"What! He really defeated Big Mom!"

At this time, Stussy, who was lurking in the Temptation Forest, was holding a Den Den Mushi in her hand.

And now, she was talking to the Five Elders.

Stussy:"It's hard for me to explain the details, but I was in the middle of it and witnessed this terrible battle with my own eyes. The degree of horror is unimaginable. It's simply a god!"

Stussy's tone could not hide the shock. Although half a day had passed, what happened not long ago was still vivid in her mind. It was terrible! She estimated that she would never forget it for the rest of her life!

Her eyes were looking at the sea ahead. The ship was only more than a hundred meters away from Cake Island, and Katakuri and the others had just left.

Now he was the only one in the Temptation Forest.

"Is he leaving Cake Island now?"

This is the voice of Old Man Jian.

Old Man with Short Hair:"Don't let him leave Cake Island! We can't tolerate such a terrible person to continue to appear in this world!"

"That's right!"

The other old men also said in unison. The light that Lord Yim wanted them to extinguish was Shenluo, and now it should be a very good time to kill Shenluo. They are very confident in Stussy's strength. Of course, it doesn't mean that Stussy can confront Shenluo head-on, but Stussy's strength is enough for her to carry out assassination.

The existence of the Four Emperors, coupled with the countless monsters outside the Four Emperors who want to replace them, the World Government strives for balance, so the Five Elders do not allow the fifth Pirate Emperor to appear in the New World to destroy such a balance. By then, it will be a situation they cannot control.

Assassination! At the best time!

That is now, while Stussy is here.

They are very confident in Stussy's ability and strength!


Stussy was astonished. If it was not long ago, she would still have confidence. After all, she had not experienced the terrifying power of Shenluo at that time. But since she witnessed the battle between Shenluo and Big Mom, Stussy had a sense of fear in her heart, and it was a strong sense of fear!

"That's right! Assassination, no one can do it better than you! Stussy, you can kill a person from one or two kilometers away. Even if you assassinate him now, even if you fail, you don't have to worry about yourself, right? He won't know it's you, and we believe you can escape!"

"That’s right!"

"However, Stusi, the result we want is a successful result!"

Old Man Jian:"Besides, he just finished fighting not long ago, he should be the most relaxed, and his physical strength should not have recovered yet. It is the most appropriate time to assassinate him!"

"Indeed! Stusi, you must seize this opportunity!"

The words of the Five Elders were full of commanding tone. They needed Stusi to succeed! They must succeed!

But Stusi was helpless. How could they, the old men, know the difficulty of this? Assassinating a pirate at the level of a Pirate Emperor?


However, this was the order from his superiors. Stusi knew that the existence of Shenluo had made the Holy Land Mary Joa uneasy. They could not tolerate Shenluo appearing in this world. He had touched the core interests of the Five Elders, just like Rocks back then. If Shenluo died, everything about him would be completely wiped out.

Shenluo must die!

Stusi hung up the phone. The Five Elders repeatedly emphasized that Shenluo must be destroyed!

Assassination is a very difficult job. The Pirate Emperors have all encountered it, but it would be strange if they could succeed!

"However, there is no way I can disobey this kind of order, otherwise, I might become a wanted person too!"

Although Stussy was helpless, she was in a position where she was obliged to obey the orders of the Five Elders and accept all arrangements from them!

Stussy put away the Den Den Mushi, and her gaze once again turned to the ship of Shen Luo.

Her eyes condensed and became very cold. She was in a serious state.

She stepped into the air with the Moon Step. As a woman in her forties, she didn't know how long she had practiced the Six Styles physical technique. She was a pure physical technique expert.

After a few decades, a waste can also become a genius.

She came to the air, looking down at the King of Shen Luo, which was two hundred meters away from the King.

One hundred meters, although the distance seems short, but in the air, with a height of three meters per floor, it is at least the height of sixty floors.

Stussy used the Moon Step to float in the air.

Her eyesight was very good, she looked at Shen Luo and saw clearly

"It's quite comfortable, Shenluo, but after all, people like you are still very young."

"However, your journey may be coming to an end!"

Stusi saw that at this time, the blue-haired woman was kneeling on the deck, and Shenluo was resting his head on her legs, and he was lying on the deck.

Is he sleeping?

Stusi couldn't see whether his eyes were open or closed, but it didn't matter. The important thing was that Shenluo should be defenseless now!

Yes! Defenseless!

Stusi made a gun shape with his right hand, with his index finger straightened, pointing at Shenluo.

What part? Of course not the upper body. Stusi couldn't guarantee that his physical defense might be very strong, so he couldn't kill with one shot, and he might even be discovered. What about the heart? It's also within the scope of physical defense. If! Even the physical defense can't be broken, let alone the cardiology department!

The head!

The head should be the easiest place to kill with one shot! Of course, you have to go to the upper part of the head. part, that is, the brain!

Stussy is going to use the flying finger gun. She is very confident in her flying finger gun. She can kill people even if it is one thousand meters away. Now it is only two hundred meters! It is even more convenient to kill a person!

Finger gun is one of the six styles, and Stussy has developed the finger gun to the point of external release, allowing a condensed force to shoot out like a real bullet, with a very terrible power.

So, this is why Stussy is confident.

At this time, her index finger was already aimed at Shenluo's head, the forehead!

He did not move, of course, he was not prepared!

A target that did not move, to hit the center, that is, the target, is easy!

However, how could Stussy know what would happen next?

Stussy aimed at her, although she was still nervous.

P.S.: I don't know if you like Stussy, an old woman of CP0, who looks very young. In the next chapter, Esdeath will torture her to death, mainly to demonstrate to the Five Elders.

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