ps: The ending of the previous chapter was modified, otherwise it would seem too abrupt.

"Kill you? That's too easy for you!"

Shenluo threw another stick at him, of course, he had to cover the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit. Whitebeard could attach the powerful power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit to his long sword, so he could do it too!

Kaido blocked with his mace, the atmosphere cracked, and the ground behind Kaido also collapsed.

""God Fall!"

Kaido roared, and a domineering domineering aura burst out, shaking away the surrounding gravel and all the floating dust.

"Kaido, how about you surrender to me?"

Shinroku's domineering aura also erupted, and then the two equally powerful domineering auras confronted each other. Since Shinroku himself became more powerful, his domineering aura also became stronger. Domineering aura is just courage.

"Terrible! Two domineering auras, I dare not approach the battle between Lord Kaido and Godfall!"

Jin's face was full of shock.

At this time, Quinn came over. He had just become Kaido's cushion and was smashed into the mine. He was completely crushed. He even vomited most of the food he had eaten in the afternoon. You can imagine Quinn's pain, especially now there is a strange taste in his throat.


"I wonder how long it will take?"

Kui wondered. For the people in this world, the top strong ones, it is difficult to defeat another person quickly without overwhelming strength.

"I didn't expect something so terrifying that could break Kaido's belly!"

Jin and the others have followed Kaido for so many years, and they have only seen it once, that was the time when Kozuki Oden invaded Wano Country.

In their sight, it was only far ahead, Kaido and Kamikaze had come out and were still fighting.

This fight continued until more than an hour later.

A large area of the original mining area was shattered, and the mine was completely shattered.

They saw Kamikaze smashing over with a stick, and Kaido also used a huge mace to meet it. How big was the mace? It was bigger than Kamikaze's body!

Every time the sticks collided, a piece of the ground was shattered. It was just the fluctuations caused by the collision of forces. You can imagine how terrifying the power they used was.

"Little boy, Wano Country is mine. You stepped into my territory just for my territory?"

Kaido used Wano Country to make weapons for him. In addition, the craftsmen of Wano Country are really terrible. The seastones all over the world are created by them, and the craftsmen of Wano Country can also process seastones into nails. Therefore, Kaido has set his sights on Wano Country. Shenlu wants to fight for Wano Country, just like he wants to rob Kaido's wife and daughter, although Kaido has no wife and daughter.

This is a simple metaphor. In short, Wano Country is very important to Kaido.

""Kaido, go back to your Onigashima. From today on, the island of Wano Country is mine! It belongs to me, Shenluo!"

Shenluo roared. Behind him, countless golden magic circles appeared. The dazzling golden light was so shocking.

Five hundred rounds!

The light made it difficult for Kaido to open his eyes.

Shenluo seized this opportunity, jumped directly into the air, and then chopped down Kaido's head with a stick.

Right on the top of the head!


Kaido was knocked to his knees by this stick. You can imagine how terrifying the power of Shenluo was! The ground suffered even more shocking shattering again, and it seemed that the entire island of Wano Country was shaken.

"Lord Kaido!"

Jin and the others exclaimed, and were about to go over to help.

At this time, a cold voice sounded

"You guys! Are you going to help?"

It was Esdeath.

As soon as she came up, an icicle rose from the ground! The sharp ice spikes brushed past the Flame Disaster Jin, and Jin just dodged it.

"The ability to freeze?"

Jin was surprised.

Esdeath didn't say anything, she slammed her palm on the ground, and countless ice spikes appeared instantly, crushing the Beasts Pirates at an astonishing speed. The Three Calamities and a few powerful members could naturally resist, but the others were directly crushed!

"Damn, this woman, don't underestimate her!"

Jin's previous guess was correct, Esdeath is quite powerful

"Is a woman such a monster?"

Quinn's cigarette butt fell down. When the ice spikes came over just now, they quickly retreated. Because they were fast enough, they were fine.

"I'll do it!"

Quinn punched the iceberg-like ice in front of him! A large piece of ice exploded on the spot.

"It's ordinary ice."

Quinn confirmed it.

He blasted away another group of ice, and at this time, an icicle that hit the wall rushed over. When Quinn opened the last piece of ice in front of him, this icicle came. Quinn didn't notice it for a moment, and was hit directly on his ball-like belly by the icicle!

Quinn was knocked away.


Jin shouted.

But he didn't realize that at this moment, a giant ice ball with a diameter of 20 meters fell from the sky.

Boom! All the members of the Beasts Pirates were hit by the ice ball and buried!


Esdeath complained

"However, this world is tougher than the life of a cockroach."

Sure enough, at this time, the ice ball moved again.

It was Jin who pried open the ice ball.

"You guys get out."

Jin lifted the ice ball, and he saw that some of his brothers had been crushed to death.

Jin was angry.

However, at this time, countless thunders fell from the sky.

The terrifying lightning came, and none of the lightning struck them, but there would always be one that would strike them.

This time, the drought was the first to be hit by Jack.


Jack roared. Lightning had offensive power. If Jack's body defense was not strong, he would have been torn to pieces. However, even if his body defense was strong, the lightning would still cause him physical pain.

"Damn, is this also his member? The ability of lightning, could it be the natural thunder fruit?"

Jin's face changed drastically.

"Even this ice ball can't withstand such lightning!"

Sure enough, the ice ball cracked, and then under the further impact of lightning, the ice ball exploded on the spot, and Jin and the others were completely exposed to the lightning.

They no longer had time to pay attention to Kaido.

""Accept the baptism of thunder and lightning!"

In the distance, Kalifa shouted. She was beautiful, but who would have thought that she had the terrifying ability to manipulate 200 million volts of thunder and lightning?

"I thought you didn't dare to come, girl with glasses!"

"You are the girl with glasses!"

Momotu also came. She looked at the amazing sea of thunder in the distance and felt her scalp tingling.

The woman who cooked on the boat used this ability!

The Thunder Fruit was given to Kalifa by Godfall. She was not originally a power user.

"This ability can be left to him."

"You are so nice to your family, Shenluo!"

Taotu smiled.

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