Pirates: Invasion of the Heavens

Chapter 73: Zefa and Jianxin

Naval headquarters, naval training camp.

A teenager in a red kimono walked on the street and greeted everyone politely.

Wandering into the training ground, I saw the burly old man in the training ground at a glance.

The old man broke a hand, and a huge mechanical prosthesis was installed on it. The old man is now trying to adapt to this piece of equipment.

"Teacher Zefa, you should pay attention! Your current body is not suitable for too intense training."

Zefa let out a sigh and wiped his sweat with the towel handed over by the boy: "Don't underestimate me, Jianxin kid!"

After that, Zefa looked at the sword at Jian Xin's waist and said, "Have you decided yet? Use that sword!"

Jian Xin's expression on her face was taken aback, and she drew out the knife from her waist. Unlike ordinary knives, the blade of this knife is facing himself.

Zefa looked at Himura Kenshin and said, "Who would have thought that you would use such a knife in Sakarski's favor."

Kenshin Himura asked, "Ms. Zefa also insisted on the principle of not killing before. I know you can understand my thoughts now."

Zefa sighed and said: "Because I understand, I know what kind of path you are facing. Perhaps the last time you can't let go, but I still hope you ask your own heart, you Has the justice that I insisted on in my heart changed."

Kenshin Himura was silent, and Zefa patted him on the shoulder and said, "Your future is still very long. There are many opportunities for you to see with your own eyes where your justice is!"

Kenshin Himura said in a stupefied manner: "Do you know all about Teacher Zefa?"

Zefa nodded and said: "I have also seen the report of your withdrawal from the navy. If this is the result of your serious consideration, then I will not stop it."

Kenshin Himura bowed, "Thank you Teacher Zefa for your understanding!"

Zefa helped him up and asked, "Do you have any plans next?"

Kenshin Himura replied, "Leaving the navy, I'm just a Drifter underneath. Naturally I have to go around and take a look!"

Zefa nodded and said, "That's okay, maybe you can figure out a lot of things if you watch too much."

On the tall building in the distance, a window is facing the training ground.

A man in a red suit stood at the window with a thick cigar in his mouth. Thick smoke drifted in front of him, blocking the man's expression.

Kenshin Himura was once his most admired subordinate! He has top-notch swordsmanship at a young age, and after learning domineering in Hezefa, he is even comparable to some veteran major-general elite navy.

The most important thing is that he was merciless in the battle, and he did not know how many pirates he had killed with a sharp knife. The name of the executioner draws a sword, even in the navy, is a bit sensational.

But this is exactly the reason Akinu is optimistic about him, and this attitude of cutting out evil is necessary to carry out justice. He could predict that Kenshin Gomura would surely become the backbone of the navy's future.

But just halfway through the rising of this new star, his light dimmed directly.

The cause of the incident was a series of tasks a few months ago.

That is not the task of the navy but directly issued by the world government. A ship of slaves transported by a slave merchant to the Tianlong people took advantage of the storm and rioted and fled.

I don't know which idiot government official of the world issued an order to the navy on the grounds of recovering the property of the Tianlongren.

And it was Kenshin Gomura who received this order. With the rank of Colonel Kenshin Himura, naturally no one told him the specifics of the mission. The order that Kenshin Himura received was only to hunt down a gang of evil parties!

At first, Kenshin Himura didn't doubt it, just slaying each target with the blade in his hand.

But later, his goal turned out to be a woman. Seeing the resentful eyes of the woman who fell under his feet, Kenshin Himura couldn't hold his knife.

Kenshin Gomura stayed in front of the woman's body for a long time before returning to Malin Vando, and as soon as he returned, he took off his military uniform.

After that, the knife in his hand was replaced by an inverted knife that could not kill anyone.

Akahu couldn't wait to burn the world government official who gave the order in his own magma. Just because of his order, the Navy directly lost a future pillar.

But to tell the truth, Akinu still thinks Kenshin Himura is too fragile! Because of these things, the insistence on justice was shaken.

After making a comment on Kenshin Himura, Akinu turned around and sat back on his desk. He would not express regret for a guy who could not insist on justice.

On the training ground, Zefa said: "Since you are about to leave the Navy, I will give you one last guidance as a teacher!"

Kenshin Himura held the inverted blade and put on a standard posture and said, "This is my honor!"

Zefa said: "Are you going to fight me with a knife like that?"

Kenshin Himura said earnestly: "This is an inverse blade, a vow not to kill. It is also a knife that will be held after the blow!"

Zefa nodded and said, "Then let me take a look at your awareness of not killing!"

Before he could say anything, Zefa had already rushed up, and the mechanical arm named "Smasher" was pressed down hard.

Himura Kenshin naturally wouldn't hold back Zefa's heavy-handed move, as he turned his body and avoided the crushing machine. At the same time, using centrifugal force, he slashed past.

Zefa's pulverizer is made of solid sea-roof stone, even if Kenshin Himura uses a normal sharp knife, it can't be destroyed, let alone an inverted blade knife.

The blade hit the pulverizer, and Jian Xin couldn't help but retreat due to the counter-shock force.

The three mechanical claws on Zefa's robotic arm opened and closed, and then another punch came.

The ground of the training ground was covered with a thick layer of slabs, and all the slabs shattered under this fist of Zefa, and the rubble splashed to the ground.

This blow was powerful, but the speed was too slow, how could it hit Kenshin Himura, who mastered the speed.

Jumping to the sky, Kenshin Himura slashed down with a sword.

"Dragon hammer flash!"

Zefa bent his legs, and Kenshin Himura was directly blocked by his fall.

Now the situation is very clear in this competition. Zefa's power is strong, but it is a pity that he brought a heavy smasher to reduce his speed, making it difficult for him to hit Kenshin Gomura.

But his shredder is not only a weapon but also an indestructible shield. He severely restrained Jian Xin, who had insufficient attack power.

The two of you fight each other one by one. In the end, until the two of them had no strength, the sky had already turned into a starry sky.

The two of them sat like that in the dilapidated training ground. Zefa took out a bottle of Shirley from somewhere and said, "This is my favorite wine. Let's have a good drink with you today!"

Kenshin Himura recalled: "The master underneath once said that the night cherry blossoms in the spring, the stars in the summer, the full moon in the autumn, and the first snow in the winter. In this situation, how can wine not be good... I think now I still don’t understand the taste of that wine!"

Zefa laughed and said, "Your master is such an interesting person! I hope I can really taste the taste of wine like him in the future."

Kenshin Himura stood up and said, "It will definitely be, and I will have another drink with you at that time."

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