In the past, Shen Luo always thought that Kaido's headquarters was in Wano Country. After coming to Wano Country these days, he found that the headquarters of the Beasts Pirates was in the Wano Country waters, and Onigashima was in the Wano Country waters. Entering the inner sea of Wano Country from the sea below, Onigashima was in the inner sea of Wano Country. Onigashima

, an island that looks a bit like a skull, looks quite scary.

Shen Luo came to the coast due south from the Flower Capital, and flew to the south for a while before setting foot on Wano Country.

In the past two days, Onigashima has been under martial law because they were afraid that Shen Luo would come to Onigashima.

They pulled Kaido out of the sea in the early morning yesterday. Most of the Beasts Pirates are capable people, and many people cannot enter the sea.

Kaido fainted, and the sea water naturally had no side effects on him, otherwise he could not be called the strongest creature on land, sea and air.

What terrified the Beasts Pirates was that two terrifying blood holes appeared on Kaido's stomach! In addition, there was a knife wound from the right shoulder to the right and left waist! Even Kaido was about to be cut open! Although the three disasters knew that Kaido's belly was pierced, they didn't expect it to be so terrifying? And because of the sea water, and it was covered by mud and sand, a lot of mud and sea water mixture entered Kaido's body!


That boy actually has this ability. Kaido's suicidal behavior is known to the whole world. Even if he is attacked by the world's strongest man, Whitebeard, Kaido will still be fine! But Shenluo directly caused three bloody wounds on Kaido's body. Who can't be shocked? If the world knows about this, how sensational will it cause?

For a while, in the eyes of the three disasters, Shenluo became someone they can never offend.

So, they imposed martial law. They were afraid that Shenluo would come to Onigashima. You know, Shenluo was not injured at all that day. In fact, Shenluo was still injured, but he has the ability of super-speed regeneration, which is a passive skill of the life field. It is even more terrifying than Kaido's recovery ability. For example, if Kaido's injury is replaced by Shenluo now, Shenluo can recover within half an hour, but Kaido can't. Kaido may need two or three days.

Kaido is not dead, he just fainted, or fell asleep.

The Three Calamities didn't know that today, the God of War is coming, and he landed on the Island of Demons!

The group of brothers guarding the coast were almost scared to death. There is no doubt that the God of War has become the person they fear the most. Who wouldn't be afraid of the God of War after their boss Kaido was defeated? The Three Calamities are afraid, let alone them.

A younger brother quickly went to report the news.

When the Three Calamities heard it, they were also frightened and their faces changed drastically.

"He actually came!"

"What did he want to do in Onigashima? Damn it! He wanted to kill them all?"

"I will protect you even at the cost of my life!"

"Me too! Protect Lord Kaido!"

Then, Fire Disaster Jin was in front, Plague Disaster Quinn and Drought Disaster Jack were behind, followed by a large group of powerful younger brothers.

Jin's eyes were cold:"As long as he wants to make a move, we must repel this crazy guy this time! We are waiting for you on Ghost Island! We will not give up an inch!"

They came out, and facing them was Shenluo!

"Oh? Why are you mobilizing so many troops?"

Shenluo looked at Jin and the others. Behind him was a group of fainted minions of the Beasts Pirates, who were just stunned by the Conqueror's Haki that Shenluo used for five seconds.

Jin:"Do you want to fight?"

There were flames burning on his body, and he also exuded a powerful aura.

Quinn extinguished his cigar,"If you want to fight, we are not afraid of death!"

Shenluo:"I came here today with no ill intentions."

"No ill intentions? What's lying on the ground behind you?"

Jin pointed at the group of minions who had fainted behind Shen Luo. If Shen Luo had no ill intentions, why would they be lying on the ground? Yan Zai Jin and the others didn't believe it.

"No, they are a little annoying and want to surround me. If it were you, you would also be unhappy, right?"

Shen Luo said with a smile

"Really unhappy"

"What are you doing on Onigashima? You know, we have already withdrawn from Wano Country. Don't you want to completely expel the Beasts Pirates from the waters of Wano Country?"

Jin asked Shenluo. Onigashima is their foothold.

"I want to ask, do you have a devil fruit?"

"Devil Fruit?"

The Three Disasters were puzzled. Did Shenluo come here to get a devil fruit?

"Yes, I want one or two devil fruits, of course, if you have extra ones, you can give them to me, no matter what kind."

