Time passed by and another half month passed. During this period, apart from six pirate groups, I didn’t encounter anything.。

The New World is huge, and it is also the most dangerous sea area. Not only are the pirates in this sea area larger than the pirates in the Grand Line, but even the Sea Kings are not comparable to the Sea Kings in the first half of the Four Seas and the Grand Line.。

“It would be great if there was an island in the sky, like a golden lion, or with an ability similar to that of a golden lion. I could float an island myself. It seems to be much more interesting than sailing in the sea like this now.。”

Shenluo was sitting on the deck, looking at the sea ahead through the gap in the ship’s fence. The calm sea was actually not interesting, because it was what he saw every day.。

I’ve only seen The Pirates six times, but they were all sent to the west by the gods.。

Compared to Shenluo’s boredom, Taotu behind him was even more bored and helpless.。

As a prisoner, it doesn’t actually count now. Now Momotu has become a crew member of Kamuluo, but a majestic vice admiral becomes a member of a pirate? If word spreads, it will really make the Navy Headquarters lose face.。

Taotu knows what Shenluo likes about her, that is, because of her strong strength. Taotu naturally understands that she is very strong. As for why she lost to Esdeath, it is entirely because of her opponent’s strength. This kind of insoluble elementalization, even the armed color and domineering power are useless! Such an ability is really incredible. At that time, Peach Rabbit had hit Esdeath three times, but because of the opponent’s incomprehensible elementalization, Peach Rabbit was helpless.。

In addition, Taotu also discovered the fact that Kamuluo’s two female crew members have always been underestimated. Needless to say, Esdeath, the new crew members, the Navy headquarters did not have enough information, so even if they didn’t understand it, but… Kalifa is different. She used to be an agent of the World Government. Her power level is less than 700, and she is not a Devil Fruit user. However, now she is many times more powerful, 200 million. What is the concept of Volt’s thunder and lightning? Taotu felt that a thunder and lightning of this level would crush her to ashes!

The user with the Thunder Fruit ability, Kalifa! With the help of Shenluo, in just three months, he had such terrifying strength? At the same time, Taotu also seems to understand why Shenluo’s growth can be so terrifying. Even the crew members are so terrifying. How can he not be terrifying?


Don’t look at it. Esdeath and Kalifa are just three women, with nothing but beauty. They don’t know how many people in the world are more powerful and terrifying than them.。

“If I were asked to take action against the navy, I would definitely not be able to do it. Let’s go back when we find an opportunity. It is impossible for him to control it. Moreover, if I am asked to fight against a navy, no navy can do it!”

Taotu looked at Shenluo and fell into thinking. Although what Shenluo told her last time about the navy still made some sense, this world is like this, and it has been like this for decades and hundreds of years. There is nothing surprising. Civilians need the navy, even if there are some rotten things in the navy, but what will happen to the world if there is no navy? All order will collapse, and the future of the world is unimaginable。

One thing we can know is that most civilians, the vast majority of civilians, support the navy, because without the navy, their lives may not be protected.。

this is the world。

Pirates are unforgivable. After being in the navy for so many years, Momotu has seen so many things that he doesn’t want to see. There are so many crimes committed by pirates that he can’t even count them.。

“That child!”

Taotu looked at Shenluo and hesitated to speak. In the past half month, she had seen how terrifying Shenluo was. The terrifying ability that only existed in Whitebeard appeared in him, and he could trigger it with just one punch. Terrible tsunami! Bury countless pirates under the sea! Or directly freeze the sea. When the tsunami brea

ks out, the frozen tsunami waves are like a tall wall across the sea, and the cold air from the sky rushes towards you, as cold as the ice and snow.。

In addition, Shenluo also has golden weapons, hundreds of rounds of… magic circles, and luxurious abilities that also make Taotu stunned. How many abilities does he have?

A little monster!

Let Taotu give up her resistance. She is really no match for Shenluo. This boy, his power has surpassed the imagination of this world.。

Peach Rabbit is really powerless。


With a long sigh, Taotu couldn’t do anything. Who told her to be so unlucky?

what to do?

Escape is impossible, even if they are not at all wary of Peach Rabbit, they are not worried about Peach Rabbit running away at all.。

Can it be done?

“Gion, come here and play cards together。”

At this time, Kalifa started talking, and she became familiar with her, so she naturally called her by her name.。

Over there, under a sun umbrella, there is a small table. Esdeath and Kalifa are already waiting.。

“What do you want to do? play cards? Landlord fight?”

“Yeah, right!”

Kalifa smiled。

“Not interested in!”

Peach Rabbit had no interest in this kind of thing originally, but at this time, Esdeath spoke.。

“Old woman, don’t you dare to compete with me?”

“What did you say?”

As soon as she heard the other party calling her an old woman, Taotu was reluctant. She was in her thirties, so she was really not old. If nothing unexpected happened, she would have no problem living for another fifty or sixty years. Half of her life had not yet been completed!

She is not an ordinary person。

Therefore, after hearing what Esdeath said, Peach Rabbit went over。

“Isn’t this just Landlords? Don’t think I’m afraid of you, a woman with ice。”

Peach Rabbit sat down。

“Just get used to it, that’s how she is。”

Kalifa reminded her。

Esdeath: “Besides, you’d better give up the idea of escape, otherwise I will kill you. After all, you are not my opponent, let alone what elementalization I can do, even if there is no elementalization, you are not My opponent!”

An ice blade appeared in Esdeath’s left hand and waved it in front of Taotu. The threat was obvious. She was very protective of Shenluo. If she found out that Taotu did something to Shenluo that would make him unhappy. The thing is, Esdeath has to chop up the peach rabbit.。


Taotu really doesn’t want to talk to this woman who wants to kill people at every turn. Moreover, Esdeath is not the kind of person who only talks about words, but she really knows how to do that. During this time, Esdeath’s She has also experienced cruelty. She is really scary to her enemies.。

Kalifa smiled and said: “Gion, just get used to it. I was not used to it at first, but now, that’s all I have.”。”

“Used to it? It’s a bit hard for me to accept。”

Taotu also boldly admitted。

Esdeath: “When the time comes, just don’t fall in love with that kid over there, I won’t let him come out either。”

“love him?”

Taotu laughed, “What you said is really funny. I’m more than twenty years older than him, so I’m not ashamed!””

“Glasses Girl, listen, this is what she said。”

“heard it。”


After the cards were dealt, it was just an ordinary game of Landlords. There were just three people at the table. It was just an occasional entertainment activity. However, women talked a lot. Playing Landlords could last an entire afternoon.。

The King is sailing on the vast sea, where is the next stop?

Shenluo didn’t have a good idea, but he had an idea before, which was to challenge the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard Edward Newgate!

ps: There are three women on the ship. That’s enough. I don’t want to add any more. I originally wanted Reijiu, but it’s better to replace her with Peach Rabbit. Now, the three female crew members are quite powerful.。

As for how Peach Rabbit can truly surrender to the protagonist, just wait. You can’t just surrender after a while. People have justice in their hearts that they must uphold.。

In addition, in my personal opinion, the navy is indispensable to the world of pirates. It cannot be said that the existence of the navy is negated just because there is something bad about the navy.

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