“Who is this woman?”

At the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku looked at a bunch of photos placed on his desk, which were secretly taken by the navy’s eyeliner while in Dressrosa.。

In a big country like Dressrosa, there are many spies of the navy. Doflamingo was originally the focus of the Warring States Period, but due to Doflamingo’s identity, the navy was not able to take action. Eyeliner, mainly used to monitor Doflamingo。

This time, the spy saw Doflamingo going to the east coast, and he followed him. Then, he discovered something shocking and terrifying, which was definitely a big deal for the Navy Headquarters! About Kamuluo and the Big Mom Pirates!

After their conversation, it was deduced that it was Shenluo and Esdeath who defeated Katakuri and the others. In the end, including Smoothie who was escorted over, there were a total of six members of the Charlotte family who were in Shenluo’s hands. The scary thing is that the three dessert generals who are the top leaders of the Big Mom Pirates are all here!

Something big happened!

Kamiro and the others captured several important members of the Big Mom Pirates. At the same time, Doflamingo seemed to have an ulterior deal with Kamiro, which was a very serious matter for the Navy. There are about ten photos. The navy’s eyeliner dare not take too many photos. Although the distance is far, it is still easy to be discovered by such a strong person. Even their conversations are translated through lip reading.。

Warring States is looking at these photos now, and his head hurts a little。

The matter must be very serious. As a wise general, I quickly thought that Shenluo was trying to blackmail Auntie. However, anyone with a normal mind could imagine that Shenluo had captured several of their important members. The result is obvious, that is, war. What other result is there, peace talks? Let Auntie give in? Make the aunt surrender for her children?

Not too possible!

Auntie is not a white beard!

But if this happens, will the new world be turbulent? It is estimated that it will be, it is very possible, because Kamuluo has already touched the core of the Big Mom Pirates, and the top cadres are all in his hands. Even Kamiro wants to kill them easily.。

“New member? Defeated five of the opponent’s opponents with just two people? No, it should be said to be six people. Kalifa… Generally speaking, there is no need to consider strength, but this blue-haired woman is strange.。”

She has long ice-blue hair, a special military cap, and black suit and leather shoes. She looks very heroic, but from the photos, we can’t tell how powerful she is, and she doesn’t know anything about her abilities.。

mysterious woman suddenly appears。

“Just after entering the new world, a new crew was recruited.。”

“The ice on the coast is from the gods, and the ground is broken in a large area. It can be understood that it is from the gods. There are no other abnormalities. I can’t speculate on this woman’s ability, but she must be very powerful.。”

Katakuri is very strong, which is recognized by the New World. Cracker is also very strong, and so is Smoothie.。

It is impossible to defeat them by relying on Shenluo alone. Sengoku also thinks so, so it can be speculated that this blue-haired woman is also very strong.。

“Although there are only two new crew members, Kalifa’s strength goes without saying. According to the World Government’s data, the power level is less than 700, so Shenluo and this blue-haired woman are enough to give people a headache.。”

It’s not even possible to post a reward, after all, the origins are still unclear.。

After entering the New World, Shenluo has completely left the reach of the Navy’s minions. Although their Navy also has branches in the New World, the Navy’s influence is not that good in the New World. For the New World, the Great Route There are pirates from all over the world in the first half, but it’s just kids playing

house! Not worth mentioning! The passage into the new world is originally a elimination of survival. Only the strong can survive. The fish that accidentally slip through the net can enter the new world, but they will not survive long. The others will be buried at the bottom of the sea.。

The new world is the world of the strong… or monsters, so after Shenluo entered the new world, the Navy headquarters had nothing to do with him. The new world is so big, how can you know where he is?

He: “What is certain at the moment is that he will go to Cake Island. I don’t know what will happen then. If he dares to do this now, it is clear that he wants to break up with Big Mom. Then it will be a terrible war. A conservative estimate is that it won’t be too good. That crazy woman is not so easy to offend. Shenluo will have to shed at least a layer of skin. It may be that she is new to the sea and has strong strength, plus she has been under Kuzan and Sakaski continuously. Escape…defeat, and escape from Garp and Porusalino’s pursuit, made him extremely confident, and he no longer had any scruples in doing things!”

“After all, he is still very young!”

Qing Pheasant: “Hey, is it possible that if he has this strength, then it won’t be him who will suffer, but Big Mom will suffer? Is it possible?”

“It’s unlikely. Cake Island is Big Mom’s territory. If you ask him to come to the Navy Headquarters, I can push him into the dungeon!”


Another day has passed。

As prisoners, except for Bree, everyone’s hands and feet of Katakuri and the others were imprisoned by sea tower stone shackles, and there was a third sea tower stone shackle connected to the ship’s fence. With such imprisonment, would they escape? ? It is still possible. The more powerful the Sea Tower Stone Shackles are, the less effective they will be. Of course, the Devil Fruit ability can definitely be blocked. Even in terms of physical strength, it will not have much impact. Shenluo also takes this into consideration and directly A big ice cover traps them, leaving some small holes for air circulation.。

From now on, Shenluo will feel at ease when sleeping at night.。

Now Katakuri and the others were completely prisoners. They looked at the blurry sea outside through the ice. They felt sad for a while. This was the first time they had experienced this, the first time they had been caught, and they had to act as Chips, Shenluo made a deal with their mother, I don’t know what will happen, if word gets out, their reputation will be lost。

Now, Charlotte Katakuri’s undefeated myth has been broken。

After all, we encountered an unimaginable enemy.。

Among everyone, he is the calm one. Compared with others who have various expressions on their faces, he is Gujing Wubo.。

Yesterday, Shenluo had already spoken to Auntie. They all knew it, but Shenluo did not tell them their location. If they did, it would be strange if Auntie didn’t step on the thunder clouds and Zeus came to kill them!

It is unimaginable how powerful Auntie is. Even as children, they are still afraid of Auntie. Auntie has always been moody and unpredictable. Even for her own blood relatives, she will not invest much emotionally.。

Sometimes, she will go crazy, have a mental disorder, destroy everything, and cause countless deaths and injuries.。

It is conceivable that the gods will go to war with their mother, the bigmom Charlotte Lingling who is the pirate emperor!

If Shen Luo can escape unscathed, then Shen Luo’s reputation will once again sweep the world!

ps: The writing is limited. Katakuri and Doflamingo are two very unique characters, but I can’t describe them. Especially Doflamingo, this complex villain is really full of characters. Charm, even ordinary authors can’t write about it. If the protagonist is absolutely a perfect protagonist, check the encyclopedia to find out more about it. You can also watch anime. In addition, I also like Golden Emperor.

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