are paying attention to the Pengley family in the West Sea, but there are other original characters who are closest to the Pengley family.

Capone Becky, in the original book, he will emerge in the underground society of Xihai and win the title of gangster. After he became the Pirate, he became the same supernova as Luffy, one of the most evil generations.

But today Capone Becky is still a small figure in the underground society of Xihai.

The reason lies in the Pengley family, which is pressing on the entire Xihai gang like a big mountain. In order to gain strength and status, Capone Becky chose to join the Pengley family very early.

But the closer to the core of this family, the more Capone Becky can feel the strength of this mafia family.

Capone Becky dropped the newspaper in his hand, as if he said to himself: "Those ignorant guys outside must think that the Pengley family is weaker than the strong! But they won't know that Peng is the one with absolute power. Let it be!"

Raising his hand, Capone Becky looked at the ring on his hand, and said in a gloomy tone: "What powerful technological weapon, Pengley is really powerful in the ring."

As he said, a purple flame burned from the ring.

"Just a C-level ring has such a terrifying power, I don't know how terrifying the seven Transcendent A-level Pengley rings are!

Unfortunately, I was not selected as the guardian of the ten generations... "

The younger brother on one side hurriedly said: "Father, as long as you give an order, we will immediately take the Penglai Ring for you."

Capone Becky snorted coldly: "Don't underestimate the monsters of the family! Although the ten generations are a naive and cowardly guy, the group of Balian is not easy to provoke.

If we have any actions now, not only Penglai, but Simon, Gabriel and Mirófiore of the family alliance will unite against us.

With our current strength, the combined attack of the four cannot be stopped. You should know that these four companies have a full 21 Transcendent A Grade rings on the bright side. Each one is equivalent to a powerful demon fruit capable person! "

The flame on Capone Becky's ring went out, and then he made a fist.

"When I fully grasp this power, maybe I still have the capital to plan one or two times."

The bald head on one side suddenly said: "Father, have you heard of a legend?"

Capone Becky asked, "What legend?"

The bald head said: "Many people say that the Xihai is now covered by the Penglai sky during the day, while at night it belongs to another organization. It's just that this organization is too mysterious, so few people know it!"

Capone Becky sighed and said, "This is not a legend. Pengley does have a secret ally. That is the organization you are talking about.

I also have a certain status to know their existence, they are the slave group who masters the night of the hundred ghosts! "

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