“join you? this world? What world?”

Esdeath is confused. “This world” and “your world” make Esdeath confused. Are they different worlds?

“That’s right, this world is no longer your world! This is the world called Pirates, which is more magnificent and exciting than your boring world.。”

“Pirate world? “Esdeath was confused, but nothing answered her question.。

After Shenluo finished speaking, the space on his right was shaking like water waves, and a knife appeared.。

The blade is like fire!

“Your knife seems extraordinary!”

Esdeath praises。

“Naturally extraordinary!”

“Everything in the forest is reduced to ashes, and the blades flow like fire!”

Before he could pull out the Blade of Fire, Shenluo chanted this mantra in a low voice, and the moment he pulled out the Blade of Fire, the hot flame instantly wrapped around the entire blade, and the temperature of the flame made the person in front of Shenluo Esdeath couldn’t stand it anymore. She quickly stepped back five meters. She was frightened by the temperature of the flames. She became defensive again against Shenluo. She could feel the power of the knife, which made her extremely afraid. stand up。

“Don’t worry, I summoned you from another world. I have no ill intentions towards you.。”

After Shen Luo finished speaking, he closed his eyes and felt the flowing blade like fire contracted with his soul, like a contract connected by blood!

Burning the City is the most powerful move he has ever used. In fact, the most powerful move of Ryuken Ruohu Shikai is Hot Hell, which can release dozens of sky-reaching fire pillars at the same time and gather them together to detonate instantly. Its power can reach a radius of 100 kilometers. The earth turned into scorched earth! A hell that truly turns the land into flames!

This is the most terrifying thing, but Shenluo knows that he is currently unable to carry this kind of power. He is not as powerful as Captain Yamamoto, and even if he can use it, it is not as easy as throwing a bomb casually! The intensity and temperature of the released flames will also be weakened. The power of the Blade Ruohuo is related to the use of the owner’s own power.。

But he still wants to try。

At this time, under Esdeath’s gaze, Shenluo’s clothes and hair suddenly moved automatically. A powerful force, an overwhelming force, attacked Esdeath. To be precise, people were being attacked from all directions. This raging force is overwhelming。

“So strong!”

Esdeath was shocked, but the power of Shenluo also made her crazy. She was a fighting madman, and she was a powerful woman! Eager to fight!

At this time, Shenluo waved his Blade Ruohuo to the right of his body. Esdeath saw that the sea far to the right of Shenluo suddenly shook, as if something broke out of the sea and pushed up the sea water. The originally calm sea suddenly had dozens of bulges like sand dunes, and countless seawater poured down from them.。

“what is that?”

Esdeath was looking forward to it, but three seconds later, she heard earth-shattering explosions one after another, and the bulging sea surface suddenly exploded! Dozens of large flame pillars rise from the sea! A huge pillar of fire soared into the sky, seeming to connect to the sky! The blue sky instantly turned fiery red, endless flames were burning, and the clouds were surging.。

The sea area where Shenluo and the others were located was also dyed red, and the void was also unavoidable!

They were thousands of meter

s away from the pillar of fire, but with such a long history, the flames brought a strong visual and sensory impact to Esdeath.。

The sky and the sea are the same color, red, like hell。

“What a terrible temperature! If this continues, everyone will be evaporated!”

Esdeath was shocked again, sweat quickly flowed out, and the terrifying temperature made her mouth dry quickly.。

The ice under her feet was also melting at a speed visible to the naked eye, and white steam was rising from the ice. However, this steam was quickly evaporated not long after it rose, and disappeared into nothingness under the terrifying temperature!

Esdeath also saw the sea water rolling near dozens of flame pillars. The original cold blood turned into boiling water, and a large amount of water vapor emerged like a thick fog. A large amount of water vapor rose, and it was not even ten meters high. high temperature destruction。

Esdeath even thinks that if this continues, will the sea water be evaporated?

When the flame is high enough, even sea water cannot extinguish it。

Even if these dozens of fire pillars emerge from the sea, there is still a large fire pillar under the sea. Their temperature makes the sea water unbearable.。

“What kind of monster power is this?”

Esdeath was extremely shocked. Besides shock, what other emotion could she show?

It’s the yearning for this kind of terrifying power!

“Want to join me? This world, or in the future I will go to a world with monsters who control such terrifying power, is a much more exciting world than your world!”

Shenluo smiled and said, he inserted the blade like fire into the ice, and the invisible power was transmitted in the sea. Dozens of flames quickly disappeared from the sea, and everything returned to calm, but the sky was still red, as if it had been swept away in the evening. The sky dyed red by the red clouds is actually a sky burned by violent flames! The remaining temperature still keeps the sea water in a boiling state.。

If Shenluo enters the sea at this moment, he will find that countless fish have been cooked in this sea area, and there are also powerful sea kings. Just now, only some of the sea kings were able to escape quickly, and the others were unfortunately buried. The sea of fire is a real sea of fire! And the temperature is the terrifying temperature on the surface of the sun, thousands of degrees high! The sea water is boiling, it would be strange if it is not cooked!

“join you? Become your subordinate and be loyal to you?”

“Yes, anyway, you used to be loyal to your empire, but now, you are just loyal to someone with more potential!”

“potential? I see your potential。”

Esdeath couldn’t hide her shocked expression. It was indeed what she saw just now. It would be strange for her not to be shocked. This is not the ability of any Teigu she has ever seen.。

another world? Abilities from other worlds? What ability is it?

“What do you think of my potential?”

Shenluo walked towards her with a smile, and finally stopped one meter away in front of her.。

“The potential is scary。”

“That’s it, do you want to join me? I want to be the king of this world! And you help me become the king of the world!”

“King of the world?”

Esdeath was shocked. These words had never appeared in her mind before. She was shocked.。

“Yes, the King of the World!”

Shenluo believes Esdeath will join。

Sure enough, Esdeath’s reaction was as Shenluo expected.。

“I’m joining!”

ps: please support me.

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