“I want three devil fruits! It’s impossible for you to have none, right?”

This was Shenluo’s request. With three Devil Fruits, he let Smoky go.。

“Three devil fruits? impossible!”

Katakuri rejected it outright。

“Do you think it’s important that just three Devil Fruits have your Smoothie? As the third dessert general, Smoothie, her status should be very important in your pirate group, right? You don’t want to lose Smoothie’s fighting power, right?”

“What exactly do you want to do? Shenluo, don’t play with fire! Our bigmom pirate team is not that easy to mess with!”

“It’s up to you to decide whether you want to rescue Smoothie. Katakuri, you’re not a fool, right? Pirates have always been in a relationship of conquering each other. If we don’t fight back, my ship may be destroyed today. Smoothie ruined。”

Katakuri: “What you are doing is crazy. If my mother finds out, you will pay a heavy price! Kamuluo, you better think clearly about what you are doing!””

“Yeah? Then tell Auntie。”


Katakuri was speechless for a moment. Shenluo was not afraid of his aunt.。

Shenluo: “We will wait for you in Dressrosa. Just bring three Devil Fruits with you then.”。”

“Shenluo, do you know what you are doing?”

These are Smoothie’s words。


Katakuri also heard what Smoothie said. Sure enough, Smoothie was there. It seemed to be true!

Katakuri was angry: “Kamiluo, do you think your pirate group can compete with our Big Mom pirate group?”

“There are other strong men in my pirate group, so I’m not afraid of you.。”

How could Shenluo be afraid of them?。

“You’ve only been out at sea for less than three months, and you’re so arrogant… Hello?”

“I’ll wait for you to bring the Devil Fruit in Dressrosa。”

Before Katakuri could finish speaking, Kamuluo turned off the phone.。


Katakuri almost wanted to crush the phone bug. He could no longer be as calm as usual. The person who caught Smoothie this time was the person with the greatest potential to become the fifth pirate emperor. This was not hearsay, but really。

Katakuri was pacing back and forth. This is a room specially placed for phone bugs. Katakuri happened to be passing by just now, and he heard the sound of the phone bug, and this happened again!

“I actually lost my sense of proportion!”

Katakuri suddenly woke up。

“I am the solid supporter of the Charlotte family and must not lose my usual demeanor. What should I do now?”

Katakuri thought of telling Big Mom, but this was obviously not a good strategy! This matter should be resolved privately and told to Big Mom. There is no doubt that it will alarm the Pirate Emperor and other forces. This is obviously not a good thing for the reputation of the Big Mom Pirates. On the contrary, it will increase the reputation of Kamira and the others!

And it’s still in Dressrosa! This is a great country in the new world! It’s still Doflamingo’s territory, and it’s not that Katakuri is jealous of Doflamingo, but that Doflamingo is Kaido’s

spy. This is very important to Aima Hai, who is the best in the intelligence industry. The thieves are not a secret!

“Therefore, this matter can only be resolved privately!”

Katakuri thought of this and left the room, and soon, he summoned the others, Charlotte Krick, Charlotte Owen, and Charlotte Perospero, who were also three generals of star power. , and Charlotte Bray。

Including Katakuri, there are five people in total。

Bree’s mirror world can use them to escape. The five of them, except Bree, are the strongest among the Charlotte brothers and sisters.。

Katakuri quickly explained everything, and the other four were shocked and angry.。

“Katakuri-nii, won’t you tell mom?”

Cracker asked. It seemed like it would be best to tell his mother about such a serious matter.。

Katakuri looked serious: “No, this is not a good thing for our bigmom’s reputation!”

Charlotte Perospero also said: “Indeed, mother will go crazy. I don’t know what will happen then. What if Smoothie is treated as a waste by her mother? The last thing a mother can tolerate is her children being waste.。”

Owen: “So just a few of us are going?”

“That’s right, this kind of matter can be resolved privately, and with Bree’s mirror world, even if there is any accident, we can escape!”

Bree: “I’m okay, don’t worry!”

Owen: “Are we really going to bring devil fruits? Although we have five devil fruits。

Katakuri’s eyes were cold: “It’s impossible to give him a Devil Fruit! Everyone knows that there are only two people in his pirate group. That woman is so powerful that even Bree can easily knock her down. We have to worry about that. It’s just the God of Knowledge! However, there are four of us fighting against the God. Even the admiral can’t help so many people, so we don’t have to worry too much.。”

Charlotte Perospero reminded: “And very importantly, based on what Katakuri said just now, I can analyze that this god is very arrogant. Maybe he has been lost because of the smooth sailing recently. This kind of sea Thief, no matter how powerful he is, I don’t think he can go far!”

“That’s right!”

Katakuri: “So, let’s resolve this matter privately without attracting any attention! In the end, we can capture Kamiro and send him to the Navy Headquarters!”

“Katakuri’s brother is famous!”

Therefore, this meeting of five people decided that they would not alert the snake or bring any devil fruits. The five of them went to Dressrosa. Smoothie must come out, and they also planned to give God a heavy blow. cost! Let him know how miserable it is to offend the Big Mom Pirates!

Katakuri: “Let’s set out quietly tonight!”

With such a lineup, Katakuri doesn’t believe that he can’t save Smoothie!

I definitely won’t bring Devil Fruit! Katakuri and the others cannot compromise with Kamiraku and the others. If they compromise, there will be a second time in the future, maybe even a second time from other pirate groups! Katakuri and the others cannot tolerate this! Absolutely no compromise!

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