“The great pirate god falls? Is he here?”

Mrs. Charlie was surprised when she heard the words of the mermaid staff in front of her. She did not expect that Shenluo would come to Fish-Man Island and appear in the Mermaid Cafe.。

Fishman Island is located in the deep sea thousands of meters below. It is not easy to reach newspapers and reward orders. Most of them are brought in by pirates from outside. Mrs. Xia Li can know about Shenluo entirely because of what Shenluo did. Today Xia Only then did Mrs. Li start to pay attention to Shenluo。

In fact, Shenluo is the benefactor of their Fish-Man Island. From time to time, the residents of Fish-Man Island fall into the hands of the Celestial Dragons and tragically become their slaves.。

The third Heavenly Dragon that God landed on the Chambord Islands that day killed, and the slaves he purchased were the residents of Fish-Man Island. After the female fish-man returned to Fish-Man Island, she told her that someone had helped her, and that she had left in the morning. When the news came, I found out it was from the Shenluo Gang.。

Therefore, in this sense, Shenluo is the benefactor of Fish-Man Island.。

Humans on land and sea have always had serious prejudices against the residents of Fish-Man Island. Very few humans would help the residents of Fish-Man Island. It would be nice if they would not regard them as aliens or even hunt them. Help is even more unimaginable.。

“I personally invite him to come and sit down!”

“Also, I wonder if he can help Princess White Star. It would be best if he could. Princess White Star would no longer have to live in that narrow shell castle and avoid that bastard Vanderdyken IX!”

Mrs. Charlie stood up. In her eyes, Shenluo was not different from other pirates. Most of the pirates who came to the Mermaid Cafe had bad intentions. They would observe some mermaids from time to time and find the right time to attack, because mermaids are too If it is valuable, it can be sold to nobles. Of course, it is best to sell it to the Celestial Dragons, which can make them earn dozens or hundreds of times more than selling it to other people.。

Tianlong people are stupid and have too much money!

Aren’t pirates all about burning, killing and looting?

Shenluo was drinking coffee when he suddenly saw a blue mermaid appearing next to the table.。

Mature and graceful, with a cold expression and a special charm。

It’s the owner of the Mermaid Cafe, Mrs. Charlie。

“Mr. Shenluo, can I invite you in and sit down?”

Mrs. Xia Li’s tone was a little respectful, but Shen Luo could hear it.。


There were too many people outside and it was very noisy. Their eyes were often staring at Shenluo, which made Shenluo very uncomfortable. Kalifa followed him and accompanied Mrs. Charlie into a more luxurious single room.。

Coffee and desserts were quickly placed on the table。

Mrs. Charlie sat opposite Shenluo, made a “please” gesture, pointed to the dessert on the table and said to Shenluo: “This is the dessert of Fishman Island, it is also very famous in the world, Mr. Shenluo May as well give it a try。”

The desserts on Fishman Island are the ones that can make bigmom’s stomach acid rush out. It’s no exaggeration to call it the most delicious dessert in the world.。

Mrs. Charlie was curious: “Mr. Shenluo, do you want to enter a new world?”

“That’s right。”

“Sir, you have become a powerful person in the world recently. Even if you enter the terrifying new world sea, you will have a place and become a great pirate like an overlord!”

Shenluo took a sip of coffee before speaking: “Why did you ask me to come in here? Mrs. Charlie, do you want to trouble me?”

Shenluo doesn’t want to hear flattery.。

“It’s a little thing…no, it should be a big thing。”

Mrs. Charlie is a little embarrassed。

Kalifa, who was sitting next to Shenluo, interrupted: “What’s the big deal? Are you going to trouble someone you just met for the first time?”

Mrs. Xia Li said: “If Mr. Shenluo can help, he will definitely be welcomed by

the Dragon Palace Kingdom, and we will also pay you.。”

“What do you think。”

How big a deal is it? Shenluo is probably related to White Star. The fishmen and mermaids in Ryugu Kingdom are basically useless. They can’t even deal with a Vander Deken IX. The Ryugu Sea King Army is just a decoration.。

“It’s Princess Shirahoshi who is helping us on Fish-Man Island!”

Mrs. Charlie said in a deep voice。

Shenluo, who knew what was going on, asked, “Help for what? Your princess wants me, an outsider, to help?””

“That’s right, you want my adults to help you. What situation did you encounter that made you act like this?”

Kalifa complained endlessly。

“There is really nothing we can do. To tell you the truth, our princess of the Dragon Palace Kingdom on Fishman Island, also known as Princess White Star, has been threatened by the captain of the Flying Pirates. The captain of the Flying Pirates is named Vander Dai. Ken IX is a target fruit user. Shirahoshi was inadvertently touched by him when he was young, so he became the target of his constant attacks and threats. He would often attack the hard shell where Shirahoshi now lives from a long distance. The tower throws throwing knives and other objects……”

Mrs. Charlie spoke for a long time, trying her best to speak clearly and let Shenluo understand.。

Mrs. Charlie also added: “In order to get Princess White Star, Vander Deken IX wanted to pursue her in a threatening way. To be honest, this fish man is not only ugly in appearance, but also extremely perverted in his heart. If Mr. Shenluo can It would be best if you help, Dragon Palace Kingdom will also thank you deeply!”

So, Mrs. Charlie asked Shenluo for help, otherwise Princess White Star would have to live in the narrow space of the Hard Shell Tower for a long time, but that Vanderdaken IX could not be driven away like the god of plague!

“What will I get paid?”

Shenluo suddenly asked。

“Sir, did you agree? “Mrs. Xia Li was pleasantly surprised. If Shenluo didn’t help, maybe no one would be able to help.。

“I want to see what kind of reward I can get. Madam, you also know that although I don’t ask for equal exchange, I can’t help casually.。”

Mrs. Charlie smiled and said, “I know this.。”

Shenluo doesn’t want to take advantage of others and just helps casually. Doesn’t that mean she has become a holy mother? Although he doesn’t ask for equal exchange, there must be a corresponding price. At least it won’t be too different. I just don’t know if there are devil fruits in the Dragon Palace Kingdom? Shenluo currently has a devil fruit in addition to the life fruit.。

His next investment is not to invest in dimensional characters, but in life fruits. After the system is upgraded, there will be a non-character investment every month, which means that he can invest in things other than characters. Fruit of Life tourism has great investment value because its investment starts with five Devil Fruits! One Devil Fruit is worth more than Captain Yamamoto’s investment!

Mrs. Charlie smiled and said: “I will inform King Neptune of your willingness to help, and they will also pay sir at that time.”。”

She has always called Shenluo sir. Although Shenluo is very young, he is a powerful person, and he is a powerful person that Mrs. Xia Li is not familiar with. Mrs. Xia Li naturally does not dare to neglect him.。

“I don’t know what kind of compensation sir needs? Jewelry Gold Bailey?”

Afterwards, Mrs. Charlie asked。

Shenluo: “It’s better to have devil fruits, gold and jewelry, etc. I’m not very interested in them.”。”

Devil Fruit?

Mrs. Charlie was confused, Devil Fruits are difficult to handle. Devil Fruits are rare in the first place, how could they be available so easily? But let’s ask King Neptune. After all, this is the best way to solve the problem of Princess White Star. If Shenluo leaves, there may be no one who can relieve White Star. That Vanderdeken IX Will haunt Shirahoshi like a ghost all his life。

Unless Vanderdeken IX is dead! Otherwise there will be no peace!

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