Jin looked back at Quinn and the others. They exchanged glances, and then spoke in a low voice, conveying information that Shenluo did not understand, although Shenluo was not interested in what they were communicating.

The Three Calamities and the others were communicating about nothing more than giving Shenluo devil fruits and letting him leave here. Now, Kaido is still sleeping, and the Beasts Pirates are undoubtedly a vulnerable group facing Shenluo. What's important now is not the devil fruit, but how to get rid of Shenluo!

Soon, Jin and the others finished communicating.

Jack the Drought Disaster left

"We only have two devil fruits, but they are useless parahuman devil fruits. We don't have any better ones."

Jin said coldly.

"That's fine."

Shenluo didn't care what kind of devil fruit it was, as long as it was a devil fruit.

Soon, Drought Jack came out, holding a small wooden box, of course, it was a small wooden box for his huge body.

Drought Jack opened the box and said,"Please take a look, sir, two devil fruits."

His attitude and tone were still very respectful.

"Is it an artificial devil fruit?"

Shen Luo asked, and the words artificial devil fruit instantly changed the faces of the Three Disasters.

This was a secret, how could he know anything? The Beasts Pirates are planning to build a Beast Legion, and it is still a secret. However, how could Shen Luo know such a secret? The two devil fruits that Drought Jack took out were indeed pure natural, not artificial.

Jin's eyes condensed, and he said seriously:"This is a real devil fruit. I have never heard of an artificial devil fruit."

"Then I'll take it."

Shen Luo took the box, and his right hand touched the two devil fruits one after another, and then the devil fruits disappeared.

Drought Jack also felt puzzled.

"I don't need the box anymore."

"Devil Fruit Received"

"By the way, can you please say hello to Kaido for me? I will go to see him when he gets better later."

Shenluo said with a smile, and was about to leave.

Jin frowned,"What are you going to do with Lord Kaido later?""

"Go to Marijoa."

Shenluo said calmly.

"Go to Marijoa?!"

These words carry a lot of weight, but Shenluo doesn't seem to take them seriously! Are the two pirate emperors going to Marijoa to tear their faces and go to war with the World Government?

Terrible! The Three Calamities are sweating, not to mention the little brothers behind them.

"Remember to tell Kaido, is Kaido dead?"

Shen Luo smiled.

"Lord Kaido is resting."

Quinn said. He did not say that Kaido was seriously injured and unconscious. This kind of words is very important. Different information conveyed will lead to different results. If they said that Kaido was seriously injured and unconscious, then Shenluo might start a war recklessly. Although this is just Quinn's imagination, it is important to speak carefully!

"Come on! Kaido will make it through!"

Shenluo said an encouraging word and left, flying away directly.

Kaido will make it through...

Jin and the others were angry and helpless

"Damn it! They bullied us!"

"That’s right!"

"How can he be so powerful? He is not even sixteen years old, and the bounty says he is fifteen!"

Everyone started talking. In the past, they were always arrogant and domineering. In the New World, they were never afraid. Even the navy didn't dare to touch them when they passed by! But now, they are being bullied by Shen Luo! Devil Fruits extend life! It is estimated that if they hadn't given Shen Luo the Devil Fruit just now, Shen Luo might have started a war.

"No one should approach the island of Wano recently!"

Jin gave a death order.

On the other side, Shen Kun returned to the Flower Capital very quickly. He went shopping by the way. As a man, Shen Luo had no interest in shopping, but he could still buy something for Taotu and the others. The

Flower Capital was still the same as before, after all, the new policy had not yet been issued.

Shen Luo's first step in transforming Wano was to change the clothing here, but it was not a mandatory change, but a propaganda-style one.

For example, women's clothing, the women here all wore the traditional Wano costume with a square bag on their backs.

Shen Luo asked Kozuki Hiyori to promote cheongsams, skirts and so on.

In addition, makeup did not need to be as heavy as usual.

Women love beauty, and using this action to release their charm and beauty will definitely cause a fashion trend, and then play a leading or subtle role.

��However, the clothes of the new world have not arrived yet.

As for Shenluo changing the traditions here, this is the territory he wants to develop, so it naturally cannot remain as it is now, lagging behind the world by dozens or hundreds of years.

Sticking to tradition will inevitably lead to backwardness.

"Buy something first"

"You can ask the Beasts Pirates to transport the goods, or contact Doflamingo"

"I want to build Wano Country into the most beautiful and prosperous super city in the world!"

"That’s it!"

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